streaming video

tags: Gordon Brown, world wide web, WWW, social injustice, poverty, security, climate change, economy, ethics, streaming video We're at a unique moment in history, argues UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown: we can use today's interconnectedness to develop our shared global ethic -- and work together to confront the challenges of poverty, security, climate change and the economy [16:43] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
tags: TEDTalks, medicine, Psychopathic Killers, epigenetics, brain damage, psychology, MAOA gene, serotonin, Jim Fallon, streaming video In this video, Gever Tulley uses engaging photos and footage to demonstrate the valuable lessons kids learn at his Tinkering School. When given tools, materials and guidance, these young imaginations run wild and creative problem-solving takes over to build unique boats, bridges and even a rollercoaster! [4:42] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give…
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, Princess Diana, 120-car Pile-up, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video Yesterday's 259 car pile-up on the autobahn in Germany reminded me of this tragic news report that I'd always meant to share with my friends -- especially one of my British friends who is relocating to Germany [1:56]
tags: TEDTalks, medicine, infections, new technology, alpha-gal aptomer, antibiotics, Kary Mullis, streaming video Drug-resistant bacteria kills, even in top hospitals. But now tough infections like staph and anthrax may be in for a surprise. In this video, Nobel-winning chemist Kary Mullis, who watched a friend die when powerful antibiotics failed, unveils a radical new cure that shows extraordinary promise [4:42] TEDTalks shares the best ideas from the TED Conference with the world, for free: trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses, all giving the talk of…
tags: religion, fundamentalism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, terrorism, Marcus Brigstocke, streaming video In this video, Marcus Brigstocke rants about religion. Not for the faint-hearted! And I agree with everything he says, too. So there. [Audio from 'The Now Show', Radio 4, Saturday 21 July 2007. Pictures compiled, animated and sequenced by Alien8ted] [7:21]
tags: religion, afterlife, humor, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, Edward Current shares his thoughts on god and the afterlife. He writes, "Frankly, one reason I've remained a die-hard Christian is to cover my behind in the afterlife. But I recently realized I need to worship ALL gods that might possibly exist." [3:26]
tags: TEDTalks, medicine, bone marrow, new technology, Marrow Miner, Daniel Kraft, streaming video Daniel Kraft demonstrates his Marrow Miner -- a new device that quickly harvests life-saving bone marrow with minimal pain to the donor. He emphasizes that the adult stem cells found in bone marrow can be used to treat many terminal conditions, from Parkinson's to heart disease [4:42] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
tags: ONN, Onion News Network, spelling bee champion, humor, funny, satire, streaming video This news report focuses on a special boy with a disability that renders him capable of superior spelling abilities. [2:38]
tags: Finland, Harry Potter films, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, HP6, film, trailer, streaming video, photographs [0300 Helsinki time, after the film ended] The entrance to the theatre showing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP6) in Helsinki, Finland at 6 minutes after midnight. [Harry Potter ja Puoliverinen Prinssi]. There are three theatres at Finnkino showing the film this night. The doors open and we get ready to enter the theatre! Yeowza! The movie screen is the largest I've ever seen -- 184.8 square metres (8.8 x 21 m -- or 29 x 69 ft) -- and this particular…
tags: The Magic Behind Harry Potter 6, interview, celebrity gossip, funny, streaming video This is a streaming video of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This special contains cast interviews and exclusive footage of the new movie. [Part 5/5] [5:49] Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
tags: The Magic Behind Harry Potter 6, interview, celebrity gossip, funny, streaming video This is a streaming video of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This Special contains cast interviews and exclusive footage of the new movie. [Part 4/5] [10:13] Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
tags: The Magic Behind Harry Potter 6, interview, celebrity gossip, funny, streaming video This is a streaming video of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This special contains cast interviews and exclusive footage of the new movie. [Part 3/5] [10:15] Part 1 Part 2
tags: TEDTalks, environment, cities, poverty, crime, underground economy, Stewart Brand, streaming video The man who helped usher in the environmental movement in the 1960s and '70s has been rethinking his positions on cities, nuclear power, genetic modification and geo-engineering. This talk at the US State Department is a foretaste of his major new book, sure to provoke widespread debate. You've GOT to watch the video of the train going through the poor part of town in Bankok -- it's amazing! [16:42] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED…
tags: The Magic Behind Harry Potter 6, interview, celebrity gossip, funny, streaming video This is a streaming video of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This Special contains cast interviews and exclusive footage of the new movie. [Part 1/5 -- the remainder of the parts will be posted tomorrow] [10:12]
tags: new rules, social commentary, humor, funny, Bill Maher, streaming video In this video we learn, among other things, how to properly greet the first African-American POTUS and the identity of the REAL Islamic bomb [6:17]
tags: miracle, christian cat, religion, Christian Cat Plays Amazing Grace, Edward Current, streaming video In this amazing video, we are given evidence that miracles truly do happen! This video captures the impossible: Edward's christian cat, Miss Delilah, performs a miracle on camera. You just have to believe it in your heart! [1:06]
tags: politics, religion, fundamentalism, physical violence, Bill Maher, streaming video "'This is what I believe.' 'Yeah, you believe it, and I'm going to say why it's dumb.'" ~ Bill Maher [2:17]
tags: politics, American constitution, national security, terrorism, Bill Maher, streaming video Should America curtail our constitutional rights under the guise of preventing terrorist attacks? NO NO NO. I just wanted to remind you of an important discussion that occurred nearly one year ago when American was trapped in the clutches of a lunatic moron who aspired to be "dictator" -- I wonder when Obama will finally stop all this invasive secret governmental spying on Americans? [3:41]
tags: funny, humor, satire, economy, television news, instapoll tracker, live poll, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video ONN is trying out a new feature to give viewers greater involvement in the news: a live popularity poll. Viewers can vote on specific comments as the pundits are uttering them, which gives the pundits the opportunity to kiss ass in real time and while the broadcast is in progress! (Important when talking about the economy) [3:10]
tags: Harry Potter and the Midlife Crisis, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video How will the Harry Potter movies finally end? Don't wait for the book! Here is the exclusive story [4:15]