
tags: Harry Potter, satire, streaming video If you have just returned from seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I think you'll enjoy this streaming Harry Potter movie spoof as a visual apéritif. (Well, okay, I thought it was funny) [5:21]
Professor Steve Steve, how could you? He will be going into rehab, and promises never to do it again. (via Zeno)
tags: Harry Potter, Simpsons spoof, streaming video Since we have been playing with making our own Simpsons avatars here on SB, I thought you all might enjoy seeing the Simpsons Hallowe'en Spoof of Harry Potter -- this is hilarious, especially for you HP fans! I have been sitting here in the library watching it, wondering if they are going to throw me out because I am laughing so much. (in honor of today's movie release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) My favorite line? HEY!! We stayed for your kids! [6:55]
Mmmmmm. Squid pie. With sprinkles!
Near the Dordogne River, Southwest France, 14,207 B.C. - The inhabitants of a new settlement along the river have become ill. Several months ago they settled near the present-day village of Montignac after a long hegira to free themselves from the cold, not to mention the amateurish musical concerts of their erstwhile residence in the peninsula now called Denmark. While initially enjoying the more temperate climate of ancient Gaul, they now suffer from failing health. Many of the adults are too weak to collect the roots and fruits that form the staple of their diet. Their children are…
Some of you may noticed that someone on scienceblogs is going out of their way to say untrue things about me … it's a transparent ploy to get me to link to them, I think, and an attempt to ruin my reputation. It's not going to work, I tell you. No links! I'm not going to reward them with my attention! Don't believe a word they say!
tags: humor, cat, Captain Kirk, Star Trek
I can't possibly be the only one to have noticed the similarity. Leave it to the Republicans to consider nominating a thuggish, evil alien to run the country.
I'm excited to announce that I've been named an associate editor for a new high profile journal, Chocolate Pudding Letters Review. Read below for our first call for papers: CALL FOR PAPERS! We are now accepting papers for the 1st issue of CPLR! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Leading scientists anticipate that CPLR will become the premier outlet for major breakthroughs in the study of chocolate pudding (CP) and other viscous edible creations (VECs). Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, 1) theoretical reviews, 2) empirical works, 3) recipes, 4) novel…
No, really, it is. And although I followed the Identikit procedures exactly, I'm sure anyone who has met me will say I look nothing like this guy:
Proving, contrary to the father's comments in the story, that it really is the dark ages, an Australian Catholic Church school has banned (and since rescinded) a child whose surname is "Hell". In German, "hell" means "light" or "bright". Mr Hell, of Austrian heritage, says the name means light or bright in German. "It's 2007, not 1407, it's not the Dark Ages," he said. The dark ages is much earlier than that, usually running from around 500CE to 1000CE. The 15th century was the time of the rebirth of classical learning with the translation of Aristotle's works and many Arabic works of…
click! I've also always wondered if those creationists who deny the power of chance think that victory or defeat in the church bingo games are predestined.
My office mate claims this doesn't really look like me - but meh.. it's close enough. I've challenged her to do a better job. There's a neat little program over at the Simpsons Movie website that allows you to create your own Simpsons Avatar. Check it out!
...we can all across political lines and join this movement.
The Modulator informs me that there are 20 blogging commandments. Then I discover how to create your own religion in 10 easy steps. It figures that it's twice as easy to create a religion as it is to create a successful blog. So if I'd pursued that other avocation, I'd be pope by now? Or at least the leader of a globe-spanning cult? But I repeat myself.
tags: cat, humor, streaming video This hilarious video looks like it will become a YouTube classic. I hope you enjoy it [5:44]
No doubt thinking I'd enjoy it, a reader sent this image to me. [larger] Worth1000.
Time to take a break from science and medicine again. The Rambo movies happen to be a guilty pleasure of mine. Little did I know that there was a Turkish knockoff of the character: I particularly love the rocket launchers in this one. Their "action" has to be seen to be believed.
We have to do this, apparently, or the chain will be broken and ill fortune will follow... First, the Rules: 1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. Nothing about mentioning Fight Club... So: 1. I am soppy and…
It is a cheap shot, indeed, but an exceptionally good one.  And given that Cheney is the only person in history to get an apology from someone after shooting him in the face with a shotgun, it is strangely appropriate... flashvars="config=" src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#006699" name="comedy_player" allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="external" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="…