
tags: Obama Now Experiencing Presidential Puberty, cultural observation, social commentary, news report, health care reform, parody, satire, humor, fucking hilarious, television, Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert, Ezra Klein, streaming video Stephen Colbert interviews Ezra Klein, who explains the reconciliation process that Democrats need to pass health care reform and what Republicans can do to drag it out indefinitely. The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Action Center - Health Care Bill - Ezra Klein Colbert Report Full Episodes Political…
tags: The Frustrated Trumpet Player, prank, music, humor, funny, silly, prank, fucking hilariousstreaming video This is so silly, but it makes me laugh every time I watch it, so I had to share it with you, too. This video captures a trumpet player who is using his out-of-tune trumpet to prank a band marching past his flat on Norway's National Day, 17 May.
I just came across this photo on Fail Blog, and I tend to think that rather than a escalator FAIL it portrays a HUGE WIN for promoting physical activity. You trick people into thinking they'll get an easy escalator ride, only to find out they actualy have to use their legs to get to the next floor. Brilliant! Peter Janiszewski
tags: movies, oscar-winning movie trailer, Academy Awards, spoof, humor, funny, parody, offbeat, social commentary, streaming video This video is an amusing trailer for every Oscar-winning movie ever made! "It's not gonna be an entirely dramatic film. 'Cause we laugh there."
tags: the con-time machine, time travel, time machine, back to the future, humor, funny, parody, offbeat, spoof, streaming video Time travel will never be the same again .. I viewed this amazing video on my invention -- the Con-puter! It's like a computer, only the same!
                      In this post we take a look at the top 10 worst gym personalities, as a means to help you clearly identify and classify inappropriate gym behavior, and to help you steer clear from inadvertently falling into one of these categories as you embark on your fitness journey. In no particular order, here is a list of the most annoying gym goers that I have personally come across over the years. Many workouts have been ruined on their account, so please allow me to vent my pent up frustrations in the cathartic swell below. 1. The American Idol: It is increasingly popular…
tags: children, religion, cults, mind control, television, silly, offbeat, beliefs, funny, education, streaming video This amusing video is from a British TV show, Outnumbered. In this clip, young Ben asks the vicar some awkward questions about Jesus -- questions that most religious people have been asked at one time or another.
...because of the power of the vagina. I have a hard time arguing that the hypothesis behind this trial would not be falsified by this test. On the other hand, the link above dates back to 2006. So it would appear that either Jennifer never took the test, or she failed it. Science marches on.
tags: Star Trek: How It Should Have Ended, Star Trek, Star Wars, comedy, humor, parody, satire, silly, fucking hilarious, streaming video Space: the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, to seek out new worlds and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before ... this is how Star Trek should have ended!
tags: Beware the Ninja Chemistry Professor, college chemistry, comedy, humor, silly, fucking hilarious, streaming video This risky and hilarious college prank was done as part of a student's fund raising efforts for a Dance Marathon. The prank is funny, but the chemistry professor's reaction is priceless. ChemistryBlog says Professor Owen Priest of Northwestern University, is the scary ninja professor taking down that chicken.
tags: How Will the End of Print Journalism Affect Old Loons Who Hoard Newspapers?, newspapers, print journalism, newspaper hoarding, ONN, Onion News Network, comedy, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video The decline of the newspaper?? Ransom notes, papier-mâché and slacker gift wrapping will never be the same! Worse, what will crazy old loons pack their houses to the rafters with?
Well, I'm headed off for my weekend away - I'll be at NOFA NH on Saturday giving the keynote and at the NESEA Building Energy Public Forum Panel on Tuesday night. Posting will be intermittent while I'm gone, but I figure I'd leave you all with a laugh at my expense. Eric had a horrible moment the other day in class. Students were coming in and he was calling up a youtube video on space exploration for his students to see. But somehow while answering a student question, he committed a typo, which brought up, on a huge screen a hard-core porn site with very explicit visuals. After a second…
We are saddened to report, by way of Blue Gal and Tom Watson, that faux conservative blogger and brilliant satirist Jon Swift passed away. I corresponded with him a few times, and I always found him to be a complete delight (not to mention a riot). My favorite Jon Swift: Jon Swift's Complete Amazon Reviews He will be missed.
Trying to lose weight? Need extra motivation? Don't want to spend 1000's on a diet program and personal trainer? Afraid of drugs or cutting big chunks out of your intestine? This might just be the most important diet craze to sweep the nation and solve our obesity problem. Read on to find out the secret to dropping those pounds... So... you ready for the greatest weight revelation in the history of weight loss? Yes... it's fake fat! Women, men, moms, dad's teens, kids and families all find mypetfat a great way to keep their weight loss, exercise and wellness goals top-of mind. mypetfat…
It has been an exciting morning - and it isn't even 10 o clock. Today was the day to pick up our new buck goat, Ring Bearer (again, not responsible for his name). For those of you who have never had the pleasure of having a buck goat, or do have buck goats, but own pickup trucks or other more sensible farm vehicles than our ancient Ford Taurus, you may not be famliar with the way a buck goat smells in close quarters. This time of year, it isn't that bad, but there is a definite musk. This muskiness makes said goat sexually irresistable to all ladies of the goat persuasion, but let's…
The NCAA basketball season traditionally brings to the Piedmont region of North Carolina the Tobacco Road battles between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University, the private school in Durham about 12 miles to the northwest (actually 10.79 miles from the Dean Dome to Cameron Indoor Stadium). But what I'm wondering is why a coal war hasn't erupted between the two institutions. In the last couple of weeks, much hand-wringing has occurred on the UNC campus regarding the fact that the campus burns coal to generate heat for the university buildings. Rather than burning…
tags: The Dork Anthem, funny, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, iTunes, Dave and Brian, music video, streaming video This video is a musical tribute to the miserable lives led by high school guys with talent in the sciences, and yes, it's actually funny. I wish that us grrls would do something like this, though, except I'm thinking we're all too busy struggling to pay rent while searching for tenure-track positions and taking care of kids. Produced by FocalPoint Cinematic & Dave and Brian. You can purchase this tune on iTunes.
tags: Saturday Night Live, Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, evolution, humor, funny, satire, television, I evolved from Jesus, streaming video I think I need to ask you which religion believes we evolved from Jeebus .. any ideas? I am also interested to additional lyrics that you would provide this song with .. maybe our friend, Digital Cuttlefish, the bard of the intert00bz, can write a few verses for us?
tags: comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, self parody, wingnuts, hate group, religion, cults, institutionalized mind-control, Westboro Baptist Church, streaming video If this video doesn't scare you, then this piece of information might: this video is by the Westboro Baptist Church hate group of Topeka, Kansas. After you see the title of their homepage, I think you'll start wondering about these people and whether their "God is Love." This group of religious wingnuts and haters also enjoys protesting at pop concerts, Kansas City Chiefs football games, the funerals of soldiers and of…