
…but God has a blog in which he lists the stuff he hates. He's definitely a bit petty and vindictive, so be careful commenting over there — he might just pick on you.
Is your lunch hour safely over? If not, wait a while before watching another interview with Ben Stein. I can't believe what an idiot this man is; it's not just that he's ignorant, but that he has these bizarrely inappropriate notions about biology. He complains about "Darwinism" because it doesn't explain why are there laws of gravity and thermodynamics, or where physics and gravity come from (Bonus lunacy! He claims Darwin said gravity was intelligently designed!). He keeps making these insane assertions in interview after interview, too; does he ever think, or notice that gravity is not a…
(via Halfway There)
tags: golden hamster, pets, behavior, humor, streaming video I love hamsters. In this streaming video, we get to see something that I loved to do with my pet golden hamster, Caesar, when I was a kid; I would see how much food he could stuff into his face. I would actually count the number of seeds he crammed in there. Watching this video makes me want to get .. you guessed it .. another hamster! AIIEEE! [2:07].
There's this: But spiderman is fiction, of course.
...which Presidential candidate would make the best companion for which Doctor. I have to agree with Phil, though, in that McCain is probably too old. In the show, the Doctor's companions are nearly always younger-appearing than the Doctor. McCain looks way older than the Doctor--and I'm talking about the Doctor's real age.
No, not the use of Java to archive his music. This presence: A trapdoor spider named after him. This cute fellow: Hat tip: David Williams
Some things, I really should have thought of myself. Like this:
For they are like caged animals, ready to erupt.
MartinC (who gave us the wonderful Bensteinian Rapsody) has been busy uncovering secret artifacts that further demonstrate the ambitions of the cdesign proponentsists. First there is some deleted scenes from Expelled! featuring such dialog as: VINCENT: You’ll dig it the most. But you know what the funniest thing about Intelligent Design is? JULES: Casey Luskin? and then there is the Wedgewood Document: What these infuriating atheists failed to realize is that if Russell’s Teapot could be disproved then the final defence of atheistic materialism will fall.Far from being a logical deathblow to…
We're in big trouble now. A think tank is gearing up to take on all those uppity atheists, and they have a cunning plan that cannot fail, which will strip us of one of the most important tools in our arsenal. They have found Russell's Teapot, and are planning to put it into space. We are logically doomed.
This account of a Pentecostal service sounds like so much fun, I almost want to go.
tags: shoes, Japanese shoes, social behavior, fashion psychology, streaming video A friend sent me these images today, claiming that these are "all the fashion rage in Japan". I find that hard to believe and besides, just looking at them makes me hurt all over. Anyway, I don't want to scare you away immediately, so I have arranged these shoes so the styles evolve from less to more insane. That way, you can build up your tolerance. Okay, these shoes are a little too much, don't you think? And this pair of shoes makes me wonder how the wearer can walk in them without having a very good…
The ignorance and stupidity, they burn: Why, yes, actually, we did "allow" Nazi Germany to host the Olympics back in 1936. Hitler even presided over some of the ceremonies. The sign is so wrong that at first I wondered whether it was a Photoshop job, but apparently it's legit. I realize this photo is from around three week ago, but I didn't see it until Ed pointed me to it yesterday. Given my interest in World War II history and the Holocaust, you just knew I couldn't resist it once made aware of it. True, it's not as hilariously dumb as Tony Zirkle, but it does reveal a shocking level of…
...or so sayeth, well...YOU ARE DUMB. Bryan may be a little late in piling on, but better late than never. Zirkle, as you may recall, was the hapless candidate for the Republican nomination to run for a Congressional seat in northwest Indiana who accepted an invitation to speak at a celebration of Hitler's 119th birthday by the American Nazi Party--excuse me, the American National Socialist Workers' Party--as I joked about a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, though, I didn't give Zirkle all the credit he is due. I just made fun of his cluelessness about giving a speech on Hitler's birthday…
Our governor agrees. At least in the print version of this article which has a somehwat different title: "Easley supports college for aliens". I wonder why they changed it for the Web version - is the editorial position that having green or purple skin disqualifies one from higher education?
Sometime over tonight, this blog will pass the half a million visits mark. Say it out loud with me: half...a...million! Now I know this is because the six regular readers routinely and obsessively visit me every fifteen seconds, and there are drugs being developed to cure that, but... half... a... million! Visits! I'm a friggin' philosopher, dudes. We're supposed to be obscure and irrelevant. Unless we're French, of course. Then it's double the obscurity but a million times the relevance, at least in coffee shops and fashionable magazines. So, thank you all. I apologise for the…
So Jason Rosenhouse finally gets tenure (entirely on the basis of his craven obedience to the bidding of the jack-booted atheist thugs of academia, of course…) and then what happens? He reveals the man behind the mask. We've been played. Most tenure contracts have some kind of 'moral turpitude' clause so you can still get rid of criminals, dangerous lunatics, and disgusting creeps. Does being openly religious qualify?
Too bad this woman forgot a cardinal rule about making signs boosting English as the official language of the U.S.: Sorry, I saw this picture and just couldn't resist... Hat tip, though, to Orcinus, who reminded me of this other example of a protester who could use a little remedial English: Now why on earth would he be so mean to poor Larry and his family? I may not always agree with him (an understatement), but Larry's a smart guy. Besides, Canada is not our enemy. Note to self: The next time I call someone anything derogatory, make sure to spell the derogatory term correctly.