
...will return to blogging once I get out of bed....
The Blogging Curmudgeon Scooter's Blog Eye On Science Spewing Truth in the face of Lies Interrogating Nature My Spleen and Welcome to It Say it Better Sequitur
There are now 59 blogs on Seed Scienceblogs network - that is a lot of stuff to read! You may choose to start your day on the Last 24 Hours aggregator (that's what I do), or you may subscribe to the entire RSS feed for the whole site, or you may have just picked the feeds for a few of the blogs you particularly like. Now you have another option - the super-special exclusive Scienceblogs Select feed! Each one of us occasionally (the agreed frequency, I believe, is an average of three posts per week) tags a particularly good post to be included in this feed. Of course, each one of us has…
So, I'm back from AAAS, and starting to catch up on everything. The conference flew by, and I still have a few posts in the wings on the evolution symposium that took place on Friday, as well as some other tidbits from sessions I attended. Overall, I thought the conference was very good from a networking perspective. In addition to those I already mentioned (Janet, John, and Jeremy), I also ran into Chris Mooney and Ewen Callaway at a reception Saturday night, and met up with Eugenie Scott and several other NCSE folks during various sessions (more on that in the aforemetioned upcoming…
Pro-science Dammit Jim! Tick Tock Talk: The IQ brain clock Rosio Pavoris Nove biologije Glive Mockingbird's Medley Once Upon a Time... Paperwight's Fair Shot
So, I'm here in San Francisco at AAAS, and have had the pleasure of hanging out with Janet (who I met previously), John, and Jeremy (who I'd not). I'll hopefully have a post up tomorrow on the session I just got out of, discussing evolution education and grassroots activism. It's been a lot of fun so far (and educational, of course!)
Mercury Rising Blog of the Gods Indexed Bird Advocates Birdfreak's Birding Blog Drifting Through The Grift Chikpea science Deep Thoughts Science, AntiScience and Geology Anomalous Data Lord J-Bar For Democracy, Not Theocracy Drunken Tune J-Walk Blog Educated Eclectic Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets-For the Love of Ocean Dirty John Bonny Under These Rocks and Slime BiblioSquirrel Growth Rate n lg n
I'll try to get the third installment on normal flora "basics" up tomorrow, before I spend Wednesday at Darwin Day events here in Iowa City and then the next few days at AAAS in San Francisco. In the meantime, in case you've not come across it yet, John Wilkins has been keeping an updated list of "Basics" posts here; new and notable for readers here include Shelley's post on prions and Jeremy's on ecology.
OK, I have a huge sleep debt to pay back this weekend after a long, tough week of sleep deprivation. I taught my lab this morning which is always exhilarating yet exhausting. Today is always a sad day - this is the fourth anniversary of my Dad's death. I'll have a sip of slivovitz before bed in his honor and memory. Regular programming will return whenever I recover, likely by Monday.....
Do You Mind? Introspection of a Struggling Mad Scientist Forensic Science Blog Seeds Aside Nature Woman Mon@rch's Nature Blog Coffee & Conservation 75 degrees South Dogwood Alliance North Carolina Sierra Club I Love Colonoscopies
I don't know why the big boys are purging their blogrolls. I prefer to grow mine: Spheroid A Geocentric View Drawing The Motmot (classic archives) Drawing The Motmot (current) The Easthom Page Harter Learning Jim Buie's blog An Online Communities Blog Robots Will Take Over!
Natural History Artworks Primordial Blog Salutor Framed Welcome To DigitalKaos The Contemplative Nuthatch Commonground Jonstraveladventures Positive Psychology Blog Strange Loops
Scientia Natura: Evolution And Rationality Blogfish Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog 1Third Live-awake Weblog Eco-Chick A History of Histrionics Scaryduck The Beagle Project Blog Slow Down Now Blackprof Eyeteeth The Southern Fried Skeptic Spewing Truth in the face of lies Insufficiently advanced CUTE THINGS FALLING ASLEEP Snoozester
Since Katrina... Women in Science She's Such A Geek Street Anatomy Tangled Up In Blue Guy Common Ills Sasa Radojcic KoBSON
My SciBling John Wilkins is regularly updating the list of 'Basic Terms and Concepts' posts (which you should check dilligently every day!), at least until a more permanent repository is made. Today, he included my Lecture #13 on Current Biological Diversity on the list, though my reposting of it was a part of my regular Thursday noon series of educational posts, not intended specifically to be picked up for the 'Basics' series (though I believe it belongs there). On one hand, I feel silly to repost stuff that I just reposted a month or two ago (moving it from the old blogs to the new one…
The Barcode Blog My Biotech Life The Happy Tortoise A Natural Scientist Greg Laden Gaddeswarup's blog Balyblab
Since I'll be in transit much of the day today, it may take longer than usual for your comments to appear. Imagine yourself in solidarity with me in a line at an airport. In the meantime, here's who's on notice:
So, RPM, Razib and Chris are promoting the idea of Just Science, meaning that from Monday, February 5, till the end of Sunday, February 11, we should write only about science itself, and not about pseudoscience, quackery, religion, politics of science etc. This is my 1864th post on this blog. Out of that, there are perhaps 4-5 debunking some kind of Creationism, and 4-5 debunking some other pseudoscience. A drop in the ocean! There is a little bit more politics (but usually not of science), and several posts on religion/atheism. Everything else is either science or "chatter", i.e., links…
Since the Big Announcement is slowly drifting down the page, I placed a picture of the book on my left sidebar - just click on it!
As Chad mentioned, in our super-triple-secret Scienceblogs hidey hole, we've been kicking around the idea of writing posts on some basic concepts in our respective fields of expertise. However, after studying this stuff for years and years and years, it's not always easy for us (well, OK, for me at least) to figure out what "basic concepts" would be interesting and useful to discuss here. I've written a bit previously on the difference between "infectious" and "contagious" disease, for example, but I can get much more basic than that. From those of you who commented here (and thank you for…