
tags: gorilla, death, mortality, science, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video Tulane University researchers have successfully taught a captive gorilla that he will die one day. The gorilla, named Quigley, is now able to experience the crippling fear of impending death previously only accessible to humans.
Remember John Benneth? He's a homeopath who runs a website called The Science of Homeopathy and produced a woo-tastic video claiming to show us how homeopathy works. Steve Novella also took on his video. For his trouble, he was rewarded with one of the most hilariously off-base attacks I've ever seen, even from anti-vaccine loons. So full of awesome looniness was the video that it induced in me a distinct sense of envy. After all, all I have is J.B. Handley attacking me. Now, for reasons that elude me, Mr. Benneth has produced a second video. It's just as outrageous. In fact, it's even more…
Somehow, this picture seemed especially appropriate on Easter: Now watch for J.B. Handley, some other anti-vaccine zealot, or a quack to quotemine the title of this post. You know it's coming... In the meantime, it'll be back to the usual topics (and maybe one topic not so usual) next week. Happy Easter, you rabid band of freethinkers!
tags: Vatican Easter Speech 2009, Pope Ratzinger, catholicism, religion, cults, satire, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video Just in time for Easter Sunday! Here is an except from the Vatican Easter speech (translated into English, of course). He does forget to mention the hundreds of thousands of children who were raped in His Holy Name (amen), but he does manage to talk about nearly everyone else in the world.
tags: cartoon, easter, humor I know this cartoon is as old as I am so you've all seen it a hundred times already, but it never fails to make me laugh, so I am sharing it with you anyway.
tags: cat, pets, animals, stalking kitty, YouTube, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video This amusing little video shows a kitty stalking the photographer as she peeks around a corner in the room with her camera. In nearly every shot we see, the cat is not moving, but is magically closer to the photographer than in the previous shot. The last few seconds are especially amusing.
tags: marshmallow peeps, peep store, First Peep: Marshmallow Peeps Get Own Store, easter, news, humor, funny, silly, video, streaming video Marshmallow Peeps get their own STORE!! Yes, just in time for Easter! This raises all sorts of possibilities as far as sweet jobs that are available ..
Given that today is April 2nd, directly following April Fool's, it seems like an ideal time to bring up the treadmill bike - a odd piece of exercise equipment which appears to be legit, but could very well be a hoax. So what is a treadmill bike? It's rather self-explanatory, really - "a treadmill on wheels." And what's the point of this gadget, you might ask? According to the company selling the product, Bicycle Forest: "Have you ever wished you could get a quality treadmill workout without paying expensive gym prices? Look no further than the Treadmill Bike by the Bicycle Forest. The…
I'm a day late with Nate Hagen's piece, but I just have to link here - it has a beauty and elegance I really admire, and Id do wish him the very best of luck in his new venture. In fact, I'm starting to think that maybe I can cash in too! OK - here it is in a nutshell - though I used to think the main problem with economic theory was that it ignored biology on the demand side and ecology on the supply side, I now see the reality is that neither biology nor ecology has incorporated enough economic theory. Basically, my efforts at falsification of positive economics even down to the day to day…
tags: Another Housefly, machine, sculpture, gadgets, humor, funny, silly, Arthur Ganson, streaming video Another Housefly, a creation by Arthur Ganson. Ganson writes: To be honest, I never really liked Housefly because it made too much noise! This is a rethinking of the original mechanism that takes into account more aspects of the fly. The linkage arms which move the base of the spring-wire purposely mimic the front legs of the housefly as she cleans herself. Here's the original housefly machine that Ganson was improving upon:
tags: marshmallow peeps, Optometry Peeps, eyecare, easter, humor, funny, silly, health, streaming video This is an amusing and creative video of Marshmallow Peeps Bunnies having an eye exam.
It is funny, when you interact with people on the internet, you develop a mental image of them - or at least I do. And sometimes people look pretty much like you expect, but sometimes not. I've found this situation to be particularly acute at science blogs, where I rapidly developed strong mental images of my colleagues, only to find that most of them are totally different in real life (thanks Google for clueing me in) than the sense you get from their blogs (even their photos can be misleading). I'm not sure what the correct word for someone whose internet presence creates a mistaken…
tags: Wonders of The Solar System, space exploration, astrophysics, spoof, parody, satire, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, Dr Brian Cox, BBC, television, streaming video Here is an inspirational video trailer from BBC's television program, "Wonders of the Solar System", where series host, Dr Brian Cox, exclaims; "That's why I love physics so much, cuz physics is all about tryin' to work out WTF is goin' on."
tags: Peep Microwave Disaster, marshmallow peeps, easter, humor, funny, silly, health, streaming video This video is a demonstration of what happens when a marshmallow peep is placed in a specially modified 100,000W microwave oven. The result? Well, it's not pretty! simple. Not only was he the original Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek (which if full of WIN to any long time Star Trek geek like myself), but he taped this PSA for the 2010 census: This is so much better than that commercial for Sharp Electronics Quattron quad pixel technology that's been on TV lately.
Now that the LHC is online, The Editors have catalogued three ways it will destroy the world, using the Airwolf scale of awesomeness crossed by a goofiness scale. It looks like being sucked into a black hole is one of the more pedestrian scenarios. I am relieved that they didn't consider the possibility that TeV collisions might be the last trump that summons the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Some things may be even too goofy for the Poor Man Institute.
tags: marshmallow peeps, The Peeps, The Birds, easter, parody, humor, funny, silly, movies, streaming video This is a hilarious trailer for the spoof, "The Peeps": a parody of Alfred Peepcock's ... erm, Hitchcock's ... "The Birds." This film documents the biggest marshmallow threat to humanity since the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
The sign speaks for itself:
tags: obama, racism, America, Why Obama Is So Scary, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, cultural observation, Edward Current, streaming video Another one of my boyfriends, Edward Current, uploaded this video today, even though he filmed it in August 2009. It's another rip-snorter, but the last few seconds is the real capper .. those last few seconds might be the reason he waited to share it with us until now ..
tags: marshmallow peeps, Astropeep, peeponaut, easter, space, humor, funny, silly, video, streaming video I posted this last year, but I think it is worth repeating .. this streaming video lacks music, but it shows you the adventures of a very special marshmallow peep, an astropeep (or a peeponaut, depending upon which name you prefer) who traveled to the edge of space .. thanks to the Adler Planetarium's "Far Horizons 12" high altitude balloon mission, which rose to nearly to 97,000 feet.