
tags: travel, nature, Antarctica, Beneath the Frozen World, television, Jacques+Cousteau, streaming video This video presents an exclusive full-length movie of Captain Cousteau's expedition to Antarctica (this is the third of four parts -- couldn't find any of the others). Narrated by Jacques Cousteau. Jacques-Yves Cousteau (1910-1997) was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and marine life. He co-developed the aqua-lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie franç…
tags: chemistry, elements, meet the elements, they might be giants, music video, streaming video This is such a cute song that I would use it in my chemistry class if I was teaching this semester. This song, "Meet the Elements" is by the group, They Might be Giants, and it has a catchy tune that will help one to remember all those elements.
Vanessa of came back from Belize with an unwelcome hitch-hiker - a parasitic botfly larvae that had burrowed into her scalp. So she did what any great blogger would do: made a very well-produced video showing its eviction. Not for the squeamish! via BoingBoing
tags: paleontology, fossils, dinosaurs, evolution, I am a Paleontologist, they might be giants, music video, streaming video I have been remiss lately regarding music videos because I was in Finland for awhile, and then was otherwise preoccupied. But I just had to share this song with you; "I am a Paleontologist" is by the group, They Might be Giants and is one of many wonderful songs on their new album "Here Comes Science." If I was teaching biology or evolution this semester, I would use it in class. You can order They Might be Giants' new album [CD/DVD], "Here Comes Science" from Amazon.
tags: travel, nature, Antarctica, macaroni penguins, Eudyptes chrysolophus, David Attenborough, streaming video This video presents a Nature program that briefly documents the natural history of Antarctica's Macaroni Penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough while standing in the middle of a colony of 80,000 shrieking macaroni penguins.
tags: leaf, nature, microscopy, streaming video This video presents images produced by several cameras and microscopes, shifting from one to another as they zoom in closer and closer on a leaf. Finally, as the narrator sadly notes, that's as far as we can go .. for now. By the way, did anyone see a face in the chloroplast? Zoom into a Leaf
tags: Obama, health care, AFL-CIO, Labor Day, politics, streaming video This is a clip of President Barack Obama speaking at the annual AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic. In this clip he is addressing the cynics and naysayers regarding healthcare reform. If I am not mistaken, being poor, unemployed or homeless are felonies in the eyes of the GOP, so those Americans who dare commit such horrible crimes deserve nothing less than death.
tags: Obama, education, school, public school, politics, streaming video Nearly 24 hours ago, President Obama delivered a national address to students across the country to encourage them to work hard on their education. This speech, which ignited controversy among this nation's political conservatives and racists, was delivered to a group of students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, VA.
tags: South Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Sumatra, geology, nature, volcano, global warming, Lake Toba, PBS, NOVA, television Sixty-two-mile-long Lake Toba, seen in the center of this satellite image, was created by the largest explosive volcanic eruption of the past 100,000 years -- an eruption whose aftermath holds important clues for us today about rapid climate change, Drew Shindell says. Image: NASA. Wow, there are days when I wish I had a television, and today is one of them. Why? Tonight, PBS is showing a really fascinating program; a NOVA show entitled Mystery of the Megavolcano that…
tags: nature, birds, gannet, Morus serrator, technology, BBC, streaming video Steve Leonard and a group of conservationists attach tiny gadgets to the feathers of a Gannet, Morus serrator, to learn how they eat and fly out in the deep oceans. Great short video from BBC wildlife show Animal Camera.
tags: horses, equus, biology, photography, books, Tim Flach, streaming video This video is a slideshow of stunning photography that is narrated by photographer Tim Flach showing photos from his book Equus which was published on 1 October 2008.
tags: nature, mammals, Antarctica, humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, David Attenborough, streaming video Faint disturbances in the heart of Antarctic waters gives way to breathtaking images of Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, hunting Krill in this fantastic video clip from BBC's natural history television masterpiece, Planet Earth. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.
tags: nature, natural selection, evolution, The Tree of Life, BBC One, David Attenborough, streaming video This streaming video is a beautiful animated clip describing the Tree of Life. Evolution shows how life diverged into the myriad life forms that we see today, and that we know existed in eons past. "The Tree of Life" was part of Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, which was broadcast on BBC1 on Sunday 1 February 2009. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough (you lucky, Brits, I am so jealous). [Although, I am told you can supposedly download it for free]. If you can, watch this…
tags: religion, violence, genocide, fundamentalism, MtlRedAtheist, streaming video This is the second in a series of videos that address some of the violent, absurd and atrocious Bible stories being taught to children in Sunday School around the world today. This video discusses the Sunday School Bible story Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. This story describes how God ordained the extermination of the people of Jericho, a disgusting and unethical practice known as genocide. Teaching this to children is designed to teach them to have faith in God. However, it is an excellent example of how…
tags: religion, miracle, watermelon, satire, humor, Mitchell and Webb, streaming video The religious respond to the discovery of a watermelon whose seeds spell out: "There is no god!"
tags: parrots, Kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, BBC Two, Last Chance to See, endangered species, BBC Two, Mark Carwardine, Stephen Fry, streaming video Parrot lovers will especially enjoy this video, but anyone who enjoys birds and who wishes to protect endangered species will like it also. Following in the footsteps of Douglas Adams, Stephen Fry joins Mark Carwardine to travel to some of the most remote places on earth in search of endangered animals. In this case, he meets a Kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, a round, sweet-smelling green parrot that lives in New Zealand. You might also be…
tags: parrots, Kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, BBC Two, Last Chance to See, endangered species, BBC Two, Mark Carwardine, Stephen Fry, streaming video Following in the footsteps of Douglas Adams, Stephen Fry joins Mark Carwardine to travel to some of the most remote places on earth in search of endangered animals. In this clip, Stephen Fry jokes about some of the names given to birds in New Zealand. You might also be searching for this video: Shagged by a Rare Parrot. I am very jealous of all you peeps who live in the UK: BBC Two is starting this series, Last Chance to See tomorrow! Alas, I…
tags: bunnies, show jumping, humor, funny, streaming video This video shows what happens when Brits Danes are locked into the same room with a bunch of very cute bunnies. Kinda reminds me of this; horse Grand Prix show jumping;
tags: travel, nature, Antarctica, king penguins, Aptenodytes patagonicus, David Attenborough, streaming video This video presents a Nature program that documents the huge colonies of Antarctica's King Penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus. It's amazing to see a giant creche comprised of 50,000 King Penguin chicks, and to watch the courtship behaviors among these birds. Narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough.
tags: canada, health care, human rights, streaming video This video consists of a series of interviews with real Canadians. They discuss the realities of their single payer health care system, and are offended by the American right wing's insulting it. This video made me deeply angry: in America, health care is obviously not a human right. In America, people like me -- whose health, credit rating, ability to find employment and financial future have been severely compromised due to a lack of health care -- deserve our situations, right? After all, things like this don't happen to real…