streaming video

tags: Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film trailer, streaming video This is another official trailer from the upcoming Harry Potter film; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- just in time for the big film-going season between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day (too bad the film is not being released now, as originally promised) [1:32].
tags: Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, film trailer, streaming video This is an official trailer from the upcoming Harry Potter film; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince -- just in time for the big film-going season between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day (too bad the film is not being released now, as originally promised) [1:41].
tags: Thanksgiving holiday, Snoopy, Chales M Schulz, humor, comedy, streaming video If you are like me, you do not have a television, so you are missing all the special holiday programming. This sweet video is a late one created by the late, great Charles M. Schulz about celebrating Thanksgiving on a ping-pong table. Of course, it includes really fine jazz as background music -- does anyone know who wrote and performed the background music and how I can get it? [20:18]. If that video was deleted by YouTube, this one probably survived, because it is a condensed version [4:55];
tags: Thanksgiving Turkey, I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor, humor, satire, streaming video While you are sitting around, licking your chops while watching your mother do all the cooking, this amusing streaming video reveals that your turkey was busy too: this is a Thanksgiving turkey's response to overfed Americans everywhere [1:14].
tags: Luonnontieteellinen museo Helsinki, Helsinki Museum of Natural History, diorama, education, construction, streaming video This streaming video is a time-lapse documentation of construction of the bear diorama at the Luonnontieteellinen museo Helsinki (Helsinki Natural History Museum) [7:42]. Suomi: Karhudioraamaa rakennetaan Helsingin Luonnontieteelliseen museon Suomen luonto -näyttelyyn keväällä 2008. Seppo Polameri tekee aluksi taustamaalauksen, jonka jälkeen konservaattorit tuovat paikalle täytetyt karhut ja muut eläimet sekä viimeistelevät dioraaman. Rakentaminen kesti…
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, collections, education, science, streaming video This streaming video is by one of the scientists at the Smithsonian Institute. It shows pair formation, spermatophore transfer and reproductive anatomy of the jellyfish Carybdea sivickisi (Cubozoa: Carybdeidae) at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. I think they should have used Bolero as the music to accompany this video, what do you think? [6:35].
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, collections, education, science, streaming video This streaming video is by the Smithsonian Institute. It shows a time-lapse series detailing the construction of the Sant Ocean Hall at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. This is the museum's largest permanent exhibition, and it just opened in September 2008 [3:07].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me how to name family members and months of the year in Finnish. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [3:25].
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, outreach, education, science, streaming video This streaming video is the last part of a four-part series by the Smithsonian Institute. It features outreach programs where kids especially can learn about science by participating in ongoing research at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. [2:17].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me how to name colors in Finnish. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [3:09].
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, fieldwork, education, science, streaming video This streaming video is the third of a four-part series by the Smithsonian Institute. It features fieldwork that scientists engage in by trekking through the tropical rainforests and sending probes to the bottom of the sea at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. [2:31].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me how to say the alphabet in Finnish, along with more numbers, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [3:09]. Okay, say this number really fast -- 9999: yhdeksäntuhatta-yhdeksänsataa-yhdeksänkymmentä-yhdeksän
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, research, science, streaming video This streaming video is part one of a four-part series by the Smithsonian Institute. It features some of the scientists who work behind the scenes at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. In this video, you'll catch a glimpse of some of my colleagues from when I was a postdoc [2:32].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me how to say numbers in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [3:09].
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, collections, education, science, streaming video This streaming video is the second of a four-part series by the Smithsonian Institute. It features the extensive collections that that are archived at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. [2:34].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few simple sentences in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:22].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This video teaches me how to say "dammit" in Finnish -- I must be well-equipped to express myself while in Helsinki, don't you think? [0:42].
tags: Boston Museum of Science, education, science, streaming video This fun and interesting video makes me want to go to Boston for a daytrip so I can go to the fabulous Museum of Science! [3:28].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This charming little video attempts to teach me a few questions in Finnish, so I thought you'd also enjoy it. I really wish I'd found these videos a few weeks ago [1:38].
tags: Suomi, Helsinki, Finland, travel, language, streaming video This video teaches me how to say "shit" in Finnish -- I must be well-equipped to express myself while in Helsinki, don't you think? [0:34].