An Ode to Obama: Give Up Fish (for Me)

A Guilt Trip for Obama
I sent a million emails
Cheering you on in every line.
I watched Will.I.Am's video
About a thousand times.

I stood strong against my parents
(Both McCain supporters).
I recruited my brother:
A first time and Obama voter.

I made inspirational cds,
Sending them to friends in every state.
I bought an Obama-sized cutout
And motored him 'cross the U.S.A.--
He was kicked out in Florida,
Photo-opped in Tennessee,
And adored by all in L.A.

Knowing you were a champ,
I customized a YES WE CAN stamp.

I posted on YouTube,
I read your news every day,
I wrote many rants,
I hoped and I prayed.

I listened to podcasts,
I read both your books.
I bragged about your smarts,
Your morality, your looks.

Alongside my countrymen
I watched you win in November--
Another time of such thrill
I can hardly remember.

I will stand in the crowd
When you are sworn Head of State.
I will be prouder than ever
On that splendid Tuesday.


With all that I've done
And all that I feel,
I was thinking we might
Strike up a deal.

You have a power
That transcends the Pope and Al Gore
You say "pound puppy"
And rescue memberships soar.

So, for me, dear Obama
I have just one, tiny wish:
Would you please, please, please
Swear off eating fish?


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