streaming video

tags: The Simpsons, election2008, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama, streaming video I know this is meant in jest, but I find it to be somewhat frightening since this very scenario (somewhat modified) already happened eight years ago! In short, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama and gets a nasty surprise.
tags: Sarah Palin, Katie Couric, parody, humor, streaming video If you haven't seen this yet, I know you are going to enjoy it. If you have seen it before, you'll love seeing it again -- incidentally, I worked at the "goofy evolution museum" [6:49]
Okay, I was slightly distracted by my Seattle visit and lost track of the Parody Wars, which are being fought with an evil scientist who resides in Finland. This scientist sent an attack across the ocean this past week, thinking that he can scare me into submission with videos of William Shatner singing a variety of songs (yes, this is scary, I'll admit), or Britney Spears singing "Satisfaction" (even worse that Shatner), or a variety of other assaults included in his fuselade. However, I claim the ultimate victory with this truly terrifying video that tops everything he could possibly think…
A streaming review of Bill Maher's new film, Religulous, that is being released TODAY. I totally must see this film, and I must get the DVD, too! [4:23]
Comedian Bill Maher takes on religion in his new film, "Religulous." He tells Harry Smith that religion can be laughed at, and for good reason. This is a film for everyone who is afraid that the Sarah Palins of the World will take over. This film is scheduled for release TODAY (3 October 2008) [4:03]
Bill Maher discusses his film, Religulous, with Larry King. Part of this movie was filmed on location in Heaven. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [7:58]
I want to go see Religulous SO BADLY, and today, I heard an interview on "Fresh Air" on WNYC with Bill Maher [MediaPlayer: 2:51] where he discussed the making of this film. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [2:12]
tags: Palin-Couric interview, Sarah Palin, Katie Couric, Palin Foreign Policy experience, streaming video Apparently, during an interview with Katie Couric, Sarah Palin made a mockery of herself as a vice presidential candidate, as a governor of the state of Alaska, and as a woman. I have a video (below the fold) of part of this interview with Katie, along with the transcripts of part of that interview where Sarah describes her foreign policy experience. Hey Sarah, what do Alaska and Russia trade? Polar Bears?? There is NO WAY this moron is qualified to do anything at all. I have potted…
tags: death by parody, python trek, humor, funny, streaming video Oh, okay, I see how this is war is being fought! The truly evil scientist from across The Pond has begun cheating by launching a second satirical attack that introduces other characters into the fray! Oh, HO! In view of this egregious war crime, I have no choice but to escalate this war from a limited Shatner Satire conflict into a no-holds-barred all-out War of the Parodies! DEATH BY PARODY! [2:12]
tags: William Shatner, Shatner-Hasselhoff, humor, funny, streaming video A truly evil scientist from across The Pond has launched a satirical attack in response to the Shatner Satire Wars. As a gawd-feering amerikan, I could not let that pass without bombing him into yesterday with a retaliatory counter-offensive satirical attack. To view Part 2 of this ongoing war against satire, peek below the fold [0:48]
tags: William Shatner, Rocket Man, humor, funny, streaming video This is a hilarious video William Shatner doing what he does best: overacting to the point of silliness [5:00]
tags: Politics, Ralph Nader, Cardozo, humor, funny, streaming video This is a silly video by Ralph Nader, who feels left out of the political process since the electorate finally sees him for what he is. So Ralph talks about dressing up as a panda with Cardozo the Amazon parrot, who lives with former Salt Lake City Mayor, Rocky Anderson, in a lame attempt to recapture his old glory days of spoiling elections and making life worse for the electorate [2:45] Cardozo, here you are from the free flying Amazon jungle to a cage in Utah -- albeit an open door cage with a fine master. Do not feel sad…
tags: cats, pets, humor, funny, streaming video This is a hilarious video of common ordinary cats being .. well, cats! It's humorous way to start your work week! [4:23]
tags: Sarah Palin, religion, The Rapture, Keith Olberman, streaming video Keith Olberman reports on the peculiar situation where Sarah Palin's pastor, whom Palin gives partial credit for making her the governer of Alaska (does this qualify as cheating?), was involved in chasing an innocent woman out of her home after accusing her of being a witch. We all know that Alaskans love to hunt mostly anything that moves, but .. witches?? What's next; will we be throwing misbehavin' women into ponds to see if they float? Or maybe all muslims will be perceived as witches .. what then? Because Palin has…
tags: human anatomy, human bodies exhibit, forensic pathologist, Cyril Wecht, streaming video This is an absolutely fascinating tour of the Human Bodies Exhibit by forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht. This video will prove to be especially interesting to students of human anatomy and medical students [9:35]
tags: powerpoint, How NOT to use Powerpoint, humor, streaming video Since I've been speaking and attending other people's presentations, I thought this video regarding how NOT to use Powerpoint is appropriate. Not only that, but it is funny, too -- do you recognize any speakers' techniques in this video? If so, tell me all about it -- I won't tell anyone else, I promise! [3:55]
tags: Mackenna's Gold, Jose Feliciano, music, film, movies, streaming video Really amazing footage and wonderful music by José Feliciano about turkey vultures, from the movie, Mackenna's Gold -- is this a film I must see? You tell me! [5:24] "There's an old story. The way the Apaches tell it... ...a man was riding in the desert and came across a vulture... ...the kind they call turkey buzzards in Arizona, sittin' on a rock. "Hey", the man says, "how come you old turkey buzzard's sittin' here? "I saw you flying over Hadleyberg, and I didn't want to meet up with you... " I turned around…
tags: Leslie Lemke, that's incredible, inspirational story, streaming video Leslie Lemke, blind savant musician, appears on ABC's "That's Incredible" TV show in 1981 [4:05] Leslie Lemke didn't have a great start in life. He was born with severe birth defects that required doctors to remove his eyes. His own mother gave him up for adoption, and a nurse named May Lemke (who at the time was 52 and was raising 5 children of her own) adopted him when he was six months old. As a young child, Leslie had to be force-fed to teach him how to swallow. He could not stand until he was 12. At 15, Leslie…
tags: CERN's Large Hadron Supercollider, physics, music, streaming video It is predicted that the world will end at 3am ET when CERN's Large Hadron Supercollider was turned on, creating a giant black hole that will suck the earth into it, destroying everything. Since we still exist, I guess it's time to sing a little, right? [4:49] Credits: There has been a lot of interest in the original mp3, lyrics, and vocals for remixing. You can find all that here. Images came from:,, the Institute of Physics, NASA, Symmetry, and Marvel The talented dancers doubled as…
tags: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits the RNC, Conan O'Brien, humor, streaming video "The only thing left to see is John McCain's speech. That's why we're going home." [6:55]