Dalai Lama Speaks in Ann Arbor

i-884eb5fc5ab25b1446721361549e13dd-shelley icon.JPG The Dalai Lama has been making appearances and giving talks in the US, with his most recent talk at the University of Michigan (where I am) yesterday. Although I was unable to attend the actual talk, since the tickets were sold out within an hour of going on sale, his appearance was videotaped and uploaded (check out the movie here.)

According to the press release from UM, the Dalai Lama's talk skirted most of the tough issues that Tibet is now facing, and focused more on environmentalism--a topic certainly near and dear to the inhabitants of Ann Arbor. Check it out.


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Shelley, you could have gone to volunteer on Sunday. That's how I got in (and got a nice seat on the Arena floor, too).

Did anyone say "Hello Dalai" to him or was no one stupid enough to think of that at the time?