streaming video

tags: animal behavior, hamster on a piano eating popcorn, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video It is Saturday morning afterall, so I am just going to have fun sharing silly videos of the cutest little mammal known to humanity; Siberian dwarf hamsters. This video features a couple Siberian dwarf hamsters, one of which is a speed demon, revealed by the speedometer attached to its wheel. As an added bonus, this hamster teaches us a little math; To get the hamster's speed, divide the speed written by ten, then you will have it in km/h.
tags: animal behavior, hamster on a piano eating popcorn, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video I've linked to this video before, but I love dwarf hamsters (kept them as pets most of my life, in fact, but don't tell this to the guy I just married), so I had to share this with you again;
tags: animal behavior, hamster wheel, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video I dunno about you, but sometimes, I feel like I am running my life away on a hamster wheel -- getting nowhere fast. Except for those days when the hamster wheel of life stops working properly, that is! Below the jump, a sweet little Siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, demonstrates what I mean;
tags: health care crisis, American Health Care, Jonathan Cohn, social commentary, streaming video In this video, Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor of The New Republic and author of Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis -- and the People Who Pay the Price, discusses the history of America's health care crisis. In his book, the author convincingly argues that Medicare and universal health care in such countries as France, though not perfect, are far superior to the system most Americans face. And, as you are well aware, Americans are provided health care by for-profit insurance…
tags: socialized health care, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video I am one of more than 40 million Americans who cannot afford health care -- and I think America SHOULD have government-funded health care, as Bill Maher points out so eloquently in less than two minutes. When I had surgery (to place a titanium plate into my badly fractured wrist) in Finland, my hospital gown covered everything, and it was made from real fabric, not that see-through tissue paper that is used in American hospitals. So Maher's observation has more merit than…
tags: New Rules, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video This video below the jump features Bill Maher's social observations, including his comments about the relationship between raising animals for food and global warming.
tags: How Proteins Are Made From DNA in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video This video uses the latest research to create an animation of how DNA gives rise to proteins in a living cell. But do you think the word "machine" is correct? I have difficulty with the use of that word .. [4:27]
tags: Obama, Bipolar Disorder, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video White House officials admit Obama's extreme confidence and total euphoria over "hope" and "change" were symptoms of a prolonged manic episode. He has since recovered and now is depressed -- just like the rest of the country. [2:30] Not to split hairs, but a typical manic episode doesn't last three years.
tags: Walk On The Wild Side, animals, behavior, humor, streaming video Walk On The Wild Side is a brand new comedy series that seeks to provide a long overdue forum for the views and opinions of the animal kingdom [1:54]
tags: Gay Christians, religion, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a very silly Not The Nine O'Clock News Sketch about gay christians [1:33]
tags: How DNA is Replicated in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video I still remember when I learned how DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) replication occurs, and it was like a lightning bolt from the sky: it changed my view of the world and a molecular biologist was born. This video uses the latest research to create an animation of how DNA is replicated in a living cell [1:54] DNA replication is a fundamental process underlying biological inheritance that occurs in all living organisms to accurately copy their DNA. This process occurs through a "semiconservative"…
tags: Faith Is Retarded, religion, faith, delusion, streaming video Clearly Christianity, as with all religions, has been a necessary cog in the machinery of human social evolution. But it is a crutch that we no longer need. It is time for us to move past this primitive mindset and into a world based on reason and logic. [5:50]
tags: The Most Amazing Bible Passages Ever, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, Edward Current shares his favorite Bible verses to recite for nonbelievers who just don't get it -- especially when the going gets tough. [5:03]
tags: TEDTalks, laptops, future success, Nicholas Negroponte, streaming video (TED follows Nicholas Negroponte to Colombia as he delivers laptops inside territory once controlled by guerrillas. His partner? Colombia's Defense Department, who see One Laptop per Child as an investment in the region. This project will have a bigger and more lasting effect on the damages created by poverty, destitution, crime and violence in the world than any other single thing I can think of -- how about you? [6:31] TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference,…
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, privacy, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video This streaming news report reveals that web users who wish to completely protect their privacy can choose to move to a desolate mountain village started by Google. While living there, they are guaranteed an environment free from Google products and natural light from the sun [2:18]
tags: Wedding Yells, humor, funny, The Day Today, BBC, streaming video This video shows a nupticution. It's not so much wedding bells as 'execution yells' as a killer of 12 marries his 'fried to be' on the electric chair. Barbara Wintergreen reports for CBN News. From the BBC comedy, The Day Today. [2:12]
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, streaming video This video shows you an actual boat rescue in progress. A speedboat has flipped over in NYC's Central Park Conservatory Water so a nearby fireboat rescues it by flipping it back to its proper position. Of course, since this is a speedboat, the ungrateful thing zips off immediately, and is not seen again. I happen to know the man (Dick Conners) who pilots the fireboat in this video. [0:57] I have a photoessay in the works about the boathouse where these model boats are housed, since Dick was so kind as to bring me into this space…
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video This video is a timed quiz and it asks, "Among all the horrible things in the world, how quickly can you pick out our loving Creator's blessings?" Find out with this simple quiz. [4:33] What was your score on this quiz? My score indicates that I should give up and go back to my sinful way of life. YEEhaw! I can hardly wait!
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is the entire Colbert Report form 6 August 2009. This news report covers Yahweh or No Way, and other interesting news reports [21:44]
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is a news report from The Day Today with Barbara Wintergreen, who is investigating the Natus craze in California [2:02]