
tags: Total Eclipse of the Heart, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, William Shatner, Lin Yu Chun, streaming video Just in time for silly Saturday: this is for all you Star Trek and Whitney Houston fans: William Shatner and Lin Yu Chun perform a hilarious rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on the television show, Lopez Tonight.
You know, if there's one question I've always had about homeopathy, it's the one asked by Viktor Poór below: (Click for full comic.) Certainly the cost of materials for homeopathic remedies is lower than just about any other product that I can imagine.
Ah, The Onion. A true repository of snark and snideitude But as the winter lingered, Spirit began producing thousands of pages of sometimes rambling and dubious data, ranging from complaints that the Martian surface was made up almost entirely of the same basalt, to long-winded rants questioning the exorbitant cost and scientific relevance of the mission. Project leaders receive data from the Mars rover Spirit. "Granted, Spirit has been extraordinarily useful to our work," Callas said. "Last week, however, we received three straight days of images of the same rock with the message 'HAPPY NOW…
Oh yeah-- Today is the National Day of Prayer (WHOOO NICK! WHOOOOO!!!). Lets celebrate! This catchy tune from 2004 is still 100% relevant-- from abortion to child rape... good times...
tags: David Cameron Met a Black Man, UK politics, conservative party, humor, funny, comedy, satire, art, streaming video This video is for all my friends who are voting in today's General Election in the UK. According to my observations (admittedly, as an outsider), David Cameron is a proud member of the "it sucks to be rich" political party. This political music video is by Tim Ireland and uses the tune 'Common People' (written by Jarvis Cocker, and covered here by Ben Folds, Joe Jackson and William Shatner) to help make its point.
tags: Prometheus and Bob, behavior, space alien, caveman, humor, funny, comedy, animation, art, streaming video This is another look at the continuing adventures of a space alien and his pet human. In this amusing video, the space alien, Prometheus, attempts to teach the caveman, Bob, about wheels.
This is the best Supreme Court decision I have ever read. They really get what freedom of speech means. I've included an excerpt from Judge Breyer's opinion below the fold. It is mildly explicit in its language and may not be suitable for work.
tags: New Fitness Craze: White Women's Workout, exercise, fitness, racism, social observation, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Godfrey, Ty Bowman, streaming video I know that many Americans want to lose weight, and here's a novel new workout craze to help you do just that! Combining racial stereotypes with exercise techniques, exercise guru Ty Bowman has created Southern Cali's latest workout craze...The White Women's Workout. As a NYCer, I think this will work well in certain neighborhoods in the Bronx! [Comedian, Godfrey, plays Fitness Guru, Ty Bowman.]
tags: Using Statistics to Create The Ultimate TEDTalk, statistics, public speaking, Sebastian Wernicke, TEDTalks, streaming video In a brilliantly tongue-in-cheek analysis, Sebastian Wernicke turns the tools of statistical analysis on TEDTalks, to come up with a metric for creating "the optimum TEDTalk" based on user ratings. How do you rate it? "Jaw-dropping"? "Unconvincing"? Or just plain "Funny"? After making a splash in the field of bioinformatics, Sebastian Wernicke moved on to the corporate sphere where he motivates and manages multidimensional projects. You can get your copy of…
There was something bothering me about Stephen Hawkings position on aliens. Some memory that wasnt resurfacing properly. As I was clicking though Netflix last night, I remembered. Dear Stephen Hawking-- You dont need to worry about aliens invading our planet to escape their own polluted world. The Rock got Sara and Seth to Witch Mountain safely. See? Race to Witch Mountain - Trailer feat. The Rock | Viral/Other |
tags: I'm A Teabagger For Jesus, teabaggers, America, poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, socialism,humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, cultural observation, Edward Current, streaming video What would Jesus do to help America? In this video, William Current, one of my favorite social satirists, explains how he decided that he would be a Teabagger. No taxation without representation!
tags: Bible Contradictions Quiz Show, religion, christianity, Bible, humor, funny, satire, comedy, fucking hilarious,animation, cults, streaming video This amusing video shows a quiz show where the two contestants are asked questions about the bible -- unfortunately, the holy word of god is filled with contradictions (more contradictions than the Harry Potter series, for that matter!)
tags: Bird House, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Robinson's Be Natural, advertizing, television, streaming video This hilarious video shows up a glimpse of life from a canary's point of view. The skill of the animal trainer is apparent, and I am astonished at the attention to detail in this commercial.
tags: Jockey Liam Hollins The Favorite To Brutally Whip Horse to Kentucky Derby Win, horse racing, horses, whipping, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video Fresh from his Blue Grass Stakes win, jockey Liam Hollins moves on to today's Kentucky Derby where he hopes to be the first to mercilessly beat the winning horse across the finish line.
tags: Prometheus and Bob, Breakfast, behavior, space alien, caveman, humor, funny, comedy, animation, art, streaming video This hilarious video shows the space alien trying eat breakfast with Bob, who is more interested in grabbing an eagle egg from a tree-top nest. Unfortunately, the birds are not cooperating.
tags: British vs American Slang, Ellen Degeneres, Hugh Laurie, television, humor, comedy, streaming video The fantastically talented Hugh Laurie paid a house call to Ellen, and they played an exciting game of American slang versus English slang -- and the game was bloody brilliant! The slang that Ellen chose as "American" baffled me, too (was it actually "Ellen slang" instead of American slang?), although I did understand the British slang .. hrm.
The results are in, and I'm sorry to say that women dressing provocatively caused no significant statistical difference in the frequency or magnitude of earthquakes. Geology is simply unimpressed by small localized fat concentrations on the short-lived bodies of mammals. I'm afraid, though, that the experiment didn't test the alternative hypothesis: that there is a lecherous god using reverse psychology on us. That's the problem with the whole god idea — it's a shifting target.
Well shit. I went to sleep last night, happy as a clam cause my young girl dreams of destroying the planet and everything on it were finally about to come true thanks to BOOBS... And then I wake up this morning. And now Im sure we are going to have to deal with The Accommodationists bitching about how very rude and uncivil it was of us to prove to the world that the god of Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi does not exist, but really the religion of Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi is so more elegant and enlightened than us petty scientists were making it out to be anyway, blah blah blah. Maaaaan...
If there's one thing Christians tell us, it's that Jesus is inside each and every one of us. Who knew that this was literally true? Don't believe me? Take a look at this MRI: Apparently they've been wrong all these years when they said that Jesus lives in every man's heart. He actually lives in the lung. I guess that's all the more reason for smokers to quit smoking. You wouldn't want to smoke out Jesus, would you? At least this sort of pareidolia makes it difficult for believers to show up to worship, although if this patient's identity is ever revealed it wouldn't surprise me if he…