
in which we present: the planet pool, why we wear black and the war on Iceland among others Pick a planet host Kepler has First Light and the field is published (more on this later) The Lab Lemming is running a pool on which star will have the most earth like planet detected... but, what if you like to wear black AND you're a scientist...? The FSP is on form Easily Distracted: heterogenous prioritization in making decisions on where to cut in academia I don't entirely agree, but the SLACs have different perspectives on how these things work forbidden physics The War Against Iceland - at 6…
President Obama is this year's commencement speaker at the Arizona State University ASU decided, somewhat unusually, not to give him an honourary degree The Huffington Post has been all over this Stupid move. Here is the list of all past ASU honourary degree recipients usual mix of local politicos, senior scientists and random nominees including some people who apparently played some sort of game. To say: ""University spokeswoman Sharon Keeler said Tuesday that the University awards honorary degrees to recognize individuals for their work and accomplishments spanning their lifetime. '…
The FDIC has solicited comments from bankers and investors on the massive "Legacy Loan Program" One comment in particular summarises the issues well and proposes a way forward that may be acceptable to the investment community Must read. h/t CR of course
There is much blogospheric chatter right now about how newspapers will survive the combination of recession, with associated collapse in advertising revenue; the maturing of the internet as multi-media; and the obsolete business model of most newspapers. kos and atrios are, rightly, much disdainful of the "Morton Plan" "The Morton Plan" for saving newspapers. I call on all you publishers to decide individually (to ward off the antitrust folks) to charge for Internet access to your newspaper content: Offer your readers the choice of getting their paper online, with the advantages of expanded…
Curious little thing bubbling in the blogosphere: a lawyer was fired Above the Law has the details - a partner, in a top law firm (S&C) escorted out of the bulding by security, according to the stories; working in corporate law here is S&C's list of major financial institution thing's they've been doing recently it is an interesting list: advising AIG on their $85 billion Lehman's on how to go into bankruptcy JPMorgan on the WaMu takeover Goldman Sachs on their deal with Berkshire and Buffet Fannie Mae in connection with its federalization Bear Sterns in connection with its sale to…
we go link mad here at sciblogs... because, everybody? linking is good! Could drilling cause eruptions? why, yes, they can, sorta. borrow money at 0%, and lend it back short term to underemployed people at 120%APR yes, life is good if you're a banker... this week no stress, no fail you will pass any test if the examiner is willing to indefinitely provide you with what is needed to get the right answer eventually The PI as CEO Drug Monkey resuscitates and oldie but goodie so where is my bonus? Janet, if that is her real name, outs some pseudonymous bloggers... 'bout time Lawyerland: they can'…
This post has nothing to do with physics, so if you are only into physicsy stuff, skip this. The primary goal of this post is to list what I need to blog. The secondary goal is to rant about my laptop. I destroyed my laptop (well, not really, but kind of). Basically, I had a tooth pulled on Tuesday. It wasn't bad, really it wasn't. The doctor said I should be ok to teach lab after the pull, so I did. NOTE: DON'T EVER DO THAT. Teaching lab after getting a tooth pulled = bad idea. Really bad. Nothing like not being able to talk while drooling blood. I think I scared my students. After…
and it comes down to this... double first, Caltech doctorate, postdocs at top research institutions, personal fellowship, tenure-track, tenure... and the forecast is for rain. The good news is that since I am tenured I can probably still afford to buy even a new pair of Nikes. The bad news is that since I am tenured I probably do not have the time to do so anytime soon. Ah well, I really hate shopping anyway.
I am on a quest for the perfect egg salad sandwich I could make it, with the better half's oatmeal honey whole wheat bread, a little bit of mayo and way too much onion or there's this bakery near Pasadena, whose name I forget, which makes a near perfect nutty whole grain bread... or, sigh, Gayle's! but, that is not my quest: it is to find the perfect grab'n'go egg salad sandwich real mayo, but no so much it is runny, eggs and onion gentle use of herbs and spices, maybe and the bread must be good, firm and hold the salad lettuce in moderation may be tolerated oh, and one that is reliably…
'cause y'know linkin' is good emptywheel at firedoglake wants to boycott JP Morgan/Chase/WaMu - interesting story, JPM is allegedly blocking Chrysler being eaten by Fiat because if Chrysler goes bankrupt JPM both gets something back on their loans, and probably triggers CDS on Chrysler bonds, and so profits JPM also has the contract for unemployment benefit debit cards in Michigan - win-win, eh? Unqualified Offerings provides guidance and direction for sciblingers - maybe Chad will give me some of his excess New Scientist has blogs at Short, Sharp Science - snazzy Which physicist are you…
a list of recent useful things profound thought of the day: "it is hard to be sentimental on the 101 (N)" TIPS tutorial from the Fed Ethan @ Starts With a Bang - new scibling, cosmology oriented astroblog Celestia @ shatters.net - free 3-D space visualization tool one of these days I'll have to play and compare it with Partiview - from Hayden/NCSA - which has served me well in the past
Is kale actually, possibly, the healthiest food with least environmental impact for humans? A wise friend conjectures this may possibly be so. We must not ever find this out, the potential consequences are too awful to contemplate.
was playing at the Soho, just stone's throw from Arigato Sushi, dontcha know... they're really quite good, if you like harmony driven funky reggae folk poppy rock... Anyway, Goodland got to get some youtube vids out there guys they were opening for Mama's Cookin' not bad, not my style though
Finally, robust rumours of a head of NASA candidate about time, and I for one look forward to our new Cylon Overlords.
a second year grad student doing his first observing run somewhere in Europe is reporting a naked eye supernova in the galactic plane in the Sagittarius constellation twitter feeds from somewhere across the Atlantic say "wow, it is really bright, and I know it can't be Venus" 01.04.09: Early indications suggest the presence of Hα and OIII lines, and there are indications that the emission is highly variable. One message suggested evidence for periodicity, or at least quasi-periodic oscillations, possibly indicating prompt formation of a slow pulsar. There are clear anecdotal indications of…
"He looks just like you" "Thank you" "Soooo cute!" Huh? Ok... so: my decades long struggle to transcend "cute" and reach some suitably manly adjective has failed, or cuteness is not transitive must achieve zen
In the "Little House on the Prairie" series, one of the later books describes the family's move to the Dakota's and the long winter they suffered through. In The Long Winter, the prairie is hammered by a rapid series of intense blizzards, from October until April - about two per week, according to the book, though that may be some exaggeration. My kids were shocked when I told them, after we read the book, that it was based on real life incidents, not pure fiction. Looks like the long winter is back From accuweather, monday 30th March 2009 Interesting. It is tempting to note that 1879-1880…
would he blog?
so The Intersection has followed several other of the top ranked science blogs to the Discoverblog hive all well and good, and good luck to them at Bob's place (not no, not that Bob, Jr). he dated Ann Coulter - wow, one learns the strangest things on the Nets Anyway, the Baad Astronomer and his fans gave them a rousing welcome, and Drug Monkey and Comrade Physio Prof took exception. Oh, the fight is the usual - the fans overcome by their lust for the hot sexy scientist (photo - not suitable for K-12 readers)... Maybe Sheril should address the issue. If she feels like it. 'course the…
there has been a lot going on in the world in recent year, and people are outraged, sort of actually, given the sheer outrageousness of the various finanicial and political misdeeds of the last few years, the level of outrage is surprisingly low people are jaded, and this is reflected in many anecdotal interviews why is that? do the shenanigans at AIG leave a bad taste in your mouth? do you feel nauseated by the bank bailout? do you feel the bile rise when you read the headlines? do you "taste a bit of vomit" when you read the latest breaking news? well, you should: in a rather fascinating…