
tags: seven forbidden words, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video When I woke up this morning I heard George Carlin talk about the seven forbidden words -- another examination of language that eventually led to the involvement of the Supreme Court. This video is not safe for your easily offended boss (but don't worry about the kids -- they already talk like this) [10:38]
tags: language as bullshit, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video When I woke up this morning, I heard George Carlin talk about language on NPR. What's wrong with using simple, direct and honest language? He wonders. "It's getting so bad that any day now I expect to hear a rape victim described as an 'unwilling sperm recipient'!" [6:55]
tags: shit versus stuff, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video I woke up this morning to hear George Carlin talking about materialism on the radio. You know, stuff. Yes, stuff. "Have you noticed that their stuff is 'shit' and your shit is 'stuff'?" he asks [5:09]
tags: pro-life is anti-woman, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video George Carlin talks about the so-called pro-life people, who use their hypocritical position to legalize and institutionalize their hatred for women. He asks, Why, when it's us, it's an abortion, but when it's a chicken, it's an omelet? [9:50]
tags: Religion is Bullshit, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video As usual these days, I was awake until the sun came up. So in the wee hours of the morning, I learned that one of my favorite people, George Carlin, died. I've always loved George Carlin even though I've never had the privilege to see him perform live. I especially enjoyed George's comments about religion, but he is so brilliant that I "especially enjoy" many things that he had to say. I know that he lived a long and wonderful life, with little mental or physical deterioration to rob him of his dignity and integrity,…
John Lynch let us know last evening about Carlin's passing on Sunday. I think you'll find many people sharing their favorite George Carlin moments today. I found him to be remarkably observant on how language is used to deal with social and political issues ("shell shock" became "battle fatigue" which then became "post-traumatic stress disorder'). The man also clearly had some interests in pharmacology, particularly natural products - from the AP report: Despite his reputation as unapologetically irreverent, Carlin was a television staple through the decades, serving as host of the "…
It is sad to note that George Carlin died Sunday at the age of 71. When he was funny, he was hilarious. His distillation of the Ten Commandments into two was a classic: Thou shalt always be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie, and, Thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone, unless of course they pray to a different invisible man than you.
Arrgh. Fremont is just crawling with Pastafarians. Photos below the fold. More Solstice parade pictures.
So, EA just released the 'Creature Creator' pre-SPORE game. You cant do much with your monsters at this point, but its a super easy program for making basically any creature you can think of (I have zero animator skillz, but I can do it. Point/click/drag-- My dad could handle this). Its been really fun playing on Sporepedia, and seeing little videos of what my friends have created... Like sporn. Yes, the first place a LOT of people went when given the reins of such an amazing animation program was to generate: Huge penis/boobage/butt/etc An organism with a huge/suggestive penis/boob/butt…
...Orac might be in trouble: (Click for the full comic.) I wonder if I should hire a guard. Actually, I think reading Respectful Insolence⢠might do Jenny McCarthy some good, especially this post (or maybe this post, too). Unfortunately, she's too deluded and arrogant to realize how scientifically ignorant she is; so it would probably just be a waste.
"Let this sleepin' dog lie, son. Dog-gone it, I'm dog tired. I'm tired of leading the dog's life and fightin' likes cats and dogs against cats and dogs, a young pup's doggin' my trail tryin' to become top dog. I'm going to the dogs in a dog eat dog world, son. I... I'm so far over the hill... I'm on the bottom of the other side. " - Wylie Burp from Fievel Goes West I don't know why I find these stories about cloning puppies so interesting, but... Someone sent me a press release on a dog fight between cloning companies. It turns out that there's a third company, from South Korea, that's…
So that's what the DI has been up to their "Biologic Institute". (You might have to know the LOLcats tradition to get the joke).
The Darwinian Gardener is interviewed in the newsjournalonline. He explains how Darwinian gardening also applies to buried sprinkler systems, which is something that never occurred to me, I must admit. But I think he's running perilously close to self-contradiction even having sprinklers.
This article in the Onion was supposed to be a satire of the 2001 Bush inaugural speech.  It was not satire.  It was prophetic: Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' January 17, 2001 | Issue 37â¢01 WASHINGTON, DC-Mere days from assuming the presidency and closing the door on eight years of Bill Clinton, president-elect George W. Bush assured the nation in a televised address Tuesday that "our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over." ... It is true, almost every word of it.  Except he hasn't succeeded with ANWR.  Not for…
I have several fun Real Science(TM) posts in the works... But today I got the new SPORE Creature Creator*... So I guess you all figured out where my evening went... LOL! I made a SPORE ARNIE!!!! Im already in love with SPORE Arnie. Though SPORE follows the cliche unicellular< multicellular < aquatic animal < land animal evolution 'ladder', I can see myself getting emotionally attached to my creatures (even though I really want to be a virus and destroy other peoples civilizations *pout*). Its already gotten bad, after I gave SPORE Arnie some puppies to play with, and I heard them…
Well, chickens... HT Darren Naish
I consider myself very fortunate that I don't work in business. As a physician and a scientist, I just don't think I would fit in the culture that well. Oh, I'm sure I'd adapt if ever the killer opportunity in big pharma or surgical device manufacturing ever came around to which I couldn't say "no," but this bit on the 50 Office-Speak Phrases You Love To Hate shows that I'd clearly have a lot to learn as far as the language goes. The list is from England, but I'm sure my American readers will recognize many of the same phrases, albeit maybe spelled or phrased a bit differently. My favorite?…
... why M. Night Shamaylanananan gets to make more movies. OK, Sixth Sense was cool, but really... So read this summary script of The Hapeninening and save your ticket money. Hat tip to Louanne Miller.