
tags: Blasphemy Day International, religion, politics, free speech, human rights, streaming video Blasphemy Day International is a campaign seeking to establish September 30th as a day to promote free speech and stand up in a show of solidarity for the freedom to challenge, criticize, and satirize religion without fear of violence or reprisal: murder, litigation and other forms of intimidation. It is the obligation of the world's nations to safeguard dissent and the dissenters, not to side with the brutal interests of those who demand "respect" for their beliefs (i.e., immunity to being…
tags: light spectrum, ROY G BIV, music video, entertainment, Here Comes Science, They Might be Giants, streaming video Here is another song from They Might be Giants' new album, Here Comes Science!
tags: sun, music video, entertainment, Here Comes Science, They Might be Giants, streaming video Here is another song from They Might be Giants' new album, Here Comes Science!
I think we are entering a new era. An era where it is quite simple to find and get great videos. Oh, just saw a great tackle on the TV? In the old days, you would have to get that video off the TV yourself. Not anymore. Welcome to the interwebs. Also, the quality is awesome compared to 10 years ago. Here is the video. Yes, I know this is from several weeks ago - I am slow. Also, thanks to the person that put this on youtube - I edited your clip to remove the music and just look at the one collision. You did a good job though. In terms of video analysis, this isn't too bad of a video…
tags: nature, mammals, Antarctica, blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, National Geographic, streaming video Researchers on a National Geographic expedition seek answer some mysteries surrounding Blue Whales, Balaenoptera musculus, and find tantalizing clues, but big questions remain unanswered.
tags: nature, birds, New Guinea, Black Sickle Bill Bird of Paradise, Epimachus fastuosus, Bruce Beehler, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from 60 Minutes where Bob Simon and Bruce Beehler, a scientist from Conservation International, head off into the New Guinea wilderness in search of the Black Sickle Bill Bird of Paradise, Epimachus fastuosus, and -- amazingly -- the cameramen capture video of this species's rarely seen courtship dance. My life-long dream has been to explore untouched parts of the world. Ever since I read Alfred Wallace's Malay Archipelago, as a child, I've…
tags: atheists, atheism, famous atheists, satire, zakiechan, streaming video This video is NOT an argument for atheism... It's a defense of atheists from right-wing religious -- christian, muslim, jewish and other fundamentalist -- hate-mongers. This video received the award for "Excellence in Humanist Communications" from the Harvard University Humanist Chaplaincy.
tags: religion, Bible, humor, satire, Dara O'Briain, streaming video Comedian Dara O'Briain provides a few comedic insights on on God and the Bible. Video clip taken from Live at the Theatre Royal 2006.
tags: Times Square, NYC, New York City, billboards, NYCLife, culture, streaming video You're being punked whenever you walk into NYC's Times Square: for example, the massive LED billboards assaulting your eyeballs are much higher res closer to ground than they are up top. This, and other discoveries are revealed in this interesting video interview.
tags: spider silk, Madagascar, tapestry, textile art, AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, NYC, streaming video A spectacular and extremely rare textile, woven from golden-colored silk thread produced by more than one million spiders in Madagascar is now on display at the American Museum of Natural History in the Grand Gallery. Drawing on the legacy of a French missionary, Jacob Paul Camboué, this contemporary textile measures 11 feet by 4 feet and took four years to make using a painstaking technique. Hear from Dr. Ian Tattersall, Curator, Division of Anthropology at AMNH, as well as…
tags: Twatif?, twitter, workplace, strange, offbeat, culture, streaming video So..... what if you were restricted in the real world to only 140 characters and spaces? The office might be a sticky place .. The rumor is that this video is funny .. but you be the judge. What's with the "di" sound when the guy supposedly meant to say "dumb"?
Here's an interesting video from boingboing: Boing Boing presents a remix of "Synesthesia," a documentary directed by Jonathan Fowler about people whose senses blend, or mix. For instance: a synesthete might see colors when listening to music, or taste flavors when hearing a spoken word. In this documentary, Dr. David Eagleman of Baylor College of Medicine explains this condition, and four synesthetes explain how they perceive the world.
tags: nature, birds, Antarctica, Emperor Penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri, Leopard Seal, Hydrurga leptonyx, David Attenborough, streaming video Emperor Penguins, Aptenodytes forsteri, return from the seas to feed their young. Dramatic scenes unfold as they hesitate at the edge of the Antarctic sea ice after spotting a Leopard Seal, Hydrurga leptonyx, on the prowl under the Antarctic ice. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.
tags: little boy, burglar, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video This video is an interview with a little boy who uses his father's gun to shoot a burglar, and then, when the wounded burglar is screaming in pain, he proceeds to shoot off other appendages, too. It's all in a night's work. Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar
tags: healthcare, medical insurance, politics, satire, Will Ferrell, streaming video It's a rotten job, but someone has got to do it: in this video ad, Will Ferrell stands up for the real victims in this health care debate: health insurance providers themselves! Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell
tags: bat, congress, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video In this breaking news video, we see that Congress is deadlocked on the best way to get a bat out of their committee chamber.
tags: Nouveau Poor, discrimination, offbeat, humor, funny, satire, streaming video As Americans rush to join the Nouveau Poor, panelists debate the claim that the newly poor are incapable of integrating with long established poor... I am not sure if I should laugh or be offended ..
tags: nature, mammals, Antarctica, blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, National Geographic, streaming video Blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus, have complex calls that can be heard for miles. In this National Geographic video, we meet one scientist is on a mission to uncover the meaning of their songs.
tags: the sneeze, allergies, offbeat, streaming video Some people are allergic to housework.
tags: religion, violence, genocide, sexism, fundamentalism, MtlRedAtheist, streaming video The story of Adam and Eve is full of nonsense that shows the Biblical god to be unfair, sadistic, sexist. He creates women for man's use. He ordains man to rule over women. He cursed women to have painful child birth and damned all humanity to pain and suffering on Earth as well as in Hell, because Adam and Eve did something he considered wrong, even though they had no knowledge of good and evil, as described in the story. How cruel. If we can all accept this as a myth, the story would be entertaining,…