
Effect measure has another good swine flu entry one thing I haven't seen laid out explicitly is why the school closures etc? I mean, this is a new variant flu and we are all going to get it. Statistically that means a few percent of us will have mystery immunity and maybe 1/3-2/3 of the population will get it in the first full blown wave. Well, there are three reasons to take proactive precautions against contagion, despite the inevitable: one is that the current wave might fizzle, possibly just because the weather is getting warmer in the northern hemisphere; that still leaves the…
so, three swine flu cases in Oxnard, and half-dozen in a kids' camp near San Lois Obispo, it will be here by the weekend but it is ok, according ot the LA Times it is going to be mild... so, what do the numbers tell us so far well, it would be nice to know wtf is going on in Mexico... but, the US has 109 confirmed cases and it sounds like there are several hundred more suspected and to be confirmed soon - we're still on the apparent linear slow rise on the exponential, and of course we have no info on when it will saturate and flatten - rise and inflection will be interesting the flu is…
Daily Show does the LHC and the path integrals of our lives Daily Show does the LHC! Not bad, Ellis is pretty good. Link when they have it. Do you know what at Kelvin is? The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M - Th 11p / 10c Large Hadron Collider thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis First 100 Days damn, that was fast... Life Path Integrals - at Information Processing - reminds me of a Ted Chiang short story, or Anathem... However, do note that the academic infinite postdoc path is closer to the sex&drugs&rocknroll then it is to corporate-kiss-ass…
just saw a lone whale outside my window headed north
nostalgia trip
Announcement: There is a ton of extra money for education of teachers. You should submit a grant proposal. Hey, let's submit a proposal and get laptops for a whole bunch of students. To me, this is like giving morphine to people with the flu. It will make them feel better, but doesn't really fix the problem. A proposal like the above would probably get funded and probably make some people look great, but would it really help?
yet more flu university politics and whatever else I tripped over on the net Revere beats a dead horse wot needs beatin' Revere: not just a statistic LOLpigs Tara: swine 'flu deja vu Digital Biologist: what goes around comes around very cool viral sequence alignments and family trees Digital Biologist: this is how you do it Wired: flu genomics Flu Redux: from Making Light University As We Know It: End Thereof Incoherent Ponderer dismantles the preceding FSP takes on the University As We Know It
it is not just about lots of people dying see medical doctors have a different perspective on severity this was brought home to me by a relative who came off watch and described the shape of someone who had been injured earlier that day, described as "moderate" in the news You: healthy MD: healthy You: not feeling too good MD: you're healthy You: ugh. tylenol, water, let me sleep MD: healthy You: feels like a bus hit me, burning up, achy, can't move, better stay home MD: minor illness You: half-conscious, can't walk, high fever, excruciating pain, vomiting, diarrhea MD:…
so what would a mild swine flu pandemic cost? we get out the envelope... best case is about 1% hit to GDP this year so far on the swine 'flu we know: it is a new type A influenze variant probably essentially no one has immunity to it it seems to spread rapidly and easily and be past where it can be contained it might fizzle due to summer coming, or spread global in the next 2-6 weeks it might come back next winter, possibly more virulent, or not the fatality ratio, so far, does not seem any worse than "regular 'flu" - under 1%, and probably consistent with few percent of the seriously sick…
lanow blog reporting two deaths over the weekend from pneumonia or 'flu like illness. possibly from swine flu or not. 33 yr male from Long Beach died monday - pneumonia over pre-existing lymphoma 45 yr male from La Mirada - died monda from pneumonia - County refused death certificate Coroner's office is investigating lifted from comment on Effect Measure
yes, more swine flu link save the frog day reprap and other random bits Ok, first the Swine Flu (there's some actual astro and other stuff below): Revere: Pandemics - seen one... Revere Channels Jon for the best news summaries Revere: CFR, virulence and all that Revere: afternoon briefing Revere: what did you expect? Aetiology: 'flu update Chandar blog: 4-way Cluster Collision Chandra: Talk To The Hand 100th Carnival of Space - I keep forgetting those... First Annual Save The Frogs Day! er, we saved one from the pool yesterday... does that offset the two frogs and three tadpoles the kids…
swine 'flu update Iceland's elections and other randomness Yeah, lots of swine flu links, and most of you by now know about Revere. But, linking performs an intrinsic function in and of itself. Wiki entry on H1N1 '09 'flu outbreak Swine flu's ticket to ride Swine flu: what you don't know may hurt us all Swine Flu: thoughts for the day - Revere Revere is on this - read the comments to his posts also Tara is back and on it Corpus Callosum explains what pandemic level numbers mean Neuroenhancers: provocative post on better living through chemistry - but will it make us blog bette? Chad on…
Revere links to a curious Bloomberg News story "...The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama's trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico's anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn't confirm if Solis had swine flu or not. " I presume the Secret Service takes sharp notice if someone who meets the President dies the next die from a mystery illness. I also presume an autopsy…
in honour of Geithner's end of the week press conference Crimson Permanent Assurance: The song is at the end of part 2...
swine 'flu epidemic passing ship creation of oil and other defining moments all right, serious shit link edition: Effect Measure is all over the swine 'flu outbreak in SoCal and Mexico Revere is not prone to panic: ---- PPS: Saturday Night Weird Story Edition - Read it and ponder. ---- Unusual 'flu cases in SoCal... The CDC heads-up advisory the CDC has swine 'flu on its front page now, but has gone to normal "steady on chaps" mode Swine 'flu store evolving Oh crap! Many cases in Mexico City with multiple fatalities Swine 'flu update Another update from Revere End of the day wrap up…
ghost observatory images wanton spending by university bureaucrats planets and cold fusion Really cool observatory image Cold Fusion? Again? Nanoscale braves an old topic bubbling again Where does the overhead go anyway? Read the comments as you ponder Sean wrote a paper. About extra dimensions and shit Greg has a movie of HD 80606b - it is a movie, of a planet, in another solar system Greg on GJ581e - good stuff on timing. But, folk, GJ 582d is not really habitable. Lets not oversell this. New Scibling - Guilty Planet The life of junior faculty National Initiative to Built The Quantum…
It is Hot tub again tonight. Definitely.
Some time ago I was looking for materials to possibly build a foucault pendulum. Of course the first step is google. There was a site that suggested two old issues of Scientific American, and it happens that we have tons of old Scientific Americans in the store room. I found the two that I needed. I will talk about foucault pendulum in second, but let me show this picture. This is a device to prevent elliptical motion of the pendulum. Part of it has a ring of nickel. Now for the quote: "The nickel ring, perhaps appropriately, should have the dimensions of a U.S. five-cent piece, with a…
Game of Thrones is being made into a TV series by HBO I am glad to say. Hope they do as well as "Rome". Could be really cool. But who to play the characters? Can we agree that Tobey Maguire ought to be banned from being in it? That Ian McKellen will somehow be in it. That Judi Dench ought to be in it? And that inevitably Sean Bean will be, and has some chance of being cast well... h/t kos
Alda explains how some people might have come to believe in elves... happy partying elves, inside the mountains My Iceland: the glamorous opulence of the hidden people "...When we were about halfway along the full stretch of the rock face to our right, we suddenly heard this amazing sound. It was a huge party going on somewhere, a banquet, with hundreds of people laughing and talking, classes clinking, cutlery scraping on dinnerware - a cacophony of merriment coming from somewhere beyond the cliffs. We stopped dead in our tracks, looked at each other with bewildered expressions, then…