
Well I guess Boeing does a lot of government research so it really isn't surprising that they would be involved with some of the really stupid things the military has been involved in. Thankfully their research didn't focus on flying their planes psychically (well that we know of). From Danger Room, a Wired Blog: Boeing researchers don't just spend their days designing killer drones and networked tanks. They also investigate unexplained powers of the mind, sometimes. Especially if those times are the late '60s. This study, New Correlation Between a Human Subject and a Quantum Mechanical…
Click on the picture for the full size one.
There are all sorts of remote control rodents and cockroaches out there now - but I guess they've stepped it up a notch and created a remote control flying rodent cockroach hybrid (also known as the common pigeon). Now, not only can they control in which direction the pigeon flies, they can also control when it releases its little whitish projectile. Researchers say they are working on a laser guided shit release system and hope to have it installed in the next version of the robotic mind controlled shitting pigeon machine. Scientists in eastern China say they have succeeded in controlling…
Do you have a great memory? Go compete at the The 10th Annual Memory Championship! It will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2007 in New York City at the Con Edison Building. You can also watch it live on HDNet If you have HD ;) Hey all you guys can come over to my place! Actually I don't think I could watch it... sounds more boring than a spelling bee. In anycase... how does this contest work? There is a pre-qualifying round of four events in which the top seven scoring "Mental Athletes (MAs)" advance to the Championship Round. The memorization categories are: Names and Faces, Speed…
Funny since my mother is a librarian... "March of the Librarians" is a spoof of sorts of the "March of the Penguins." Via Improbable Research Blog Watch out for that hipster librarian in the crowd! I also just ran across this at Bad Astronomy Blog: Good stuff!
Can someone tell me if this site is for real? Here's a demo: Off topic Heres is a not probable, but possible theory of future humans. Aliens are evolved Asian people. A colleague of mine stated that Asian people have bigger brains than others. This got me thinking and I was thinking of this for a while now, even before he told me this and what he said confirmed this. Depictions of aliens look a lot like asian people, just with bigger heads. This makes me want to be asian posted by George Christodoulou at 10:21 PM 0 comments Is this just a blog to gather advertising dollars or what?
I'm proud to report that Ted Haggard is no longer gay since he underwent three whole weeks of very intensive counseling. He was so impressed with his counseling that him and his wife are going to attend university and get their masters degrees in psychology (I'm psyched he's joining me in my chosen profession!). It sounds like they'll be going to Phoenix Online University or somewhere similar and hopefully counseling people to ungay themselves just like he was so successful in doing! All praise Rev. Haggard! The Rev. Ted Haggard emerged from three weeks of intensive counseling convinced…
From the annual Miss America Photoshopping Contest at Fark.
The Guardian has started publishing a column by Marc Abrahams who is editor of the bimonthly magazine Annals of Improbable Research and organiser of the Ig Nobel Prize. Check it out! The first article is called "Fizzy Logic" which covers the Coke vs. Pepsi debate. He also has a blog here. Here's a little sample of the column in the Guardian: The nagging question of which is better, Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola, sprang from an earlier, more basic question: Can anyone tell the difference? Professor Nicholas H Pronko and colleagues at the University of Wichita, Kansas, conducted a series of…
these are pretty freaking cool. Someone should buy me one!
Lincoln seemed to have all sorts of problems - bipolar depression, unipolar depression, thyroid problems, bad gas, gargantuanism - you name it and someone has claimed he had it! But now it looks like, according to a study of worms, his nerves shattered? Abraham Lincoln may have suffered from a genetic disorder that literally shattered his nerves, a new study on worms suggests. Many of the president's descendants have a gene mutation that affects the part of the brain controlling movement and coordination, researchers discovered last year. The mutation prevents nerve cells from "communicating…
Check out the brains of mice on drugs. This site is a very strange one to say the least- it starts with a bunch of high mice in a club of sorts just struggling to stand up. Then the interactive flash demo starts in which you have to drag a mouse into a comfy chair which transports it into a weird device that shows what's happening to the mouse's brain depending on what it snorted, smoked, or injected earlier. Freakin' weird - a wee bit trippy ;). Especially from an academic institution.Check out the Mouse Party.
What's going on?!
Ok.. so perhaps it's not a total museum dedicated to homosexual animals - but it looks like a pretty good sized exhibit. Unless you're in Norway you might be missing the exhibit though. Anyone want to sneak some photos for us? From male killer whales that ride the dorsal fin of another male to female bonobos that rub their genitals together, the animal kingdom tolerates all kinds of lifestyles. A first-ever museum display, "Against Nature?," which opened last month at the University of Oslo's Natural History Museum in Norway, presents 51 species of animals exhibiting homosexuality. Here'…
It seems that alcoholics just can't seem to get a joke. In this study from Germany, participants underwent a series of tests including, mood, intelligence, memory, psychomotor skills, and their ability to enjoy a joke. For example, one of the jokes tested on the subjects began as follows: It was Mother's Day. Anna and her brother had told their mother to stay in bed that morning. She read her book and looked forward to breakfast. After a long wait she finally went downstairs. Anna and her brother were both eating at the table. The subjects were given a choice of five punchlines: a) Anna said…
From the Improbable Research blog and Reuters: BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- Hundreds of chickens have been found dead in east China -- and a court has ruled that the cause of death was the screaming of a four-year-old boy who in turn had been scared by a barking dog, state media reported on Wednesday. The bizarre sequence events began when the boy arrived at a village home in the eastern province of Jiangsu in the summer with his father who was delivering bottles of gas, the Nanjing Morning Post reported. A villager was quoted as saying the little boy bent over the henhouse window, screaming…
Ok... this is just silly ;) I guess the wikipedia people think so as well - spoil sports!
More psychic pets! Wooo... aren't you excited? I uhh... am? by Craig Hamilton-Parker Does your pet read your mind, see into the future, know the time or can find you wherever you are? Professional TV psychic, Craig Hamilton-Parker, believes many pets have psychic powers. Here he reveals the evidence and has designed some simple experiments to test your pet's paranormal potential. Hmm... It's almost like he's one of those people who calls himself by his own name... weird. But not quite as weird as the whole pet psychic idea to begin with. Scientific research is slowly beginning to…
Ok... not really - but I see some lawsuits coming on who can research the wild girl ;) PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - A woman who disappeared in the jungles of northeastern Cambodia as a child has apparently been found after living in the wild for 19 years, police said Thursday. The woman - believed to be Rochom P'ngieng, now 27 years old - cannot speak any intelligible language, so details of her saga have been difficult to confirm. "She is like half-human and half-animal," said Mao San, police chief of Oyadao district in Rattanakiri province. "She's weird. She sleeps during the day and stays…
It looks like there are a couple of interesting articles/TV shows out there in the last couple days highlighting some Omni Brain topics of the last few weeks. You know how I love the mind control people, It looks like the Washington Post has a great article on it... Mind Games New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that. And of course you all remember the severed dogs head! National Geographic is producing a show about the Russian research that came up…