
How do we begin?


Well, hello. My name is Claire L. Evans, and I'm new here.

I began writing this blog, Universe in 2005, over at the Portland, Oregon-based web community Urban Honking. At first, it was a vanity project, a noodle, an excuse to keep my grey matter engaged beyond my college years (which were, to say the least, unscientific). In the years since, Universe has taken on various incarnations: briefly as a print column in the now-defunct LA Alternative, which earned me the closest I've ever come to "accolades" (these breezed quickly past), then as a micro-blog for GOOD Magazine. Throughout the years, I've moonlighted as a science-writer-at-large for magazines, including our very own SEED. I've chugged along, long-tailing myself into a very tidy niche ("unread science blogs"), and parlayed my nominal status as science writer into conversations with people like Dr. Oliver Sacks, the complexity theorist James Gardner, and science fiction writers Thomas A. Day and Mark von Schlegell, as well as into lecture gigs, sci-fi conventions, art performances, writing jobs, and more intertextual projects than I have space to discuss here. I've written about the reptilian agenda, the psychic Sasquatch, space-jumping, NASA, gravity waves, cryogenics, and complexity. I've made ambient videos, written art criticism about Star Trek, done very serious Power Point presentations about Bigfoot, built a geodesic dome out of twigs, and taught myself the philosophy of string theory.

The point I'm trying to get at is this: that "everything" up in the header is no joke. I love science, but I also love all its unloved, peripheral margins. I love the places where it intersects with art, with culture, with the way we understand the world around us. Hopefully my rampant posting about pseudoscience, the psychedelic temperament of computer screens, and UFO cults won't raise too much ire around here; I'm as interested in how misunderstanding defines us as I am in how understanding refines us. Feel free to correct me, argue, and point out your own connections. I hope that you wonderful people in the ScienceBlogs community can be my sounding board, my scientific jury, and, hopefully, my allies.

Obviously, I'm beyond thrilled to join the ScienceBlogs world, which has been a heavily-clicked area of my bookmarks menu for years. Five years of Universe entries have been ported over to this new home, for your perusal. Over the next week, I'll post some Universe highlights, favorite entries, and video projects.This is a new era, one with a sheer gauze of professionalism wrapped around it, and I intend to do my duty with vim and vigor.


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Nice start! Looking forward to your digging up curiously bizarre angles on things and generally stirring things up a bit around here. Welcome, Claire!

U got a new fan. BTW, love the makeup.

By Gerardo Camilo (not verified) on 22 Feb 2010 #permalink

Welcome to Sb, Claire! I'm into sf too. I listen to Escape Pod every week and I'm currently reading Joan Slonczewsky.

Welcome Claire! I look forward to reading your posts and further exploring the intersections of art and science.

Claire, you inspire me so much! I'm so happy you have a new home. I will tell my nerdy friends.

Smells like teen science (in the best way possible).

Welcome. I find it particularly promising that you also rely on the excellent "New Scientist" magazine...but don't get too disappointed if it turns out that Arthur C. Clarke or Stanislaw Lem have preceded you by four decades for some of your ideas -it comes with the territory of creative thinking :-)

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 23 Feb 2010 #permalink

Welcome! I love reading about the intersection of art and science. I'm automatically wary of fans of pseudo science, but I'm also always open to read anything interesting. :)

Hello, Other-Claire!

I'm ready for plenty of psuedo-science rants, the intersection between art and science, &c. I don't get nearly enough of that.

What are the chances? I was at the show in Northfield last night and who should appear on my favorite blog site than the black half? Wheeeeeeeeeird.

Welcome, from another comparative newbie at Science blogs! I actually find the fact that they hired you and I somewhat interesting - it seems like Scienceblogs does want to push the edge of the science culture in a lot of ways. Besides being personally glad they hired me, I think that's a fascinating cultural phenomenon, whatever the reason behind it.
