streaming video

tags: California Raisins, holidays, funny, humor, parody, streaming video Are you in the Holiday Spirit yet? No? Well watch this silly video and maybe this will help you get there ... [2:54]
tags: animal christmas, funny, humor, parody, streaming video This hilarious little video is filled with lots of animals who are wishing you a happy christmas! How can you not watch this? [1:20]
tags: Bailey the SnowDog, funny, humor, pets, dogs, streaming video This amusing little video features Bailey the snowdog and "Rudolph the Reindeer" by Harry Connick Jr. [2:36] The cinematographer writes; I shot this video on VHS-C in my backyard, near Ward, Colorado (8,700' elevation) during a blizzard in the late 1990's; a local weatherman said it was the most measureable snow (if memory serves, it was 54" in 48 hours) from the least amount of moisture ever. Cheers to dogs, and to all those that love them! Please be well and Happy Holidays!!!
tags: Your Inner Fish, Tiktaalik, evolution, streaming video This wonderful music video is about Tiktaalik, sung by the Indorfins. [3:51]
tags: Hobo Matters, satire, parody, streaming video This streaming video is a tongue-in-cheek look at the Hobo world after the stock market crashed [7:45] John Hodgman's PBS documentary, Hobo Matters. If not the most celebrated episode of The American Experience, certainly the most astounding, not only for the number of facts packed into this short episode, but also for the fact that PBS actually produced and dared to air it. Unfortunately, this chronicle of the Great Depression and the Hobo Wars was quickly erased from history by the powerful Hobo Queen for it revealed too many secrets…
tags: Iceland, nature, Eva Sturm, Sigur Ros, streaming video This spectacular video focuses on Iceland. Land of contrasts: Hot water and Ice, situated in the North Atlantic, right above the mid-ocean ridge that separates America and Europe. [6:12] Iceland from Eva Sturm. The cinematographer writes: Shooting was done in two stays (2 weeks each) in 2005 & 2006 (both in September) with a result of 15 hours of footage. Camera was a SONY Z1. I used some COKIN semi-grey Filters extensivley to get the sky as dark as I wanted it to be. Almost no color correction was done in the post, but the…
tags: the weiner dog song, humor, cute, streaming video This silly video is all about Dachshunds .. it includes a song, too [0:38]
tags: budgerigar, pets, birds, documentary, streaming video This is a video of a very strange budgerigar. Apparently the result of a mutation, the bird's plumage is extraordinarily downy and long, so much so that it is almost impossible to see the bird's face (downy feathers are due to a mutation that causes a condition known as "neotenty"; where an adult animal takes on juvenile characteristics) [0:53]
tags: hummingbirds of venezuela, birds, documentary, streaming video Tis video documents the spectacular colors and motion of the "flying jewels" of the tropics [2:21]
tags: hummingbirds of venezuela, birds, documentary, streaming video This is a very nicely done video documenting some of the lovely hummingbirds of Venezuela -- can you name the species? [2:53]
tags: the doghouse, humor, social commentary, streaming video I am not a fan of diamonds because they are the single biggest cause of oppression in South Africa, but I am also not much of a fan of dual-bag vacuum cleaners. However, in my case, a parrot would make an acceptable "get out of the doghouse" gift [4:45]
tags: birds, hatching chick, streaming video This is a really interesting little video that features a chick hatching out of its egg. It also includes some really fun banjo playing as background music [1:17]
tags: periodic table, elements, mnemetic device, streaming video This streaming video documents the Periodic Table set to music -- especially for everyone who did not score 100% on this test [1:59].
tags: talking parrots, amazon parrots, behavior, Tonight Show, Jay Leno, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from the Tonight Show, hosted by Jay Leno. This show was guest hosted by several talking parrots, who actually stole the show, if you ask me [8:35].
tags: Indonesian Mimetic Octopus, invertebrates, behavior, streaming video This fascinating creature was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia, the mimic octopus is the first known species to take on the characteristics of multiple species. This octopus is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, brittle stars, giant crabs, sea shells, stingrays, jellyfish, sea anemones, and mantis shrimp. This animal is so intelligent that it is able to discern which dangerous sea creature to…
tags: Snowball, dancing cockatoo, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from a longer DVD, Snowball's Snowy Christmas DVD, which is now available for Christmas gift giving. Children love Snowball and this DVD features the sulfur-crested cockatoo, Snowball, dancing to Christmas carols.
tags: Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Ghost Bird, movie trailer, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from an upcoming movie called Ghost Bird. This film is a documentary about the controversial rediscovery of North America's largest woodpecker species, the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, which went extinct early last century [3:29]. To learn more about the film, visit the Ghost Bird website. You might also be interested in reading this news article.
tags: Thick-billed Parrot, streaming news report, conservation, streaming video This streaming video is a Bird News Network (BNN) video by American Bird Conservancy, and includes some amazing footage of the Thick-billed Parrot taken by Greg Homel, Natural Elements Productions. The video discusses several recent conservation successes to help boost populations of this endangered species that may one day be reintroduced back into the United States where it once lived in Arizona. [3:37].
tags: The Freaking Brothers, humor, silly, funny, entertainment, streaming video I thought this was a viagra commercial, but now I realize this is a career option that I am -- genuinely -- not qualified for. [1:50].
tags: Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film trailer, streaming video This is the third official trailer from the upcoming Harry Potter film; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- just in time for the big film-going season between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day (too bad the film is not being released now, as originally promised) [1:53].