
…it's too unrealistic. In real life, the Trophy Wife™ would be carrying me.
tags: T-Shirts That God Would Wear!, religion, cults, comedy, humor, funny, silly, fucking hilarious, Edward Current, streaming video As a believer in the Prosperity Gospel, Edward Current prayed for abundance in his bank account. Here's what God -- and his accountant -- told him to do. Better yet, Jeebuz is helping out by pimping his new T-Shirts to the public! For the record, Edward Current doesn't even know I exist, and I do not get any rewards for placing this ad here -- not even a lousy free t-shirt! That said, I DO know what I want for my Easter gifts, and they ain't armies chocolate…
As far as silly Internet memes go, given my interest in World War II history, I have a weakness for Downfall parodies, which have grown up on YouTube like kudzu over the last couple of years. I also thought it was only a matter of time before someone did something like this and wondered why it hadn't been done before: (Note: In case you don't know or remember who Poul Thorsen is, read this.) I love it: "Perhaps that 14 Studies website was too high brow." Heh. "Now I'll have to pay for another stupid telephone survey." Heh heh. "But what's the use? Orac will only make fun of me." Heh heh heh…
tags: cat enjoying attention, Trololo Cat, Eduard Trololo Khil, internet meme, YouTube meme, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video This video features our favorite boyfriend -- right, my peeps? -- Eduard "Trololo" Khill, along with views of a kitty who is watching, open-mouthed in astonishment at what she sees and hears. Here's a few more links to Eduard: More from Eduard "Mr Trolololo" Khill (My New Boyfriend) Eduard Trololo Khil Addresses the People of the World! Scientology X(enu) Factor Russian auditions 2010 And my favorite of all: Captain Kirk Deals with…
tags: beards, facial hair, funny, silly, humor, streaming video In honor of Silly Saturday, I had to share this silly video with you. It's about beards. Those of you who know me will understand the significance for this video appearing here.
I have a new favorite word. Yesterday, in the comments after my post on cranks attacking the concept of a scientific consensus, a reader named Craig wrote: We don't talk about consensus on these issues today merely because the consensus is so strong that only a dedicated guanophrenic would ever question them. "Guanophrenic"? I love that word. It has the prefect combination of meaning, in essence, "shithead," while having a delightfully clever implication of bats as in "batshit insane." Of course, being a physician, I'd probably prefer the term "guanocephalic" proposed later in the comment…
Some sneaky slams against ID here…
tags: bear sighting, wildlife, news reporting, slow news day, WJW Fox 8 Cleveland, television, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, streaming video OMG, THERE'S A BEAR IN MY BACKYARD!!!11!!eleventy!!! This video is an amusing look at what happens when a news reporter and his camera crew clearly have too much time (and technology) on their hands ...
I don't understand how Texans can bear it, myself — their board of education has made them a laughingstock. I always thought they had some pride down there. That one panel captures creationist logic perfectly. They've battened on global warming as an issue that they believe helps their cause. "Scientists clearly have no idea what they're talking about. They made those mistakes in that report, after all." Therefore, the earth is 6,000 years old." "And Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs."
There is a video game called Gods of War in which you guide your ultraviolent hero, Kratos, through a series of missions that lead to an assault on the Greek gods. You get to kill Zeus! There has been a whole series of these games, apparently, and Penny Arcade hints at a new direction they could take. One has to wonder what the public response to such a game would be. Killing Zeus is reasonable and uncontroversial (except for generic concerns about violence), but I suspect a swordfight with Jesus would freak a few people out. I've never played this game, but I admit…give me a shot at the…
tags: Eduard Trololo Khil, internet meme, YouTube meme, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video Yes, I do love this guy! And amazingly enough, he even has a twitter account! Below the fold is a hilarious remix of his original video, along with several news reports about him that might also interest you. Who is Eduard Khill? Here's a news report from Russian television: This video is too long to translate but (a Russian and English speaking video viewer writes) my favorite part was when the reporter said "We don't understand how Americans turned it from 'lalalala…
With all the problems Toyota's had lately, I have to wonder if some day when I get behind the wheel of my car I might have a ride like this. Yeah, it's not original, but it amused me nonetheless, and I'm too tired to write anything substantive this weekend. But Monday's coming just as fast as any ride in a Toyota, as will that insolence my readers have come to know and love (or hate).
tags: trololololo man, eduard khill, youtube meme, scientology, religion, cults, mind control, philosophy, parody, offbeat, beliefs, insanity, russian rickroll, streaming video OMG, the evil cult of Scientology has been the victim of a Russian Rickroll!
Answers in Genesis has begun a goofy little campaign called I AM NOT ASHAMED — they're apparently collecting videos of people declaring their shameless adoration of Jesus. Ho hum. All I can say is that they should be deeply embarrassed to endorse something so absurd. They use a little unfortunate language, though. WE WANTED A MESSAGE THAT WOULD OFFER A CLEAR CALL TO CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD TO STAND UNASHAMEDLY AND UNCOMPROMISINGLY ON THE BIBLE. Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes is willing to oblige. You too can send in photos of yourself standing unashamedly on a Bible -- you don't even…
tags: Eduard Trololo Khil, Encounter over Planet Trololololo, Star Trek, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video If you watched this video, then you've already seen a little of the newest meme to take youtube by storm. But someone tracked down the real singer in that ancient video and talked with him on video .. and the amazing thing is that he has hardly aged at all; looking almost the same as he did 100 years ago! Oh, and even more notable: he's still smiling after all these years. If you haven't seen and heard the original video yet, here it is (but don't…
I'm envious of Steve Novella. No, the reason isn't his vastly greater influence in the skeptical community than mine, his podcast The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, or the fact that he gets called a lot more for commentary when something involving quackery versus science-based medicine comes up. He's earned that, having been at this a lot longer than me and under his own name. No, what irritates me is that he somehow manages to get homeopaths to make videos like this trashing him: "Homeopathy: The persecuted Jew of modern Nazi fascist medicine"? Isn't "Nazi fascist" a bit redundant? Maybe…
John Scalzi's latest AMC column Why Hollywood Always, Always Gets the Future Wrong is, as usual, very smart and right on target. And pretty funny too. Everybody gets the future wrong. It's not just Hollywood or science fiction writers. When it comes to the future, no one knows anything. At the close of the 19th century, British physicist Lord Kelvin declared heavier-than-air flight an impossibility (despite the existence of, you know, birds) and that radio was just a fad. In the '70s, the president of Digital Equipment Corp. voiced doubts that anyone would ever need a personal computer. In…
tags: Marie Curie Actions, Roderick Fenske, Chemical Party, education, teaching, humor, funny, television, streaming video Directed by Roderick Fenske, Marie Curie is proud to present: "Chemicals having a party," featuring sexy carbons, bored noble gases, and explosive reactions. This is a hilarious and educational video about chemistry!
Emancipated from the rigor of science, we are free to propose any fanciful idea and exercise our imaginations to the fullest — all that matters is that you have a cool story with T-rexes biting the heads off people. Get right on this one, Discovery Institute!