
tags: King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Immature King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus, photographed in unknown sub-Antarctic island location. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours] Image: creative commons. NOTE: PLEASE name at least one field mark that supports your identification. NOTE: Opus the Penguin, a fictional character in the comic strips Bloom County, Outland, and Opus, is a king penguin and the most famous character of the comic strips. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Hevisaurus, Viimeinen Mammutti, Finnish Dinosaur Rock, Tavastia Klubi, Helsinki Finland, music video, humor, funny, silly, streaming video Finnish Dinosaur Rock aimed specifically at the under 5 crowd -- now why don't they do fun stuff like this in Germany?? Hevisaurus played live at the Tavastia Klubi in Helsinki, Finland. Guess where I wasn't in November 2009??
tags: 5th Annual Book Cart Drill Team World Championship, Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries, 2009 American Library Association Annual Conference, Oak Park Public Library Warrior Librarians, Chicago, Illinois, library science, humor, funny, silly, streaming video This is a very special video that is well suited to Silly Saturday. In fact, if this video doesn't convince you that you want to be a librarian when you grow up, well, you're beyond all hope and probably are a nascent alcoholic. h/t: Faculty of 1000.
World Homeopathy Awareness Week ends today. In celebration, I can't resist one more swipe. So check out The (pseudo)Science of Homeopathy.
(Source)       But which one should be diagnosed? Diagnostic criteria for 313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder A. A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following are present: (1) often loses temper (2) often argues with adults (3) often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules (4) often deliberately annoys people (5) often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior (6) is often touchy or easily annoyed by others (7) is often angry and resentful (8) is often spiteful or…
tags: iPad: The World's Most Expensive Cat Toy, iPad, Macintosh, Apple, laptops, technology, IT, cultural observation, social commentary, humor, funny, pets, cats, streaming video This cat is demonstrating the value of an iPad as a cat toy. Who cares if it's a bit on the expensive side, since the cat obviously enjoys playing with it? Sure, it's probably the most controversial gadget that Apple has ever come out with, but come on, your cat will love you for it. Don't be cheap when it comes to cat toys.
tags: The REAL Gay Agenda, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, LGBT, politics, cultural observation, social commentary, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video You hear a lot about the gay agenda in political talk. If you ever wondered what the hell they were talking about, well, watch this revealing video (apparently, it is based upon a real-life email string). This video (which forgot to mention cruising gay bars and watching porn) was created by Sean Chapin.
…except that you wouldn't find me in a foxhole.
You know, Ken Ham is fond of claiming that if Genesis isn't literally true, the entire basis of Jesus's redemption is lost — and he's right. And look, Jesse notices! I'm a little worried that the blame for the pointlessness of redeeming an original sin that didn't exist is being placed on some guy named P-Zed…I'm getting new locks on the doors and a security system, I think.
How to make something totally awesome and geeky even MOAR AWESOME AND GEEKY? Stylize 'Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog' into an old-school Nintendo game: AAAAAAAH I HOPE HE DOES ALL THREE ACTS!!! H/T to Phage Integrase!
Today, April 10, is the first day of World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW), or, as I like to call it, World Sympathetic Magic Awareness Week. Now, given my dim view of homeopathy, in which I view it as nothing more than, well, sympathetic magic, you'd think I wouldn't want people to pay attention to WHAW. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is because I view homeopathy as nothing more than quackery based on magical thinking that I actually want people to be aware of it, starting with some of the more hilarious bits that homeopaths have published over the last year. Like this bit:…
tags: math class, film making, animation, technology, weird, offbeat, flatland, Biola University, Matthew Weathers, streaming video This is a trick that Matthew Weathers made for a lecture he presented in his Nature of Math class at Biola University. He apparently likes experimenting with mixing live action with video. Here's his Halloween 2009 lecture: How the heck did he do that?
tags: Stouffer's, frozen microwave meals, single-serving meals, suicide prevention tips, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video Stouffer's, the company that manufactures frozen microwavable meals, now includes suicide prevention tips on all single-serving dinners whether you enjoy eating your veal parmigiana or beef stroganoff alone.
Since Arnie was a street dog when I found him, his parentage has always been in question. It doesnt help that he is a 'pit bull', which could mean any number of things-- line up 50 'pit bulls' and you will get short-and-stout to long-and-lean and everything in between. Black, white, red, big spots, small spots, brown with black stripes, black with brown stripes, everything. 'Pit bulls' are like a Dr. Seuss book. Arnies round, doe-eyes and alligator smile definitely put him in the 'pit' camp, but his ears/profile are rather labrador-ish, and I think from watching this obedience training…
People of a certain age will remember thos "create your own adventure" books — well, Ars Technica has an online version of one, featuring tentacled beings from another plane, bacon, and geeks. It might go over well here.
tags: global warming, climate change, comedy, humor, funny, satire, weird, fucking hilarious, Science Catfight, Climatologists versus Meteorologists, Stephen Colbert, Colbert Report, streaming video "In an alarming trend, temperatures this spring have risen. Consider this: on February 6, it was ten degrees. Today it hit almost 80. At this rate, by August, it will be 220 degrees!" declares Stephen Colbert. "So clearly folks, the climate debate rages on. Which is great because I like debate, and I love rage." Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health…
tags: Fur Person, humor, funny, weird, behavior, cat, pets, animals, streaming video This short video is really amazing: it captures a cat standing on its hind legs to get a better view of what's happening outdoors.
Will it blend? Personally, I doubt I'll be getting in iPad. I have an iPhone, after all, and I don't see where I would use something like the iPad rather than my laptop. Most of the stuff I need to do with a computer that I can't do on my iPhone requires Microsoft Office and various graphics programs. There just doesn't seem to be a niche in my computing habits that isn't already filled by my laptop or iPhone. That could change as the iPad evolves, but for now this Apple fanboy is going to abstain. On the other hand, I wonder where you get a job like this guy's, where I'd get to blend…
tags: satire, humor, funny, weird, behavior, stereotypes, women, men, Untucked Films, Harvard Sailing Team, streaming video This video is a satire of how women behave when they get together. However, this is highly stereotyped since I've never acted like this, not have any women whom I know. Who are these mythological women? Do you know them? Or are they sitcom women only? And of course, what's good for the goose is good for the gander (or is it the other way around?); Website: Harvard Sailing Team, Produced by Untucked Films, directed by Jonathan Emmerling, director of photography Pat…