
I stumbled across this video spoof and thought you would enjoy it too. . tags: streaming video, politics, humor, satire
Heh. How true. (Via)
You may notice a few of us SciBloggers sporting a few new badges today. Here's my collection. You'll have to read all about the Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique to figure out what they all mean. This isn't an exclusive club, of course—feel free to decorate your blog with your hard-earned science activity badges.
If you want to join make sure you are: - not opposed to alcohol. - fond of IPCC reports (especially the pictures). - mostly in agreement with the "truth." - into badges. - grieving for the slow and miserable death of the Hubble Space Telescope. - possibly possessed of supernatural powers. - not in the business of total world domination - committed to the constant and diligent presentation of science stories, be it to editors, producers, directors, educators, relatives and/or friends of various ilk, in an effort to lessen the gap that is this thing we call public scientific literacy. Check…
This streaming video is a variant of the old baseball joke, but it's still funny.
This one seems to be going around the ScienceBlogs, bunch, and, given the nature of the test and my having collected comics for over 30 years, there was no way I could pass it up. The results are, of course, utterly expected. Bow before your better! Bow before...Doom! Your results: You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 91% Apocalypse 82% Magneto 66% Mr. Freeze 64% Lex Luthor 64% Juggernaut 54% Venom 53% Dark Phoenix 53% The Joker 52% Green Goblin 50% Two-Face 46% Kingpin 41% Catwoman 39% Poison Ivy 37% Mystique 26% Riddler 23% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. Click…
You are Dr. Doom Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz -Via Retrospectacle-
Apparently I'm not safe, even here. I thought I could escape him. Who am I talking about? Richard Simmons, that's who, and he's shown up on ScienceBlogs on the mothership's official blog. I'm having acid flashbacks. You see, there was a time, back in 1997 or 1998, when I briefly met Richard Simmons. It was at BookExpo America, back when I was living in Chicago. Richard Simmons was pushing some cookbook or other of healthy recipes, as I recall, and, just for yucks, my wife and I decided to get in the line for a signing. Well, Richard seemed to like me, and said I "looked very smart." When he…
Below the fold is an amusing video of what happened when Barbara Boxer tried to get an answer from Condoleezza Rice regarding how many casualties we can expect from the surge. . tags: streaming video, condoleezza rice,humor, satire, politics
An estimated 14,000 buyers from 7,000 retailers will descend on New York City this weekend to attend The American International Toy Fair. Thirteen hundred exhibitors--Richard Simmons among them--will be present to pedal their wares. Electronics are an increasingly dominant presence at this event. According to market research firm NPD Group, U.S. toy sales in 2006 crept up to $22.3 billion from $22.2 billion, driven by 22 percent growth in the youth electronics category. But don't bemoan the sedentary millenium childhood just yet. Piggy-backing on the runaway success of the Nintendo Wii,…
I know that all my readers make frequent journeys to exotic places, so I thought I might suggest something that you can use to keep your cash and small valuables safe from theft -- in any country! The "Brief Safe" is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you're traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4" x 10" secret compartment with Velcro closure and "special markings" on the lower rear portion…
Orphaned image. Contact me for proper credit.
[Editor's Note: this is the first of an occasional series. Budding comedians are welcome to add to the list via the comment section.] Things You Don't Want to Hear During Hospital Rounds: 1. "Anyone seen that specimen I left in the fridge yesterday?" 2. "We didn't have any Haldol on the floor so I gave him a Viagra." 3. "Well, then when was the last time you saw her?" 4. "I forgot that's what happens when you roll him over..." 5. "Hey, why are you all wearing masks?" 6. "You know, your lab coat reminds me to visit that Jackson Pollock exhibit." 7. "I know it's funny, but try to use…
The Daily Show is reporting that Punxsutawney Phil has been reassigned for statements he made during last week's Groundhog Day celebration in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. After attempting to use media attention to warn against the dangers of anthropogenic climate change, Phil was put back in his hole. Not a week later, he has been reassigned to a Whac-a-Mole machine. Oh the indignity. You can view the video here. Phil's fate is, of course, parody of the not-so-funny experiences of some federal agency scientists. Those real stories will likely come up at the Senate Hearing on Climate…
In association with Credentialix and our friend Brian, Omni Brain is offering online degrees! IT'S YOUR FUTURE OF TOMORROW, TODAY! In today's fast-paced society, it's hard to know what jobs you are or are not certified to perform. That's why I've come to tell you about a fantastic new online service, Credentialix (from the creators of Netflix)! Our service is simple: By paying our monthly fee, you will be entitled to any degree of your choice. Feel free to keep it as long as you like, with NO PUBLICATIONS NECESSARY! If you feel like a change of career is in order, simply return your degree…
If you think the title is goofy, watch the video: Brilliant.
I'm not adhering to the Just Science week, because 1. I'm not a scientist 2. This blog is for whatever happens to pass through my frontal lobes at the moment, and 3. It's altogether too much hard work. So there. Anyone want to discuss intelligent design of creationist antivaccination?
The Austin Atheist posted this strange documentary about life in Austin, Texas. I'm pretty sure this can't possibly be satire, but since I've never been to Austin, I could be wrong. Maybe it's a mistake, and this is actually a documentary about Orange County. Is there an Austin in California?
"Experts are scum." That's the amusing interpretation of Lore Sjöberg, and even better, Kieran Healy finds an entertaining example. I use Wikipedia fairly often, but it is not for anything with much depth or controversy—even fake controversy, like issues in evolution. And one serious difficulty (which is going to be endemic to any human endeavor) is that some people are jerks.