streaming video

tags: duckling rescue, birds, cute, streaming video Bankers have a bad (although, deserved) rap these days, don't they? This BBC video shows banker Joel Armstrong of Spokane, Washington, who was nice enough to initiate an intensive bailout (eviction?) of his neighbors, who could no longer stay in their home. His neighbors: a family of mallards [1:10] Yes, he did the same thing last year, so the video and the story, which is fresh, might look familiar.
tags: birding, bird watching, birds, television, Animal Planet, streaming video Richard Crossley, a birder who co-author the book, The Shorebird Guide, has been involved in making documentaries on birdwatching, and particularly on birds in cities. But unfortunately, the higher-ups at The Animal Planet network don't believe there is really a market for TV shows about birds and birdwatching. So the people producing bird shows are looking for a strong response from the birding community indicating that there is indeed a niche for such programs [5:28] Now that you've watched the video,…
tags: religion, prayer in schools, godlessness, atheism, streaming video This video discusses using religion, particularly school prayer, as a mechanism for alienating children who are different. [6:34]
tags: religion, atheism, godlessness, Science is the Dumbest Religion, humor, funny, satire, edward current, streaming video This video asks the important question: Have scientists really found the missing link? Or are Darwinianists just blindly worshipping roadkill again? [3:23]
tags: animals, kittens, whack-a-kitty game, silliness, cute, funny, streaming video This video is filled with head-exploding cuteness! It's time to play Whack-A-Kitty! It's like the game, Whack-A-Mole, but on cute overload. [1:33]
tags: animals, porcupine, banana, hiccups, cute, funny, streaming video This cute video depicts a baby porcupine (also called porcupet) while he eats a banana. You'll hear tiny squeaks -- those are hiccups! [1:24]
tags: paleontologists, fossils, scientists, dinosaur hunters, pervatasaurus, humor, funny, satire, streaming video Paleontologists recently discovered a new dinosaur fossil in Argentina: they believe the intact skeleton could shed light on the bizarre fetishes of this pervert dinosaur [2:10]
tags: TEDTalks, einstein, African Grey Parrot, Stephanie White, streaming video This video is a whimsical wrap-up of TED2006 -- presented by Einstein, the African grey parrot, and her trainer, Stephanie White. Watch for the moment when Einstein has a moment with Al Gore [5:49]
tags: religion, morality, godlessness, atheism, occam's razor, aesop's fables, streaming video This video is an interesting testament to why one man is an atheist, and what forms the root of human morals. My opinion? Let's just say that I prefer Aesop's fables to the bible [7:06] Most christians know less about morality than Stephen Hawking knows about ballroom dancing!
tags: Rimatara Lorikeet, Kuhl's Lory, Vini kuhlii, 'Ura, conservation, endangered species, Fiji, streaming video This informative video discusses the conservation of one of my research birds, the Rimatara (Kuhl's) Lory, Vini kuhlii, known by the natives as the 'Ura. Not only is this bird's story interesting, but it also exemplifies the complications and challenges of conserving any endangered species. This is part three of a three-part series [8:46] If you wish to read more about this bird, I've written a few essays about this program and its progress over the years; The Return of the…
tags: Rimatara Lorikeet, Kuhl's Lory, Vini kuhlii, 'Ura, conservation, endangered species, Fiji, streaming video This informative video discusses the conservation of one of my research birds, the Rimatara (Kuhl's) Lory, Vini kuhlii, known by the natives as the 'Ura. Not only is this bird's story interesting, but it also exemplifies the complications and challenges of conserving any endangered species. This is part two of a three-part series [8:00] If you wish to read more about this bird, I've written a few essays about this program and its progress over the years; The Return of the…
tags: religion, creationism, bananas, pineapples, masturbation, streaming video This informative video discusses the banana and why it is a creationist's nightmare. Conclusion: gawd wishes humans to masturbate, so get beating, everybody! [10:16]
tags: Rimatara Lorikeet, Kuhl's Lory, Vini kuhlii, 'Ura, conservation, endangered species, Fiji, streaming video This informative video discusses the conservation of one of my research birds, the Rimatara (Kuhl's) Lory, Vini kuhlii, known by the natives as the 'Ura. Not only is this bird's story interesting, but it also exemplifies the complications and challenges of conserving any endangered species. This is part one of a three-part series [8:00] If you wish to read more about this bird, I've written a few essays about this program and its progress over the years; The Return of the…
tags: religion, fundamentalist nonsense, poison, humor, satire, comedy, streaming video In this video, we are reminded about Mark 16:17-18, which tells us that drinking poison will do no harm to those who believe in god. Edward Current celebrates this amazing gift from our loving Father by drinking a bottle of cyanide that is so potent that it can kill an adult atheist in less than ten seconds [3:50]
tags: science, physics, boiling water into ice, streaming video This should go into the category: What scientists do when the boss is out of town: This video shows a couple scientists who are "boiling water into ice." Can you describe how they do this? [5:02]
tags: TEDTalks, Joshua Klein, birds, crows, ornithology, animal behavior, streaming video In this video, Hacker and writer Joshua Klein talks about his fascination with crows. (Notice the gleam of intelligence in their little black eyes?) After a long amateur study of corvid behavior, he's come up with an elegant machine that may form a new bond between animal and human. (2008) [9:47]
tags: An Engineer's Guide to Cat Yodeling, pets, humor, funny, streaming video This amusing video is a special little feature just for my Finnish friend, Juuro. Two professional engineers illustrate how to get your cats to yodel. None of the cats, humans, or engineers were mistreated in the making of this film. They were however, slightly annoyed. [6:31]
tags: film, movies, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, streaming video This video shows the West Wales site where two Hollywood blockbusters will be filmed this summer. Harry Potter and Robin Hood will both be filmed in Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire. [2:05] Filming for for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is already underway. Roads will be closed in Pembrokeshire, as building for Shell Cottage begins. Shell Cottage plays a prominent part in JK Rowling's final book. Originally located on a little cliff in Cornwall, Harry, Ron and Hermione take shelter in Shell Cottage whilst on the…
tags: peek-a-boo, cats, humor, streaming video This amusing video shows a cat hiding in his mistress's suitcase. She had just returned from summer vacation and apparently her faithful kitty, boots, crawled into her suitcase and was entertaining her by attacking a pen that she was scratching along the zipper [1:53]
tags: religion, humor, edward current, streaming video Do you really believe that precious life comes from disgusting body fluids? The Truth is, babies are brought into the world by a pure white angel, the Stork. [3:06]