
tags: marriage, love, relationships, sex, commitment, Chris Brickler, How Will We Love?, Chris Brickler, streaming video Chris Brickler made a documentary about love and marriage. In this video, How Will We Love?, he starts by interviewing his grandparents who have been married for 68 years and builds on that interview and finds that more than 50% of marriages end in divorce even though many of us still cling to the hope of a happily-ever-after, life-long romance. Brickler also interviews experts in the field of marriage, relationships, sexuality, and communication, as well as sharing…
tags: garbage patch, Pacific Ocean, environment, science, Scripps Institute, streaming video Scripps scientist Miriam Goldstein talks about the SEAPLEX expedition to the North Pacific Gyre and how shocked she was to find the amount of plastic on the ocean's surface when floating around in a skiff.
tags: atheist life, godlessness, Imagine, streaming video This video is a list of famous people who are atheists, put together for a school project and using John Lennon's song "Imagine" as the background music.
tags: atheist life, godlessness, streaming video Being an atheist, you believe that this is the only life, and live it to the fullest. Atheists and skeptics lack proof and evidence of certain deities and spiritual beliefs. So there is no intent for us to harshly bash other religions and forms, for we humbly have our own perspectives in life. If you however think that atheists are a threat to the general community, first take a look at the mirror. Millions of people have died just because of religion, "religious" wars, and rejection due to contradictory beliefs. "Skeptic does not mean him who…
tags: art, humor, satire, The Big Snit, Canadian cartoon, streaming video Here's another peculiar yet amusing Canadian cartoon that I only just saw for the first time: The Big Snit by Richard Conde.
tags: Obama family, miserable Americans, comedy, humor, satire, funny, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video This daring news interview with the nations' top thinkers comes right out and says what we've all mumbled under our breath to ourselves in the privacy of the unemployment line: the Obamas are too damned happy! They're so happy that it's downright unAmerican!
tags: Intelligent Alien Design, Discovery Institute, Gordon J. Glover, Casey Luskin, humor, parody, satire, Canadian cartoon, streaming video This video is a hypothetical dialogue between Gordon J. Glover and the official spokesperson of the Intelligent Alien Intervention Institute on Science NEWS. They discuss the Academic Freedom legislation that recently became law in Louisiana and how it might also help various theories of Paleo-Contact to be taught alongside mainstream archaeology in the public science classroom. Hint to the humor-impaired: this video is a parody mocking Intelligent…
You know I like demos, right? This one is quite fun to do even in a class. The basic idea is to take a bucket of water and swing it around in a circle over your head. Simple, but if you have never done this one, it can be a little intimidating. Here is an example. Water Demo from Rhett Allain on Vimeo. So, how does this work? What does it show? Really, the question is: why doesn't the water fall out of the bucket? First, I like to talk about "fall" what does that mean? I guess that means that the object has a downward gravitational force, but no force upward to give it a zero…
I've seen a lot of illusions... but this one is really f'n cool: CHOP CUP from :weareom: on Vimeo. -via neatorama-
tags: comedy, humor, satire, funny, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video Here's the latest development in the anti-smoking campaign aimed at teens: television ads that claim smokers are gay (and of course, no one wants to be gay, right?)
tags: Tree of Life, conservation, biodiversity, ecology, evolution, biology, statistics, teaching, streaming video This video presents a very brief glimpse into what I do as a professional researcher studying "my birds" -- the parrots of the South Pacific Ocean (during those rare and beautiful times when I actually have a job!!). To say the least, it fills me with intense longing to reclaim my long lost life.
tags: kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, conservation, endangered species, humor, Stephen Fry, Mark Carwardine, Last Chance to See, streaming video Stephen Fry and zoologist Mark Carwardine head to the ends of the earth in search of animals on the edge of extinction. In New Zealand the travellers make their way through one of the most dramatic landscapes in the world. They are on a journey to find the last remaining kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, a fat, flightless parrot which, when threatened with attack, adopts a strategy of standing very still indeed. This behavior is not uncommon among birds…
tags: Tree of Life, conservation, biodiversity, ecology, evolution, biology, statistics, teaching, streaming video This video presents a very brief glimpse into what I do as a professional researcher studying "my birds" -- the parrots of the South Pacific Ocean (during those rare and beautiful times when I actually have a job!!). It features interviews with one of the scientists whom I worked with when I was in grad school at the University of Washington: Scott Edwards, who now is at Harvard University. To say the least, this video fills me with intense longing to reclaim my long lost life…
tags: religion, fundamentalism, amputees, god, atheism, streaming video Theists who try to respond to the question, Why doesn't God heal amputees? end up avoiding the question altogether and lecturing the questioner about a bunch of unasked questions. Could it be that they have no good answer for why their god refuses to heal amputees every single time, so they try to explain why they're god allows bad things to happen instead and hope we don't notice? This video discusses this observation and the reason why the question itself is important.
tags: religion, advertising, satire, humor, atheism, streaming video Get Religion Today! Funny satirical ad which hits the nail on the head with modern organized religion.
tags: superhero, humor, satire, Who is Captain Legend?, Chicken Hollow Productions, streaming video I loved this video and I think it is really well-done! Better, it reminds me of one of my dreams: to be a superhero crimefighter, although it does remind me (uncomfortably) of the realities involved with such a lifestyle. I guess I should stick with being a scientist, instead.
tags: art, humor, satire, But the Cat Came Back, Canadian cartoon, streaming video I've never seen this cartoon before today, but it's a classic Canadian cartoon that my spouse watched when he was a kid. So he introduced it to me.
tags: physiology, The Bloodmobile, They might be Giants, music video, streaming video Here's another fun music video; "The Bloodmobile" by the creative group, They Might be Giants. This song tells about the many functions of blood, from providing oxygen to tissues to helping transport hormones (well, hormones are generally transported in the plasma).
tags: science, Science is Real, They might be Giants, music video, streaming video Here's a fun music video; "Science is Real" by the creative group, They Might be Giants. This is one of many wonderful songs on their new album "Here Comes Science." You can order They Might be Giants' new album [CD/DVD], "Here Comes Science" from Amazon.
tags: nature, birds, Antarctica, emperor penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri, David Attenborough, streaming video This is a chance to see amazing images from deep inside the frozen inland areas of Antarctica. The BBC natural history masterpiece, Planet Earth, documents the gruelling and heroic winter life of male Emperor Penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri, that breed in almost impossibly cold temperatures. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.