
tags: Dental Appointment, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, humor, comedy, streaming video This brilliantly funny streaming video stars the late Harvey Korman as Tim Conway's dental patient-- these guys were brilliant together. If only everyone could give people half as much joy as each of these men did. RIP Mr. Korman [2:59].
I've always wanted a handy translation guide for Christian cliches.
…and you deserve to burn in hell for eternity. It really doesn't matter what you've done — you're damned. Take The Good Person Test and find out! It's standard evangelical Christian nonsense in which they hammer on any niggling divergence from absolute perfection, followed by quotes from the Bible that prove that if you fibbed once, you deserve eternal torment. One fun thing about this "test" is that you don't have to take the bait — go ahead, deny committing any of the sins they want to accuse you of, and then it will announce "The Bible says all men are sinners, until you're ready to admit…
I like the Smart Car, particularly if it comes with bunny ears. But this is not keeping with the design philosophy of the Smart Car: (from here) Besides, how the hell do you even get in the car?
Clooney deals with the attention in a self-deprecating fashion, usually making jokes about himself. "That's the Australian way, it's the right way to do it," he says. From this article...
So we managed to attract 5 local PZombies (Craig, you are in trouble for not turning up!) on a wet Brisbane night. We had some interesting discussions (which I fear means that others listened to me nonstop) over beer. It's nice to know that those of us who are in thrall to our cephalod overlords are not alone in our struggle to conquer the world and make it safe for molluscs. But to show the superiority of cephalopods over chordates, watch this:
A reader of mine, knowing I am going through a rough time right now, sent me this to cheer me up. Of course, I had to share it with all of you, too! Top Ten Saying Of Biblical Mothers Samson! Get your hand out of that lion. You don't know where it's been! (Judges 14:5-8). David! I told you not to play in the house with that sling! Go practice your harp. We pay good money for those lessons! Abraham! Stop wandering around the countryside and get home for supper! Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! I told you never to play with fire! Cain! Get off your brother! You're going to kill him…
tags: Young Hillary Clinton, politics, humor, comedy, streaming video This brilliantly funny streaming video is the result of a deviant comedic mind -- it's a portrait of the young Hillary Rodham (like, duh, she wasn't married yet, as one of the students will remind you). My favorite quote? "What's a superdelegate?" [3:05].
tags: doctor seuss bible, comedy, humor, creationists, streaming video This streaming video is an amusing but nonsensical reading of Doctor Seuss's Bible -- hey, it's kinda like the real Bible, isn't it? [2:29].
tags: parrots, politics, humor, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a CNN report about a parrot that .. er, parrots .. Barack Obama's slogan, "Yes we can". But it also includes some other parrots .. the one that says "Whateverrrr" is my favorite [2:31].
Bob the Angry Flower retells the story of the bald prophet, Elisha. Man, if I had the power to summon angry she-bears, I wouldn't be siccing them on the children who made fun of my looks — I can think of much better targets for my wrath. It's an odd choice for Bob, though. I'd think he'd be much more concerned about Jesus and that fig tree.
This will be handy around here: The Hovind Scale. It's a metric for calculating the craziness of a creationist's comment from 0 (scientific and honest) to 100 (dishonest insanity). There's even an online calculator to simplify it for you! I did a quick spot check on a few of our local loony commenters, and found that 16s were pretty common, and a few of the egregious old trolls who've been banned got up into the 40s. Unfortunately, the scale is flawed by one subjective measure: you have to interpret whether the kook is knowingly lying or not. I tend to view most of them as stupid but sincere…
tags: GOP, republicans, politics, antidepressants, humor, Comedy Central, streaming video This streaming video by Comedy Central shows you the real reason there are so many antidepressants advertized on TV these days: Republicans: Doughy. White. Happy. [2:38].
A couple of college students in Toronto (what is it with those ferocious godless heathens coming out of that city?) took offense at the patent absurdity of the "Bible and Bible Studies" section of a large bookstore at Yonge and Eglinton, and decided to help organize the shelves by filing their contents more appropriately. They quietly moved the contents to other places in the bookstore, like Fiction, Humour, Sexuality, Erotica, Cuisine, Parenting, Mental Disorder, Parapsychology and the Occult. Then they sent me a photo of the end result. That's Sam Harris' Letter to a Christian Nation…
Now you're all in trouble. I have been personally blessed by God via email. Hi PZ, Just wanted to thank you for the link to My Blog, Stuff God Hates. As such I will bless you and your family and make your descendants the rulers of many lands. Also, I rather enjoy your blog as well. - God "Rulers of many lands" … I hope my kids don't get stuck with Asia.
I'm grading genetics exams today. I hope the English department doesn't inherit too many cadavers.
I'm not a gardener, really I'm not. I once killed a cactus plant by underwatering it. I found it on the window sill one day three years after I last took note of it and it was black. I don't believe in the concept "weed". If a plant survives my tender ministrations, it deserves to be there. I call it survival of the fittest, or Darwinian gardening. This simple idea has saved me from hours of drudgery. I think it ought to be a moral precept, or a commandment of God, for all of us who find the notion of trying to make the unsuited thrive in conditions that are resource hungry and basically a…
Is that Georgie poo? -source?-