
Inspired by the story of the faith healer who claimed that Jesus cured her of a breast cancer she in fact never had and, it turned out, who also claimed that faith had healed her brother of a terminal cancer and covered up the fact that he was dying while promoting her book, here's a proposed cure for televangelists who claim they can cure disease through the power of prayer: New York - (Ass Mess): A team of plastic surgeons, clinical psychatrists and orthodontists has patented a radical procedure that cures evangelical preachers from claiming Jesus is more effective at healing cancer than…
From Reuters: Horse thinks he's a hound Jan 8 - A foal who was raised with dogs has become so attached he thinks his mother and father are labradors. Rather than cantering about meadows with the other horses, Shetland pony foal Rory now spends most of his time chasing sticks and licking bones. Andrew Potter reports. The (rather amusing) video can be seen here.
Rejection letters always hurt a little, even for Dr. Phil. I'm sure he'll work through it. Thank you for submitting your application for the director's position at the National Institutes of Health. As the N.I.H. is the principal force guiding America's efforts in medical research, we have strived to consider every candidate's application seriously. Our first impression was not a good one. You have a loud and exuberant manner that is an oddity in our network of colleagues, and for the duration of the interview process, you were physically sitting on top of Dr. James Watson (a man…
From We Have Pie Charts, via David Ng at Science Creative Quarterly (look there for my short story Neuroerotica) and ScienceBlog .
This doesn't apply to me, of course, since I get to frolic on the streets of New York and visit Seed and MoMA. (via Minnesota Stories)
I like this T-shirt design! Perhaps our Seed overlords would spring for sufficient funds to clothe all of us ScienceBloggers in this fine garb. (Via Boing Boing.)
The name of this band is damned near perfect: No, not the Shut-Ups (although that's a pretty cool band name, too). Anyone who reads this blog would know that I'm referring to Down With The Woo. I wonder if their music is any good. If so, they could become the blog band of Respectful Insolenceâ¢. (or at least of Your Friday Dose of Woo, although most people seem to actually like Friday Woo). Fortunately, in that interest, I was informed of their MySpace page, which says: Up from the ashes of cult heroes, Heros Severum. Powered by Macintosh. DWTW is a live production experiment. Every show is…
I apologize for the previous post on sleeping positions and personality...that was clearly wrong, since this is obviously the correct way of determining someones personality type. may want to listen to all that sneezing: A body language expert said that a sneeze can offer a revealing look at someone's personality. "Most of us have a sneeze style that we stick with throughout our lives that matches our personality," said Patti A. Wood, a body language expert who created the Achoo IQ Study for Benadryl. And just like the sleeping positions, there are different types: be right…
Ahh... more silliness from the old blog: "Scientists believe the position in which a person goes to sleep provides an important clue about the kind of person they are." I really enjoy the different position names: The Foetus Log The yearner Soldier Freefall Starfish Farting Buffalo Ok.. I'm lying about the farting buffalo. Well I know this whole thing is a little retarded but I think I may be: The yearner (13%): People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up…
My dog has an interesting (okay, disgusting!) habit of rolling in the smelliest stuff she can find when we go on walks. Everything that I've read about dogs - and this probably includes fiction - explains her behavior as "the dog is hiding her scent." I know it seems odd that my dog rolling in smelly stuff should remind me of a post on Evolgen (Lab coats & Gloves), but he did make me wonder if he might have missed a reasons for some people dressing as they do. RPM looks at this issue from a very logical standpoint. Since he works in a lab, he thinks that the people wearing in lab coats…
A great t-shirt :) via boingboing
I ran across this entertaining site containing a bunch of science fair projects that should never happen. Here's one of them:
The "liberal media" is at it again, and by "liberal" I don't mean it in the political sense. No, I'm talking about the media relying on liberal (sloppy) oversight/editorial practices. After CNN slipped up Monday by broadcasting a graphic with the question "Where's Obama?" overlaid on a photo of Osama bin Laden, Yahoo News followed suit yesterday by including the caption "Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida" under a photo of Senator Barack Obama. Corey Anderson broke the story and Greg Sargent has more. Here it is: If there is any confusion lingering still, let me state definitively here that…
I have to give this guy credit. He boiled down the first three Star Wars movies into a little more than a minute, and he did it while reimagining them as a silent movie:
While I'm off absorbing knowledge, entertain yourself with this video of drug-treated spiders. I'm going to be the one on caffeine, I think. SICB update: last night was a social evening, and I got to meet John Lynch for the first time. In person, he's actually exactly like he is on the blog: friendly and talkative, and he paid for my beer. Definitely an appeaser, in other words. Grrl Scientist was mysterious and prettier than the two of us put together (again just like her blog). Me? I was just surly and hateful, standing up every once in a while to deliver a ranty denunciation, just like…
Global warming. It's all our fault. As the world becomes over run with sin more and more souls are sent to stoke the fires of Hell. As the Earth produces more heat our environment becomes more hostile. We must repent in order to stop our polar ice caps from melting. At least the Muslims are to blame for the tsunamis.
Hat tip: Pharyngula
They will be dealt with severely.
A new report says that the injury rate for surfers is lower than for college sports like soccer and basketball. But basketball players don't get bitten by sharks. Actually, all exercise is bad for you. Nobody ever did a hamstring sitting on the couch.