
IMG_0341 Originally uploaded by jshiggins
Pet cloning is back! Pets are funny things. Some owners find their pets to be closer than some human friends, other owners never really bond with their pets at all. BioArts, a California biotech company, founded by ex-CEO of the now defunct Genetic Savings & Clone, is counting on the strength of those human-dog emotional bonds . I've had several pets during the course of my life; dogs, cats, fish, scorpions, spiders, frogs, turtles, gerbils, and a hermit crab. Some pets were really easy to train and live with and some - well, let's just say some were more challenging. So, I…
Let's all advocate teaching the controversy…by wearing the t-shirt!
tags: five types of lucky, wow, humor, streaming video Because it is Friday the Thirteenth, a day that the superstitious among you view with abject terror, I thought I'd have a little talk with you about luck. Yes, luck. There are five types of luck, apparently, as documented in this video [0:57]. Oddly, all these types of luck involve vehicles. It makes me wonder if they also invoved alcohol?
OK, I'm persuaded.
Why did no one tell me of this website? Im crying from the lolz...
I had a meeting yesterday at 4, but was stood up (by a colleague who is now completely apologetic). I had another meeting today I thought at 1:30, but no one appeared. I went back to my office, saw I had got the time wrong and it was at 2:30. The meeting had been scheduled for 2, and I had misread the change of time email. In addition, I scheduled another meeting at 3 so I would have ended up talking to the 2:30 person for only 30 minutes. So I swapped my 3:00 meeting with the 3:00 person's 3:30 meeting, which worked out well for the 3:30 meeting person as she had the meeting on her…
tags: dead whale, blast from the past, humor, streaming video This video documents what happens when a dead beached whale, half a ton of dynamite, and an exclusion zone that was way too small all interact on an Oregon beach [2:35]
Something is wrong on the internet. It should be "complexity", not "purity", and the arrow should point to the left. And obviously it should be arranged so that the biologist is on top — the others don't have a cephalopod.
This guy is brilliant, both as a guitarist and a lyricist. Oh, his name's Chris Smither, if you want to Google him.
At last, military forces around the world have coordinated to take out a tyrannical dictator: we've invaded heaven. The dishonest leader of that country, with his scourges and plagues and cataclysms and arbitrary executions, has been deposed. The denouement was a bit predictable, however.
What are you learning in school? xkcd has the inside track on the really important stuff.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, Three out of four people with Alzheimer's will wander at some point during the course of the disease. Wanderers who get lost outdoors may become injured or even die of exposure. This risk increases dramatically if the weather is very cold or very hot. There's a number of ways that you can protect your beloved family member from trying to walk to Disney World or their house in the old country. Some of the ways the Mayo Clinic suggests for preventing wandering are: Alarms and locks A variety of devices can alert you that your loved one is on the move.…
In case you want to prepare your itinerary, you can now plan your eternity in Jesusland with a map of heaven. I notice that the line to View the Damned is much longer than the line to sit in Jesus' lap.
OK, this is a little rude, a bit funny, and a lot sacrilegious. I'm all for sacrilege, though, so I can't condemn it too much. Authorities were alerted after a parishoner heard "rustling and groaning" coming from inside the confession box and pulled back the curtains to reveal a goth-rock couple engaged in oral sex, ANSA said. The agency said the pair -- a 31-year-old laborer and a 32-year-old teacher -- defended their conduct saying: "We are atheists and for us, having sex in church is like doing it any other place." Well, yes, but they are also human beings who live within a society which…
As an Australo-African ape, Snowflake is happy that one command from him was enough to ensure Obama won the Democrat selection. Now he wants you to ensure that John Edwards is the VP. Edwards will bring many votes and some level headedness to the campaign, without the nasty taste in the mouth that Clinton leaves. Go to it Americans.
Creationism is being pushed legislatively in Texas again. But this line is priceless, from State Board of Education vice chairman, David Bradley (yes, you guessed, a Republican): Bradley said he doesn't foresee any successful effort to remove the “strengths and weaknesses” requirement from the science standards. “There are issues in the evolutionary process that have been proven wrong,” he said. “Evolution is not fact. Evolution is a theory and, as such, cannot be proven. Students need to be able to jump to their own conclusions.” After all, if the grownups can jump to their own…
First LOL PLoS images are now on Flickr and Facebook. If you use the correct tag in Flickr, yours will be added to the set. Please link to the original paper when you do this.
Thanks to the ASCO meeting and meeting up with some relatives here in Chicago, I didn't quite finish what I was going to post this morning. There have been at least a couple of abstracts presented that I wouldn't mind blogging about; I just haven't gotten to them yet. I also haven't forgotten about Jenny McCarthy's upcoming antivaccination-fest in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. More will be forthcoming on these and other topics, perhaps even as early as later today. In the meantime, I wanted to mention that that I walked by the booth for the Colorectal Association of Canada and their infamous…