
Via Grrl. Your Linguistic Profile: 45% General American English 25% Yankee 20% Dixie 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Funny since my mother is a librarian... "March of the Librarians" is a spoof of sorts of the "March of the Penguins." Via Improbable Research Blog Watch out for that hipster librarian in the crowd! I also just ran across this at Bad Astronomy Blog: Good stuff!
Threadless is a great site where people submit shirt designs, and highly rated designs are printed and sold. Brilliant, beautiful shirts are readily available there. To their great credit, our Seed overlords have partnered with Threadless. Submit up to three designs on the theme "Science is Culture." The deadline is March 19. The winner gets a bucket full of cool toys. Submit your ideas, and be creative.
Today, the ACM announced the winner of the Turing award. For those who don't know, the Turing award is the greatest award in computer science - the CS equivalent of the Nobel prize, or the Fields medal. The winner: Fran Allen. The first woman ever to win the Turing award. And the first Turing award winner that I've personally known. Fran deserves it, and I'm absolutely overjoyed to see her getting the recognition she deserves. Among her many accomplishments, Fran helped design Fortran and create the worlds first optimizing compiler. One of my fondest memories of work is from 8 years ago…
YearlyKos is one of those great and cool ideas, a gathering of the Kossack hordes. They are gearing up for the neoconvention, and to fund it, they are selling "unConventional," an anthology of photographs and essays about progressivism, activism, and online communities. I'm setting aside some cash for a copy, and I hope you will too.
Apologies for being a day late on this. It's been a busy weekend, but things are settling down again. We start out with an open invitation from John B. of Blog Meridian. He'll be bringing some of his students up from Wichita to visit the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum on Saturday, March 3. He'll be hanging out at the Barnes & Noble on the Plaza around 3:30, and wants to meet you. Yes, you. Speaking of KC area goings-on, Emaw gives us a review of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Union Station. Bottom line: "If you can afford the price of admission without sacrificing your Friday night weed money, go…
Don't forget to send in your best Kansas blogging of the week. You can just leave a comment here, or email it to me if you like.
The always excellent Greg Beck explains what happened in his dreams.........every night: I might as well fess up and come clean with it. Some of you have probably already guessed it and the rest of you might as well hear the news from me instead of reading it in the stinkin tabloids. Warning. Foul, foul language may be present in any and all of Greg Beck's posts. If you have a delicate sensibility DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK! You have been warned.
Lots and lots and lots of snow (not quite upstate NY) but enough to close the university. Here's the view from my window. And here's what I'm doing about it ;)
Don't forget to submit to the next Kansas Guild of Bloggers. It's at Blog Meridian.
H/T Grrrrrrrrl. What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by
A 15-year-old girl was arrested for child pornography and child sexual abuse for posting pictures of herself online. Would it be statutory rape if she touched herself? Or would that fall under Romeo and Juliet laws?
Part thirteen The commentators are talking a lot about how brilliant the winning coach is, even though the game is not quite over.  Are there any lessons to be drawn from this game?  No.  Super Bowl games usually are not very good, and this one was no exception.  It was exceptionally sloppy, and there were other unusual things about it, but in the end, it is just another game.  Except for those who made a ton of money.  Tomorrow, we get the treat of all the Monday-morning quarterbacking, plus the annual ritual of talking about the new advertisements that premiered during the game. 
It is looking as though the Colts are going to win this one.  Another interception, this time with the Bears on the losing end.  You just can't win if you keep throwing things away.  Over the past hour or so, I put plastic over two windows, because I was throwing away heat.  The winter here has been uncharacteristically warm up until now, so I didn't bother with the usual insulation ritual.  But now it is 18 below zero (C). There has been a lot of atypical weather this year in the USA.  Global warming?  Could be, but it is very difficult to ascribe any single event to any single cause. …
Part ten.  I don't think I can keep this up.  Football is sometimes referred to as "the thinking man's game."  More like the "sleeping man's game."  Many football players end up with large necks, because of the kinds of exercises they do.  A neck size greater than or equal to 46cm (18 inches) leads to an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder.  I think the Colts are going to win this one, but I might not be able to stay awake to see it.  Colts made another false start.  I've lost count of how many times they've done that.  Probably cost them a touchdown.  Oh,…
Part seven.  Merifully, it is almost half time.  We're at the two minute warning.  Colts offense is getting in gear.  Can't wait until half time.  I hear Prince will be performing.  He promised to not have any wardrobe malfunctions.  I hope he's right.  Cripes, another fumble.  And another.  I bet that's the first time in Superbowl history that there have been two pairs of back-to-back fumbles.  And the odds  of that?  Almost as good as the odds of success in Iraq.
Part five comes at the start of the second quarter.  I am eating burritos made with soy, phytoestrogens be damned.  Half the beer is gone.  Started the game with 0.66 liters.  Now down to about 330ml.  Goes well with the capsaicin.  Finally seeing a decent bit of football.  Bears' defense is really the only part of the game that is going well. Egad, did I ever tell y'all how much I hate commercials.  Before the game, I was watching Howard Zinn on Book TV.  That was much more interesting, and there were no commercials.  He was talking about the dearth of civil disobedience and the ill…
Author realizes he overwrote pt 2 with pt 3.  Part 2 is lost forever.  Wow.  That is more interesting than the game has been so far.  I've eaten all the guacamole.  There was too much garlic in it.  Oh, the game.  Another fumble.  That makes what, three fumbles and one interception, and the first quarter is not even over yet.  After the fumble, Colts try a pass and it is almost intercepted.
Author getting bored.  Turn attention to menu.  Eating fresh guacamole from Arbor Farms, drinking Pilner Urquell, from Plzen Czech.  Some people claim that it is the original pilsner, and that it is the best beer in the world.  Could be.  Oh, the score is 7 to 6, and the Colts just recovered a fumble, then a moment later, Urlacher of the Bears recovers another fumble.  I was hoping to see some good football, but so far it is a Cirque des Erreurs .
I am not convinced it is the truth that "Gin is better than whiskey." I truly cannot stand the stuff. Whiskey, however, is often excellent. But in the USA, the only truth is that gin and whiskey are horrible until your 21st birthday, after which they are no big deal.