
At World Wide Webers.
It's been a while since I did one of these: "Crush On You" by Bruce Springsteen from the album The River (1980, 3:11). "Carrot Juice Is Murder" by The Arrogant Worms from the album Gift Wrapped, The Best of the Arrogant Worms (2002, 3:29). "Might" by Modest Mouse from the album This is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About (1997, 1:31). "Fooled Again (I Don't Like It)" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers from the album Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (1976, 3:51). "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd from the album Dark Side Of The Moon (1973, 3:50). "Vegetable" by Radiohead…
I love Threadless, I love Seed magazine, and apparently, Seed loves Threadless. We're all a big happy family. Threadless, for those of you out of the loop, is a website where users can post t-shirt designs, other users can rate the designs, and they print and sell the top-rated shirts. Our overlords at the Seed Global Command Center sponsored a design competition with Threadless for shirts based on the Seed motto: "Science is culture." Congratulations to the designer, Budi Satria Kwan, and to anyone who buys a shirt.
The computer I usually blog from is having technical issues, so TfK is going to be intermittent for a little while while I sort things out.
J.D. started blogging 5 years ago yesterday. Go wish him many happy returns. For those keeping track, TfK will turn three years old on August 4, and will celebrate our anniversary at Scienceblogs on August 20.
I used to read computer magazines a lot.  I would chuckle when I picked up a copy of PC Magazine, or whatever, and it had, it large red type: XXX releases the Fastest Desktop Ever!!!  Next month someone else would be making the Fastest Laptop Ever!!! What, you think they are going to start making them slower? Now: Bush job rating hits record low in NBC/WSJ poll Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:51PM EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's approval rating has dropped to 29 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday, his lowest mark ever in that survey, which…
HT to href="">Mr. Maynard for pointing this out.  (He also pointed out the Corner Brewery, which is an even more remarkable invention.) The creator is rel="tag">Theo Jansen: face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Theo Jansen, artist, studied science at the University of Delft Holland. The first seven years being a artist he just made paintings. Then he starts a project with a big flying saucer, which could really fly. It flew over the town of Delft in 1980 and brought the people in the street and the police in commotion.…
Peg Britton has been blogging about Kansas for 5 years. She estimates that she's the oldest daily blogger in blogtopia (as skippy calls it), and I believe her blog would be the longest-running political blog in Kansas (by six days).
The Kansas Guild of Bloggers will gather at Paul's place this week.
South Lawrence noise just the sound of gas being released.
Just so I'm clear, what role does the Spanish Civil War play in Pan's Labyrinth? Is there a deep allegorical link, or could an American version set in Bloody Kansas have worked equally well? A woman and her daughter have married Quantrill or some other border ruffian, but their farmhands are secretly Free Staters. The girl finds fairies in a corn maze. The Wizard of Oz meets Cold Mountain. To be clear, the issue here is whether there are subtleties of the Spanish Civil War, its cultural relevance in modern Spain, and the importance of aspects of the Spanish Civil War that non-Spaniards…
So today's my thirteenth wedding anniversary. And what did my lovely wife buy me as a present? Yes, a Klein bottle coffee mug. Does she know me well, or what?
These kinds of images were making the rounds a couple of years ago. Kind of cute.  But now, at least a few people in Vermont are taking it seriously: href="">Vermont secessionist movement gains support Tuesday, June 5, 2007 MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small cadre of writers and academics in Vermont want the state to secede from the United States. The secessionists hope to put the question before citizens in March. Eventually, they want to…
The only actual submission to this week's carnival of Kansas blogging comes from emaw, who has found more creepy crawlies – a spider he has some interesting ideas about: Given the radon levels in our basement, this quite possibly could be the kind of radio active spider that gave Spiderman his powers. How cool would it be to go to work the next day fit and trim and casting webs all over the joint. Visit emaw's to find out whether it worked, and click through here to find out what else is going on in Kansas. Elsewhere, ...JustCara considers the soon-to-be female police officer in Kansas City.…
Mousie Cat points out that you can finally vote for the Eight Wonders of Kansas. It may be cheap promotional tourist nonsense, and you have to give them your email address, but it's still a nice look at what makes Kansas unique. I don't know why L. L. Dyche's diorama in KU's Natural History Museum didn't make the cut, but the other selections are pretty good. My votes: Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve & the Flint Hills: An astounding part of the natural and cultural heritage of Kansas and the nation. Monument Rocks and Castle Rock: To my mind, less culturally significant, but an…
Here's what PsyBlog has to say about Omni Brain: Best humorous (but still scientific) psychology blog The danger with mixing science and humour is slipping into the 'geek trap' where clever people try to be too clever. Omni Brain easily avoids this. Funky finger pictures on this post about sexual orientation and finger length. Just to let you guys know... the only way we avoid being too clever is by not actually being very clever ;) haha... Thanks for the props! Check out the rest of their psychology blog reviews (which are great!) here. Oh, and the beanie baby Freud doesn't have anything…
Via Peg Britton, we learn that this Sunday you too could enjoy the Annual Testicle Festival at Al's Bar and Grill in Wilson, KS (right off I-70): For $20.00 you can have all you want to eat from the buffet of Rocky Mountain oysters, fried fish, salads, French fries, beer and music. It starts at noon and goes until they run out of food. Now…that’s something to do in Wilson. Does Al have the balls to pull this off, or is he just nuts? Speculate in the comments.
My father died on sunday. To some degree, I'm still in shock. Even though we knew it was coming, when something like this happens, no amount of preparation really helps. He'd been sick with an antibiotic resistant infection since November, and on thursday, refused to let them give him a feeding tube. So we really knew, almost to the day, when he was going to die. And yet, when it finally happened, it was still a shock. We buried him yesterday. I didn't speak at the funeral, because I couldn't. Every time I try to talk about him, my voice just shuts down. But my fingers don't. So if you'll…
Apologies for the long absence, I've had some personal issues and a period of a lot of work to contend with. Back to regular bloggery shortly.
Hi Everyone, I'm off for my three day drive to San Francisco this morning so probably won't be posting much in the next week or so. I'm planning on a trip to the Exploratorium sometime next week so if anyone would like to meet up with us feel free to shoot me an email! (