
...or was it? I'm pretty sure it was. The dream needed a little bit more of a zingy ending, though, like waking up and finding Bobby Ewing still alive or finding out that everything that happened at the hospital was the fantasy of an autistic boy. Or something like that
Jesse Springer of Eugene, Oregon is the new Union of Concerned Scientists Science Idol His entry was our pick as well: Established last year, UCS's "Science Idol" is an annual editorial cartoon contest on the theme of science integrity. Last year's winning cartoon is here. Check out all of this year's finalists.
The journal Nature has an interview with Al Jean, executive producer of The Simpsons, specifically on the use of science and math as sources of humor in the show. (But we know the truth: The Simpsons movie is about to come out, and Nature is selling out. They even ask at the end what they can do to get a reference to their journal in an episode.*) You can read the whole thing — they've made it publicly accessible — but I have to quote their stereotype of a scientist. But we make fun of everything, so if a scientist appears on the show we make fun of them too. Generally our depiction of…
This photo of a very interesting book is obviously fake, since there are no pictures of cats on it.
tags: nuke Iran, humor, Jon Stewart, streaming video This video nearly got me thrown out of the library because I was laughing so much -- and to think that we were a sixth rectal polyp away from World War III! [3:06].
tags: squirrel, spy ring, espionage, Iran, weird news, humor Image: Freaking News. In one of the more amazing stories I've read, it was recently reported that Iranian police jailed 14 squirrels -- for spying. Yes, you read that right; spying. It seems that the fluffy rodents, who weigh approximately a pound-and-a-half each, were hanging around near the Iranian border, equipped with eavesdropping devices. "I have heard about it, but I do not have precise information," replied the national police chief when asked to confirm the story. Allegedly, the furry animals were equipped with modern…
So, I finally have access to the internet. For the past few days I've been either in London, on planes, trains or in Exeter, where I am now for the ISHPSSB biennial conference of philosophers and historians (and some sociologists) of science. In London I walked myself silly (getting the worst blister I have had since I was a teenager back in the late Pliocene), visiting, among other things, Jim Mallet at the University College London. This was where the Galton Lab was, which means it's where Pearson Fisher, Haldane and various others worked. For those who do not know, these are Great Names…
Not content with his recent exploits in human experimentation and cavorting with Plosites in San Francisco, Professor Steve Steve jetted across the country once again, last week, hitting both both Blacksburg, VA and Seattle, WA, and creating pandemonium wherever he went. And raising the question - how does he get back and forth across the coast so quickly? Will you find out below? Will you ever find out? Who knows what you'll find out when you see- oh no! what's he doing? Steve! You'll get sunburned! Noooooooo! Steve! Not in front of photographers! Professor Steve Steve bears it…
tags: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, humor, streaming video This is what the A train looks like when I ride it;
It's raining cats and genomes: Heh.
Creationism is only the beginning. Kansas is showing us a whole new way of thinking about everything on the curriculum.
Music & Life: An Alan Watts Animation by Trey Parker and Matt Stone
$4240.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
tags: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, books A reader sent a link to this cartoon that you might enjoy. Image: source [larger]. Anyway, I know that the < sarcasm alert > entire blogosphere has been deeply deeply concerned whether I finally located a copy of the last Harry Potter book, and whether I had to sell my first-born parrot to get it < / sarcasm alert >, so I will let you know that I am 300 pages into the book, that I am reading this one slowly, savoring it, because it is the last time I will be able to peek in to Harry's, Hermione's and Ron's lives. This book is…
I'm not sure whether this is reassuring or depressing. $3590.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online Dating Mingle2 - Free Online Dating much is your cadaver worth? (Found via Attuworld.)
It must be funny pages day today—Doonesbury also gives us a good one that raises a good question about blastocysts. I wish somebody could give a nice, coherent, sensible explanation of the reasoning on this one. We've got swarms of people — including good Christian people who want to be parents — going to fertility clinics and getting gametes extracted and put into a dish; this is considered, presumably a good thing by people who value procreation. These gametes are brought together to produce lots of zygotes, that in a typical fashion, begin their program of development and become…
Yesterday, it was a personality quiz. Today, other ScienceBloggers have been assimilated into the LOL Cat craze. Given that I've had a tangential brush with the craze myself in the past when I posted a bunch of LOL Doctor Whos, and because last week was sufficiently serious, with all the posts about secondhand smoke and DCA, I figure, why not? I'll see which LOL Cat I am too. My only resistance to assimilation is that I'm doing the test on Sunday, rather than "Caturday": Your Score : Serious Cat 30% Affectionate, 30% Excitable, 53% Hungry Hungry for knowledge in any internet…
Today's Non Sequitur gives me a line I'll have to remember: "victimizing people with reason." No wonder people get peevish with me…I'm just a thug for rationality.
You knew it had to happen: a LOLcatz internet quiz. Your Score : 7331 Cat 50% Affectionate, 53% Excitable, 57% Hungry Lolzergs have nothing on you. You are swift and ruthless, cutting down whatever and whomever necessary in order to obtain the foodz. As one of the first lolcat known to man, your ancient skills in location-declaration and object-verbing have been passed down several generations, keeping the spirit of felinity alive. To see all possible results, checka dis. Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku