
I had originally intended to use this one for a segment of Your Friday Dose of Woo. Unfortunately, when I tried to start writing, I realized it was unsuitable. No, it wasn't unsuitable because the content wasn't delightfully loopy enough to deserve targeting. The problem was that it was an insufficient--shall we say?--target-rich environment. Again, this wasn't because the overall concept wasn't bizarre enough. No, it is certainly more than strange enough to qualify. It was that there was so little information on how this supposedly works and the little information that was there was vague in…
Ok... this is just silly ;) I guess the wikipedia people think so as well - spoil sports!
Ohh boy... I've seen this kind of thing before - but it's always shocking anyway. I know they must interview a whole bunch of people and only put the biggest idiots in - which you could do in any country, but still... idiots! haha -UPDATE Below the fold- Thanks entitlement for this funny video :) More evidence that people in the U.S. are stupid...
He's singing about theistic evolution, so he must be one of those appeasers…but since he's funny, I'll forgive him.
Well since we're on the library card thing lately - here's a funny article from the onion: In another salvo in the ongoing civil-rights battle, the Gay And Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation announced the formation of a broad new campaign supporting full library-card privileges for homosexuals.
Just look at what it can cure! Skin Diseases Cancer Heart Diseases Musculoskeletal Disorders Male Sexual Disorders Aids Hypertension Therapy Diabetes Mellitus Blood Disorders Respiratory Disorders Gastrointestinal Disorders Endocrine Disorders ENT Disorders Gynecological Disorders Opthalmic Disorders Psychiatric Disorders Urological Disorders Aids Cold & Cough Heart Problem Blood Pressure Asthema Sugar Problem Kidney Shrinkage Liver Problem Skin Disease Cancer Stomach Problem Poor Sight Gynic Problem Woman's Problem Chest Pain Did they leave out anything? So how does this cow urine work…
Ian McCulloch, lead singer for Echo and the Bunnymen has a "Credo" in the Independent Online, in which he delivers himself of this constipated turd: I believe in anti-Darwinism - otherwise why are there still monkeys? Anyone who thinks Darwinism means that the ancestors of a modern species had to go extinct when it evolved, or who thinks that there is only ever one species per lineage, isn't anti-Darwinism, but anti-Lamarckism, for it was Lamarck, not Darwin, who thought that entire species changed leaving no ancestors alive. Darwin's own insight was that evolution was a tree not a single…
...or at least the Cybermen would be more entertaining: Now, if I could only see a Dalek episode redone this way. Imagine how the Daleks would sound. (Hat tip: Jody.) And while I'm doing the Sunday Doctor Who thing, who ya gonna call?
I couldn't resist. Shakespeare's Sister has a satirical post on the female reproductive tract as a source of gay rays, and evolgen chimes in, noting the similarity of her diagram to the nematode vulva (it's true—if mammalian vulvas are radiating gayness, nematodes are even more common; Ben Shapiro is probably crawling with hermaphroditic nematodes, all oozing sexual ambiguity all over him). So I had to repost my summary of the evolution of the mammalian vagina, and I want you to look at the diagram of Hox gene expression in the female reproductive tract. It's like a rainbow! Admittedly,…
Doonesbury hits one out of the park today—don't trust science, it's just too controversial. I like the definition: situational science is about respecting both sides of a scientific argument, not just the one supported by facts. The Discovery Institute ought to etch that on their front door, filigreed in gold.
I just loved the first Sony Bravia TV ad, with the balls bouncing down San Francisco streets, but the second one, with paint "fireworks" is spectacular. Below the fold is the ad and a link to "the making of". The ad: A Quicktime 7 version is here. The "Making of".
Even though women are an increasing proportion of doctors, it's still true that most physicians are men. And what better way for big pharma to influence those men than with hot young female pharmaceutical reps? And where better to find hot young female pharmaceutical reps than in cheerleading squads? I therefore introduce to you the All-Pharma Cheerleading Squad! (Hat tip to Kevin, MD and Pharmagossip, the latter of which frequently makes fun of big pharma's blatant recruiting of young, beautiful women to serve as reps.)
Usually that bible book is vague, which means the Christianists get to interpret it in whatever wild and wacky way they want. They really need a bible that is a bit more explicit to convince me, I'm afraid.
So, Shelley tagged a few of us with this fun meme. Mark and PZ have followed suit. I am swamped with real-life work, as my posting frequency has shown as of late. I've neglected my New Year's resolution to stay in better touch with my family, then promptly missed my brother-in-law's birthday. Then I completely missed National Delurking Week. So can I just fire off a simple meme response and be done with it? Nope. I had to remind myself of how library call numbers work, then look in the Library of Congress subject index to figure out what prefix best fits Terra Sigillata ("R" is Medicine…
For those of you who don't know, James Randi setup a million dollar prize for a psychic to prove that they are truly psychic. Here are the details: Currently, claiming the money takes a few steps: An initiate first has to submit a notarized application, agree with the foundation on a test protocol, then pass a preliminary test administered by independent local investigators. Should the would-be psychic pass the first test, under the agreed-upon rules, all that remains is to repeat his or her success in front of Randi -- then, poof, a psychic millionaire is born. No one has won the prize yet…
Shelley started it. Make your own!
Nobody ever tags me...
Just because it should be posted at least once a year - Pinky and the Brain go over the parts of the brain - in song!
Critics of the godless have a powerful weapon at their disposal: prayer. I know I dread the possibility that some clever opponent might counter my arguments by dropping to their knees and mumbling at an imaginary friend.
From the archives ... New York City (AP) - After an unsuccessful year-long search for funds to support two years of research and living expenses, a scientist and freelance writer has offered to fund her research by selling access to her internationally televised death by electrocution and by auctioning all body parts on ebay. GrrlScientist, a molecular evolutionary biologist and ornithologist, and a freelance writer, researches and writes about speciation in birds and the evolution and historical geographic movements of parrots among the islands of the south Pacific Ocean. These islands…