
Smack in the middle of the alphabet! Let me know what's missing from this list... The Magic School Bus (archives) Magnificent Frigatebird The Mahablog Maisie's World Majikthise Making Light Mano Singham's Web Journal Marginal Revolution Marko Grujic Martini Republic Maryannaville Material World Mathemagenic Matthew Yglesias Matt Hill Comer Matt's Academic Blog - Do mice have STD's? MaxSpeak, You Listen! Meanwhile, back at the ranch Media Matters for America Mediblogopathy Medvet's blog MeMo Mendel's Garden Mental Nurse Methagora Michael Bérube MicrobiologyBytes Microblogology Microecos…
Any more blogs starting with 'L' that you know of? Lab Cat latest articles Lamentations on Chemistry Lance Mannion The Lancelet Language Log The Last Dutchess Law Evolution Science and Junk Science Lawyers, Guns and Money Learning Curves The Left Coaster Legal Fiction Leiter Reports The Liberal Coalition The Library Lady Rants Library Stuff Life Science Linkmeister The Lippard Blog Littlebear Holler Little Green Fascists The Little Professor Live-Awake Live Granades Living the Scientific Life (old) Living the Scientific Life (new) Livin' Large Lloydletta's Nooz and Comments Local…
It appears that the letter K is a niche that still has ample remaining space for new enterprenurial souls... Keats' telescope Kele's Journey Kill The Afterlife King of Zembla Kiss & Blog Kleinschmidt 2005 Kottke The Krafty Librarian Kung Fu Monkey Previously (and please you can add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-mail notifications so I will get the message): Number/Symbol A B C D E F G H I J
Here's another letter for you: The japing ape Jenny D Jesus' General jill/txt Joe Bageant John Hawks Anthropology Weblog John Quiggin Jonstraveladventures Jon Swift Journal of the Plague Year Josh Steiger The J Train Just a Bump in the Beltway Just Noticeable Differences Check the previous letters of the alphabet (I have just updated most of them) and please add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-mail notifications so I will get the message): Number/Symbol A B C D E F G H I
Is this useful to you? It is useful to me, for sure, as my blogroll is in a bad need of updating. By doing this, I get to clean-up my Bloglines, update the feeds on blogs that have moved, delete dead blogs, revisit some old friends I have not read in a while, and add new blogs that you suggest in the comments. But it it useful for you? Have you discovered, checking my blogrolling posts, any blogs new to you that you really liked and decided to bookmark/blogroll/subscribe for yourself? I And The Bird I Blame The Patriarchy I Cite I got bugs I Love Dinosaurs I Slept Great! Iceberg Renovation…
As always, check the list and see if anything is wrong or missing: Hairy Museum of Natural History The Half Decent Pharmaceutical Chemistry Blog Halfway There Harper Valley Happening-here? Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness Head in a Cloud Head Nurse Heaven is not the sky Hellbound Alleee Helmintholog Henry's Webiocosm Blog Highly Allochthonous History Carnival Hogg's Blog The Homely Scientist Homunculus Horganism (Discover Magazine) Hot Cup of Joe How Did I Get Here Hpb etc.(Rob Skipper) Hugo Schwyzer (old) Hugo Schwyzer (new) Hullabaloo Humans in Science HUNBlogs…
Let's keep moving down the alphabet. Let me know what is missing from this list... Galactic Interactions The Geek Counterpoint Gene Expression Genesalive - another science blog Genetics and Health The Geomblog German Joys Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Bloggin' Getting Real (Over Coffee) Getting Things Done in Academia Gingerivers Girl with a one-track mind Girl in the Locker Room! Give Up Blog Global Voices Online Glorfindel of Gondolin The Glory of Carniola GNIF Brain Blogger God is for Suckers! Good Math, Bad Math (old) Good Math, Bad Math (new) Graduate Students Grand Rounds Gray Falcon…
As always, let me know in the comments if I missed a good blog... Fact-esque Faded Flowers Fafblog Fanatical Apathy Father Dan Faux Real Tho! FemaleCSGradStudent FemaleScienceProfessor Feministe Feministing Feminist Law Professors Feral Scholar Festival of the Trees Fetch me my axe Fido the Yak Fighting For Science Firedoglake First Draft Five Wells Flags and Lollipops - Bioinformatics Blog Flea The force that through... Foreign Dispatches Four Stone Hearth Frameshop Framing Science Freakonomics Friday Ark Friendly Atheist FrinkTank Frogs and Ravens The Frontal Cortex Fully Myelinated…
Continuing down the alphabet, under the fold. Please add suggestions in the comments. The Early Days of a Better Nation Early Modern Notes Easily Distracted East Ethnia Easternblot The eBay atheist ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES Eco-Chick Ed Cone Edge The Education Wonks Educe Me Effect Measure (old) Effect Measure (new) Egg - like a bird's egg Ego syntonic Eide Neurolearning Blog Element List El Gentraso Emergiblog Emerging Technology Trends Encephalon Endangered Ugly Things The Endless Frontier Entomologista Environmental Action Epidemiologic Inquiry Epigenetics News Ernie's 3D Pancakes ESA News…
Here (below the fold) are some blogs whose titles start with D. As always, let me know if I am missing an important/good blog, or if yours starts with D (or one of the previous letters), or if you have any questions (e.g., why on Earth did I include that horrible blog you hate!).... DailyKos - Darksyde Diaries DailyKos - My Diaries The Daily Transcript (old) The Daily Transcript (new) Damn Data - Cabinet of Wonders Dangerous Intersection Daniel's News & Views The Dark Wraith Forums Darren Naish: Tetrapod Zoology Darwinian Conservatism by Larry Arnhart Daveawayfromhome David Brainerd's…
You may have noticed that the posting lately has been reduced mainly to quick links and reposts. I've been busy (in a good way). I will try to produce something longer soon. The review of The God Delusion is forming in my mind and just needs to be spilled onto the virtual paper - perhaps some time next week. And a few more posts are in a similar semi-baked state. Soon. In the meantime, if you have a couple of bucks go see Grrrl and hit her PayPal button. I am broke, but she is more broke and in much more dire situation and if you can help her, please do.
Here are some blogs with titles that start with the letter C. Am I missing a good one? Yours? Let me know in the comments. Also check (now updated) blogs that start with: Number/Symbol A B Calamus Canadian Cynic The Cape Fear Mercury Captivated by Mandie Carbon-based Curiosities Caridina japonica - breeding Vol.1 Carolina Blog Consultants Carnivalesque Carnival of Bad History Carnival of the Balkans Carnival Of Education Carnival Of The Godless Carnival of the Green Carnival of the Liberals Carotids The Carpetbagger Report Carrboro Commons Cat Daddy and Dr. Squeeky Caveat…
Here are some blogs that start with B: B92 Blogs B and B Back To The Woom Backreaction Bad Astronomy Blog Badscience Badtux the snarky penguin Balancing life Balkan Baby Balkan Brother Balkanismus Balkanology Blog Balkan Express Balkan Outlooks Balkinization Barbados Butterfly Bark Bark Woof Woof Bartholomew Cubbins on RNA Battlepanda Beautiful Biology: Ramblings of a Science Teacher Bee Policy Beep! Beep! It's me Belgrade 2.0 blog Belgrade and Beyond Bellaciao Ben Cruachan Blog Benjamin Solah Benny's World Beta Rhythm (Music of the mind) Beth's Myeoloma blog Betsy Devine: Funny Ha-Ha or…
Below the fold are blogs with titles that start with the letter 'A'. Any glaring omissions? Anything worthy checking out? Is YOUR blog starting with this letter? A Babe In the Universe A Blog Around The Clock A Bomb A Nation About: Sleep Disorders A Change in the Wind A chorus for raucous souls A Concerned Scientist A Few Things Ill Considered A Fistful of Euros A Gentleman's C A History of Histrionics a k8, a cat, a mission A Nerd's Country Journal A New York Escorts Confessions A Photon in the Darkness A Pixelated Mind A Rational Being A scientist's life A Shrewdness of Apes A Somewhat…
My Bloglines feeds are functioning again, so it's time for me to start updating my blogroll, as the one linked on the sidebar is woefully out of date. What I am going to do is post here the blogs I have, one letter at the time, more-or-less one letter a day or whatever time I manage to find to do this. Today, here are the blogs I subscribe to that have titles that begin with numbers (or symbols): 0xDE 10000 birds 11D 2 cents worth 2 sides 2 ron 3 Bulls 3 quarks daily 5/17 511 90% True What I want you to do (after checking the blogs I link to) is give me links to other blogs starting with…
2000 comments on this blog (2002 actually). Unfortunately, I did not pay attention, so I made the round-number comment myself. So I get the prize (whatever it was).
I missed it when it happened, but this post was my 1000th since the move to Seed. My average is 8.2 posts per day. How about you? Fortunately, MovableType has the ability to schedule posts for future publishing. Thus, I usually write a bunch of posts at night (it may take an hour or two to write 5-10 posts) and schedule them to show up during the next day (every 30 or 60 minutes until I run out of posts). The longer, more involved posts are usually written during the weekend but appear during the workday mornings. Thus, there is an appearance that I am constantly online while I am…
I am not dead and gone, taken away in the middle of the night (yet). I am just working on two carnivals - Tar Heel Tavern and the Teaching Carnival, both of which will air somewhere around here at some time tomorrow.
Sorry - I had no internet today since 9am. All the posts were pre-scheduled for automatic posting. Some money came in after midnight so I paid the bill but am too tired right now to post anything (and have too much e-mail and stuff to go through). In the meantime, I did a LOT on my Dissertation so that is a good thing. Will be back tomorrow.... In the meantime, check out: New Carnival of Education is up on Get On The Bus Grand Rounds, Volume 2, Number 50 is up on Clinical cases and Images Carnival of Homeschooling Week 36: Labor Day is up on Why Homeschool.
So, the buzz on ScienceBlogs today is science blogger hot or not. It cracks me up that a few people have mentioned me and thanks y'all, but I was always more comfortable with my identity as a quiz bowl nerd anyway (and apparently a picture on technorati was the inclusion criteria, which I never bothered with). Plus, I hear Shelley weilds a mean scepter... And just an FYI...heading to a three-day conference on virulence mechanisms in bacterial pathogens tomorrow and have grant deadlines next week (in addition to teaching duties), so science-heavy posting will likely be sparse until later in…