
tags: comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, religion, cults, institutionalized mind-control, streaming video The meaning of christiantiy -- in their own words. Rather damning, in my opinion.
My teeth and gums are still aching from my week of intense dental maintenance. I have clearly signed up for the wrong program.
tags: comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, elderly couple pay piano, streaming video An elderly couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They've been married for 62 years and he'll be 90 this year. Check out this impromptu performance. We are only as old as we feel, it's all attitude. Enjoy! They certainly do. My spouse and I want to grow up to be like these two!
It's OK, though, you know he's the kind of rotten, self-centered guy who would do that.
tags: comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, information technology, IT, Isilon, magician, Scott Tokar, streaming video The moral of this short video is this: never bring a magician on a tour through your facilities. Or, if you do, don't curse on camera when this magician destroys something you've spent hours setting up. Okay, here's the link: i.
tags: Tilikum, Tillikum, Tilly, Orcinus orca, Killer Whale, SeaWorld, Sea World, Orlando, Florida, whales, animals, news, behavior, streaming video The latest word is that Tilikum will not be euthanized in retaliation for being associated with his third human death. Of course, if the SeaWorld officials did decide to euthanize him, this raises several problems, not the least of which are the publicity and the mechanics of carrying out this animal's demise. This realist (me) has decided that SeaWorld avoided the "euthanization problem" in the case of Tilikum due to two reasons, and two…
Apparently, it takes a lot of artificial modification to get one's brain into the state where it can defend religion.
This has nothing to do with climatology, or science in general, but I can't resist sharing it with you. From the instructions to our new DTV antenna, which until the Great Ice Storm of 2010 damaged its transformer-coaxial connection, brought in more watchable channels than expanded basic cable or satellite: For those that might have trouble reading the scanned text, which appears at the bottom of the instructions page in 6-point type, it says: WARNING Do not attempt to install if drunk or pregnant or both. Do not throw antenna at spouse. I do hope that no one at Antennas Direct gets in…
tags: Professor Destroys Student's Laptop In Class, University of Oklahoma, Professor Kieran Mullen, laptop, laptop brutality, teaching, education, university, comedy, humor, strange, behavior, streaming video In an effort to make a point -- Laptops are distracting students -- University of Oklahoma physics professor Kieran Mullen freezes a student's laptop with liquid nitrogen then smashes it onto the floor. One student caught this act of laptop brutality on video: Read more about it: Professor shatters distracting laptop.
tags: Law & Order, Pups & Order, television, music, dogs, pets, comedy, humor, strange, behavior, streaming video I love Law & Order so much that this one TV show is enough to tempt me into purchasing a television (I've never owned nor possessed a TV, although I do watch TV in "my" NYC pub). But according to this curious video, the theme music from Law & Order is enough to cause dogs everywhere to howl (with delight?). This video was compiled from a collection of "pups & order" videos. Does anyone have a dog that also howls when the opening credits for Law & Order…
Last week, I defended pseudonymity. Well, the Epicurean Dealmaker has the best defense of pseudonymity EVAH!: the United States, schizophrenic home to both the largest number of elite universities in the world and the broadest-based strain of anti-intellectualism known to Western democracy, the aggressive debating style of lobbing witty insults at your opponent only plays well on reruns of Monty Python. If you doubt me, just look at the inarticulate clods we elect to public office. Most of these morons cannot even deliver a coherent speech, much less bandy about gerunds and…
How does homeopathy work? Heh. Yes, this is in honor of my post earlier today. I'm also appreciative that homeopaths have apparently diagnosed what's wrong with Parliament. Apparently it's emitting an angry purple aura.
Some of you will remember that I was whining a few weeks ago that I had snow envy - that I was jealous of the snow folks in the mid-Atlantic were getting, while we Northeasterners, who have come to expect snow, go nothing. Even on the day when there was snow in 49 out of 50 states, my neighborhood didn't get a single flake. Well, I should have realized that hubris is always properly rewarded - we're expecting to get 26 inches of snow, a couple of ice, some rain, some sleet, wind gusts up to 60mph and etcetera and etcetera over the next four or five days. My kids are ecstatic - sledding!…
tags: Old Spice commercial, manmercial, television, Superbowl, advertizing, technology, computer-generated imagery, CGI, wow, I'm on a Horse, Isaiah Mustafa, funny, humor, streaming video Daily, men ask themselves, What do women want? We want a gorgeous bare-chested man with a beautiful voice on a horse, that's what! And this is exactly what Old Spice gave us with bare-chested Isaiah Mustafa, a TV actor and former NFL player, in their "manmercial" that first aired during the Superbowl. But how was that amazing commercial made? Maybe you think it was stitched together from a lot of separate '…
tags: Disappointing Torture, cultural observation, political commentary, politics, torture, funny, satire, humor, streaming video Two agents (Jimmy Mulville and Phillip Pope) are preparing to interrogate a suspected secret agent (Tony Robinson). Unfortunately, the suspected secret agent is afraid of torture, which seems an ideal situation, right? Well, not really, not when you wish to test your torture kit for the first time.
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the tide is starting to turn when it comes to the public zeitgeist regarding the anti-vaccine movement. Not only have there been a lot of stories lately that eschew the false "balance" that used to be so common in news stories about vaccines, but even comedy magazines are dumping on the anti-vaccine movement. For instance, has an article entitled 5 Things The Media Loves Pretending Are News. What's #5? Let's ask the idiots about science: When it comes to matters of opinion or personal beliefs, it is absolutely the duty of the news…
tags: Queasy Bake Oven, Easy Bake Oven, kid's toys, funny, spoof, humor, Ronald Howes Sr, streaming video The Easy-Bake Oven was the invention of Ronald Howes Sr, who died 20 February at age 83. I never got one, although I sure would have loved one to experiment with ... According to his obituary, Howes sounds like a very fun person to be around. "He always had the coolest stuff on earth that I could mess around with," such as phosphorescent powder he was testing for various glow-in-the-dark applications, his son said. But Mr. Howes always realized that the Easy-Bake Oven was, in his son's…
tags: Invisible Rope Prank, humor, funny, prank, streaming video Here's a hilarious prank where two guys pretend they have a rope that they stretch across a road between them in front of oncoming traffic. The reactions of those who have been pranked are quite amusing.
I just had to add this one. In Meghalaya, India, students taking instruction in cursive writing found an interesting illustration in their textbooks. Christians in the area (this is a region of India with a Christian majority) are very upset and have banned the books and are considering legal action. The Archbishop of Shillong has protested. We are deeply hurt by the insensitivity of the publisher. How can one show such total disrespect for a religion? Wait a minute…the Archbishop of Shillong? I'm not going to take this seriously until Cardinal Wangadoodle and the Reverend Mother Punitang…