
I'm baaack. Well, thanks to free WiFi at Panera's, I was never really truly away. Thanks to Comcast, I was away longer than usual. In any case, although between waiting for Internet access, running errands, and doing some snowblowing last night, I didn't have time to do the usual epic substantive posts that I'm known (and either loved or hated) for. That's unfortunate, because it figures that when I go three or four days without any Internet access other than that I can manage to find by having lunch or getting coffee at a place with free WiFi, lots of things that I would have liked to…
I was sent an email notice from an Eric Kuhn to pass on my potentially interested readers about a CBS News in-depth report on the Antarctic. As follows: CBS JOURNEYS TO THE BOTTOM OF THE EARTH This Monday through Wednesday CBS Evening News reporter John Blackstone is taking a journey to the bottom of the earth, for an in-depth look at Antarctica. Check out the story we aired last night - Tuesday Blackstone will explore scientific factoids about Antarctica from ice bubbles that are samples of the earths ancient…
Here's the word, from Sheril at The Intersection - and the word is exciting! For months everyone has been asking us, when will there be an invitation sent to candidates...a date... a venue... Well it's finally happened! It's official. Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Barack Obama have been invited to ScienceDebate2008. The location? Philadelphia's Franklin Institute, named after one of our nation's greatest scientists (and greatest patriots). The date? April 18, days before the Pennsylvania Primary. We're so close to seeing this through and now more than ever, we need you're…
It has been difficult to get back into a regular rhythm of blogging after all the time off when I was dealing with stuff for my mom. I think all that took more of a toll on me than I realized. Although mom is doing great in her new place, and seems really happy, I've still felt overwhelmed and stressed (partly because caring for her finances has been no small task.) This all contributes to blogger's block, which I experience every now and then even without provocation. I have ideas for things I want to blog on, and one post in particular that I urgently need to do for my own conscience's…
February is turning out to be quite a great month at Scienceblogs! Welcome, welcome, welcome, Alice Pawley, now co-blogging with Sciencewoman! Alice "wants to be a feminist-but-tenured professor when she grows up". I say, why grow up? except for the tenured part. That will be nice. And may both you and Sciencewoman achieve it swiftly and easily! Alice waves hello here, and then gets right down to business here. I am looking forward to the evolution of this co-blogging experience. Also I'm curious what new name they'll pick for the blog. In the meantime, you may now double your…
I hate you, Comcast. I really do. My hatred of Comcast also explains the paucity of activity on this blog over the last few days. You see, over the weekend, I moved to a larger house, and I've had no Internet access other than Panera's or Starbucks for the last three days. Before that, I had lined up a couple of brief posts over the weekend, as well as a rerun for this morning in anticipation of being back up and running this afternoon. Instead, here I am in Panera's having a tasty lunch but also posting a brief rant and explanation composed right after my encounter with Comcast. I went from…
As you all know, Steve and I are merging blogs into the aptly-named 'Of Two Minds' blog. We're going live on March 1st, and since we have a lot of work to do to get it ready and pretty (new banners in the works!) I decided to go on blogging hiatus here a few weeks early. Plus, I'm heading to Phoenix next week to present research at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology meeting and will be there a week. So, the timing seemed right. Don't worry, I'll be posting a reminder as March 1st gets close so you can all update your links and join me at the new digs with Steve. Until then, check…
It's clear from the treacly ads that are clogging the airwaves that Valentine's Day is near. For those of us who tend to find Valentine's Day (and, even worse, that knockoff holiday Sweetest Day) annoying, it's a bad time of the year, particularly since in these parts February is the most depressing time of the year anyway. Fortunately, if you're a skeptic, another "holiday" of sorts falls on the very same date as Valentine's Day. Yes, it's yet another Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, that blog carnival for skepticism and critical thinking. This time around, appropriately enough for Valentine…
For anyone interested, I would like to share an email I just received: I just wanted to remind you that we're running a live chat today at 2:30pm eastern. with Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future On A Hotter Plane on His book is the basis of National Geographic's upcoming special Six Degrees Could Change The World. Who: Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future On A Hotter Planet. What: Exclusive Web Chat on When: February, 4th 2008 from 2:30-3:30pm Where:… - click this link to…
The contest to name that blog is closed, and Steve and I are perusing the many entries now. Stay tuned for the big announcement!
Hooray! Hooray! Green Gabbro joins Scienceblogs today! Welcome, Maria!
Just a quick reminder that Friday (tomorrow) is the last day to submit the potentially prize-winning entry to name the brand new blog that Steve and I are starting quite soon. Read more about the prizes here, and leave your ideas in the comments here or in the other post. Don't you want to receive some mail from me over-flowing with sciency goodness? Then name name NAME!
Ack! The new Skeptic's Circle is here! Yes, the 79th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has convened over at Podblack Blog, and it's another great collection of skeptical blogging. So why am I disturbed? I just realized that I've utterly failed in my organizer duties in that I totally forgot to submit one of my own posts to the Circle. The shame! Even worse, the Circle's just fine without me; if I hadn't pointed it out I doubt that anyone would have noticed that I hadn't submitted anything. So why point it out? Actually, in a way it's a very good thing. It just goes to show that the Skeptics'…
Three and a half months after Kevin Leitch announced that he was shutting down his most excellent blog, Left Brain/Right Brain, it appears that, thankfully, he's changed his mind. Appearing yesterday on the archives of his blog, Kev announced that his blog is open for business again. Join me in welcoming Kev back to the blogosphere. Head on over and leave a message. It's good to see that he decided not to let bastards like John Best silence him permanently.
My time here at Retrospectacle has been glorious, magnificent, awesome! However, I have decided to end things here and start a brand-spankin'-new blog (yes, here at ScienceBlogs) with Steve Higgins from Omnibrain as a co-blogger. I'm in my final grad year and felt that having a coblogger might relieve some of my time issues, as well as reinvigorate my love of science communication here. But, we need your help to name our new blog! We're holding a contest to Name That Blog, with the winner receiving a slew of recent science books, a subscription to SEED, and a host of other sciency prizes.…
Hooray! I have some new Sciblings! Drugmonkey and Physioprof are now co-blogging at Scienceblogs. Visit them here and tell them how happy you are they joined Sb. Check out this excellent post Science Pays: This brings today's discussion around to the topic of diversity in science, careers in science and a much under appreciated goal of "outreach" efforts. That's right people, we scientists are out there to get hold of your impressionable children and sway them into our "lifestyle"! And Physioprof has a new blog of his own, called, amazingly enough, Physioprof. With the delicious…
Winter has settled in well and good around these parts, maybe not as brutal as around P.Z.'s abode but bad enough. So what does one do on a cold, blustery day? If you're a skeptical blogger, you could whip up an example of your best stuff and submit it to the upcoming Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle on Thursday, January 31, this time around hosted at the Podblack Blog. Instructions for submitting and the deadline can be found here. Guidelines for posts can be found here. Then, whether you're a blogger or just a skeptic who appreciates good writing about skepticism, science, and claims that…
...because then I could attend Dr. David Colquhoun's lecture at the University of Toronto tomorrow. Dr. Colquhoun, for those not familiar with him, is the eminent pharmacologist with the name that is exceedingly difficult to remember how to spell who runs DC's Improbable Science, an excellent skeptical, scientific, and medical blog that routinely takes on dubious medical and scientific claims. A while back, his university (the University College of London) kicked his blog off its servers in response to complaints by disgruntled "alternative" therapists who did not like his science-based take…
In the mood for some great surgery blogging? Then head on over to the latest edition of SurgeXperiences over at Counting Sheep. While you're at it, head on over to the SurgeXperiences archive site and peruse past editions.
Karen Ventii has posted information about how to join our session online at the conference wiki. Here's the details: [The Gender and Race in Science Blogging] session will be broadcast LIVE on Saturday January 19 at 11am on Please tune in and participate online. Please note that you DO NOT have to register on Ustream to post comments. We look forward to hearing from you and reading your questions. Use the link above or copy and paste the address ( into your browser.