They have teeth. Kansans receiving blitz of phone calls in A.G. race:
Scores of automated phone calls have been coming to Kansas households during the past few days, blasting the candidates for attorney general. …
the tenor of the calls has yielded complaints.
"One woman was almost in tears," said Carol Williams, director of the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission, whose agency received a wave of complaints on Thursday.
In one call, Kansans take an automated survey asking them their preference between Republican Attorney General Phill Kline and Democrat Paul Morrison.
Voters make their picks and the call ends. But if Morrison is the candidate of choice, voters a few minutes later are called again, this time by a real person who becomes animated in describing Morrison.
The article suggests that Kansans for Life sponsored the calls, calls that Phill Kline himself described as "vulgar and graphic."
How glad I'll be when Kline and his allies are out of power.
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According to Kansas law, 65-6703. Abortion prohibited when fetus viable, exceptions:
(4) If the physician who is to perform the abortion determines the gestational age of a fetus is 22 or more weeks, and determines that the fetus is viable, both physicians under subsection (a) determine in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) that an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman or that a continuation of the pregnancy will cause a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman and the physician performs an abortion on the woman, the physician who performs the abortion shall report such determinations, the reasons for such determinations and the basis for the determination that an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman or that a continuation of the pregnancy will cause a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman in writing to the medical care facility in which the abortion is performed for inclusion in the report of the medical care facility to the secretary of health and environment under K.S.A. 65-445 and amendments thereto or if the abortion is not performed in a medical care facility, the physician who performs the abortion shall report such determinations, the reasons for such determinations and the basis for the determination that an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman or that a continuation of the pregnancy will cause a substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman in writing to the secretary of health and environment as part of the written report made by the physician to the secretary of health and environment under K.S.A. 65-445 and amendments thereto.
So, yeah. The not-yet-born fetus can be aborted to save the life of the mother.
"up [to] the THE DAY they are due" "any reason"? Gee, not so much.
Why do people lie about things that can be checked so easily? Or not check when they're the ones being lied to? This is what puzzles me, and what probably is a significant difference among people...
"quality of lives" where "quality" is understood as not dying.
I'm weeping in my beer over the knowledge that a medical procedure that saves lives will still be performed.
Last night O'Reilly featured the horrific abortion mills we have going here in Kansas that routinely perform late term abortions for the medical reason "depression". Also, they perform abortions on children 10-15 years old, some victims of incest. O'Reilly was raging at the fact that practically every newspaper in the state has endorsed Morrison over Kline, claiming that he's violating the privacy of the medical records of the victims when in fact Kline is on the verge of exposing criminal actions by these abortionists - the very job that he's paid to do. You can check the website Operation Rescue for the details of the O'Reilly program.
Oooo, oooo, then we can go to Osama bin Laden's Website for information about Israel!
Brain-dead wanker.
Kline probably didn't mention that courts found he violated orders protecting the privacy of the alleged victims, nor did he probably explain why he needed these patients' full psychological profiles, or even their names in order to determine whether the clinics obeyed reporting laws.
And what about the patients over 18 whose records he sought? Did O'Lielly ask about that?
Are you referring to me as a brain dead wanker? Love the hospitality on this site.
He got the records without names or information. Consider just for a minute what if it is correct that viable babies were aborted or 10 year old kids were raped by their fathers and taken for abortions. Would you want to see that stopped and rapists punished? Do you dare to even consider it?
Kline initially sued for access to the unexpurgated records.
To protect patient privacy, a judge issued a gag order, which Kline violated. The court also ruled that he couldn't have the unexpurgated files, but that identifying information had to be stripped, and that the judge had to appoint someone to review questionable material. Kline's concern was never for the alleged victims, always for his own extralegal agenda of opposing abortion.
Kline could have called for those same protections before the court forced it on him, but he didn't. His concern was not speed, nor the patients. His concern was harassing the clinics.
The clinics report cases where they believe rape occurred, and perform 3rd trimester abortions only when the woman's life is in danger. How many women do you think should die just because Phill Kline thinks he knows more than a woman and her doctor?
O'Reilly said he has proof of what he reported and that this information did not come from Kline. The women and children who had the "illegal" abortions as well as their unborn children are the victims here if the allegations are true. We have laws (as cited above) that will prevail.
O'Reilly and "proof" are only nodding acquaintances. Records show that he has lied about many things, including Bush's initial opposition to the formation of the 9-11 commission, terrosist linkages between Saddam and Al-Qaeda, and the effect of Bush's tax cuts on the deficit (to name just three). I dunno if he is lying about this one, but if I was a betting person, I'd bet he was, just based on his record.
More germane to this thread, however, is the FACT that O'Reilly was accused of sexual harrassment by his producer, Andrea Mackris. Unlike the case with Paul Morrison which is cited as evidence of wrongdoing by Phill Kline's minions, he settled by paying the victim an undisclosed (but substantial) amount of money. In other words, he is a typical lying hypocritical mouthpeice for the Republican agenda. I'd think twice before I put my trust in him...
Indeed, it's hard to know what O'Reilly's "inside sources" could have been "inside" other than Kline's office. In which case, Kline violated the alleged victims' privacy again.
This was precisely why the clinics fought the subpoena, to keep their patients' private medical records from being matters of public debate. If Kline actually cared about the alleged victims, he would treat them with a little more respect.
Not hard to imagine that the inside source could have been a mole in one of the abortion clinics....Similar tactics are frequently used by organizations like PETA. Stay tuned as this story isn't going away.
If the mole were inside the clinic, it would have made sense to leak that information before Kline had the files. Then it would have given him another argument for his demands. As it is, the sudden appearance of material from those files in public discourse justifies the fears that many people had about this fishing expedition, and about Kline's honesty and integrity.
Bear in mind that Kline has hired people with a criminal record, and justified that hiring because the crimes were committed at family planning clinics, as if the law didn't really apply there.