
tags: cultural observations, Lewis Black, travel, health insurance, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, streaming video Lewis Black has a bunch of colorful opinions on a bunch of topics, from world travel to health insurance and the different sorts of milk in the average supermarket. May not be safe for work (language).
tags: cultural observations, email, pets, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, streaming video This short video gives you a fly-on-the-wall view of why email was invented: pets!
tags: Why Do People Laugh at Creationists? , atheism, religion, water, streaming video The only people who are so stupid as to not understand the answer to that question are the creationists themselves.
tags: cultural observations, Lewis Black, travel, health insurance, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, streaming video Bill Maher talks about the relationship between religion and political office, noting that most Americans would not vote for a political candidate who does not believe in a god of some sort.
tags: The Evolution of God, atheism, religion, DNA, streaming video This video below the jump is an interview with Robert Wright, the author of the book, The Evolution of God. Amazingly, the author is NOT an atheist! The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Robert Wright Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Protests
tags: animal behavior, hamster on a leash, Syrian golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, humor, funny, streaming video When I was a kid, I had hamsters, too, and I walked them on leashes. But I didn't have a video camera.
tags: animal behavior, hamster on a piano eating popcorn, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video It is Saturday morning afterall, so I am just going to have fun sharing silly videos of the cutest little mammal known to humanity; Siberian dwarf hamsters. This video features a couple Siberian dwarf hamsters, one of which is a speed demon, revealed by the speedometer attached to its wheel. As an added bonus, this hamster teaches us a little math; To get the hamster's speed, divide the speed written by ten, then you will have it in km/h.
tags: animal behavior, hamster on a piano eating popcorn, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video I've linked to this video before, but I love dwarf hamsters (kept them as pets most of my life, in fact, but don't tell this to the guy I just married), so I had to share this with you again;
tags: animal behavior, hamster wheel, siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, humor, funny, streaming video I dunno about you, but sometimes, I feel like I am running my life away on a hamster wheel -- getting nowhere fast. Except for those days when the hamster wheel of life stops working properly, that is! Below the jump, a sweet little Siberian dwarf hamster, Phodopus sungorus, demonstrates what I mean;
Forgive me if I don't know the official parkour term for this move. This is where you have two walls that are close to each other and you vertically climb them. Here is a shot of Mark Witmer (from Ninja Warrior) doing the wall climb. Doesn't look too hard, does it? Well, I think it depends on how far apart the two walls are. This is actually one parkour move that my kids like to do (Hey kids! Don't do that! Let me get my camera though because this will be perfect for my blog) I am going to start with this second kind of wall climb. Simply because it is easier due to symmetry. So,…
tags: health care crisis, American Health Care, Jonathan Cohn, social commentary, streaming video In this video, Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor of The New Republic and author of Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis -- and the People Who Pay the Price, discusses the history of America's health care crisis. In his book, the author convincingly argues that Medicare and universal health care in such countries as France, though not perfect, are far superior to the system most Americans face. And, as you are well aware, Americans are provided health care by for-profit insurance…
tags: socialized health care, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video I am one of more than 40 million Americans who cannot afford health care -- and I think America SHOULD have government-funded health care, as Bill Maher points out so eloquently in less than two minutes. When I had surgery (to place a titanium plate into my badly fractured wrist) in Finland, my hospital gown covered everything, and it was made from real fabric, not that see-through tissue paper that is used in American hospitals. So Maher's observation has more merit than…
tags: New Rules, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video This video below the jump features Bill Maher's social observations, including his comments about the relationship between raising animals for food and global warming.
tags: How Proteins Are Made From DNA in a Living Cell, biology, molecular biology, DNA, streaming video This video uses the latest research to create an animation of how DNA gives rise to proteins in a living cell. But do you think the word "machine" is correct? I have difficulty with the use of that word .. [4:27]
The results, however, are amusing for the rest of us: It's nice to see somebody in a safe district taking advantage of essentially having tenure. We could use more of this.
tags: Obama, Bipolar Disorder, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, Onion News Network, ONN, streaming video White House officials admit Obama's extreme confidence and total euphoria over "hope" and "change" were symptoms of a prolonged manic episode. He has since recovered and now is depressed -- just like the rest of the country. [2:30] Not to split hairs, but a typical manic episode doesn't last three years.
One of SteelyKid's birthday gifts from my parents was a wheeled wooden penguin on a stick. If you roll it along the ground, the wings flap, with a very satisfying clacking noise. It took SteelyKid a little while to get the hang of it, but she's got the idea now: Really, I don't have anything to say here, other than "Look at the silly flappy penguin toy!"
tags: Walk On The Wild Side, animals, behavior, humor, streaming video Walk On The Wild Side is a brand new comedy series that seeks to provide a long overdue forum for the views and opinions of the animal kingdom [1:54]
tags: Gay Christians, religion, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a very silly Not The Nine O'Clock News Sketch about gay christians [1:33]
Caught on video: It's very difficult to decide which of the many, many toys in the toybox is the right toy...