
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

March 16, 2007
The fourth issue of Science In School online magazine is out. It is full of cool articles. Let me just point out a couple: Eva Amsen wrote about Science Fairs. There is a nice review of Kreitzman & Foster's book Rhythms of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Daily Lives of Every…
March 16, 2007
Apparently, it is so. Veljko Kadijevic, a former Yugoslav General who was indicted for War Crimes (mainly for the brutal destruction of the Croatian city of Vukovar early in the conflict) was never brought to justice (or even pursued by Croatia to be arrested - wonder why?) is apparently advising…
March 16, 2007
Stealth Camouflage At Night: Giant Australian cuttlefish employ night camouflage to adapt quickly to a variety of microhabitats on temperate rock reefs. New research sheds light on the animal's remarkable visual system and nighttime predator/prey interactions. Cuttlefish are well-known masters of…
March 16, 2007
About a year ago, there was a great paper about polyphenism in moth caterpillars. Now, in the new issue of Seed Magazine, PZ Myers uses that example to teach you all about it. Cool reading on one of my favourite topics (outside clocks, of course).
March 16, 2007
Belgrade blog, Neretva River and Japan Probe solved the mystery of a couple of pictures (and discovered many more from the same source) depicting Japanese people wearing Serbian and Croatian uniforms - images that greatly disturbed many Serbian and Croatian bloggers for whom the war is still fresh…
March 16, 2007
On this day in 1934 the US adopted the Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act, commonly known as the Duck Stamp Act. Hunters are required to buy a stamp before bagging migratory birds like ducks and geese, with the proceeds earmarked for habitat preservation. The stamps themselves are…
March 15, 2007
Time is not a line, but a series of now-points. - Taisen Deshimaru
March 15, 2007
I am always late for The Buzz. I just can't blog on command. Jason, Jason again, Mike, Mark, PZ and their numerous commenters have chimed in on time. But the "sprituality" buzz is long gone and I am only now getting to the topic. Ah, well. Anyway, it's late at night so I will be short and…
March 15, 2007
Oekologie #3 is up on El Gentraso. There's everything there. Crime! Deceit! Pestilence! Goats!
March 15, 2007
I got my rejection letter from EurekAlert earlier today. Apparently, the wording of the letter is somewhat different from what Hsien Li got a few days back and she has now posted both versions for you to compare.
March 15, 2007
A brilliantly written Skeptics Circle #56 is up on Scientia Natura The Carnival Of Education: Week 110 is up on Education Wonks.
March 15, 2007
Is it something about wholeness? Or milestones? But we certainly do like round numbers. Of course, our numbers are social constructs. Our days and years are determined by the planet we are living on. Our number system is decimal presumably because we all start our early-years arithmetic by…
March 14, 2007
Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigour. With such people the grey head is…
March 14, 2007
Sandra has a post about an interesting case of a person who commited a crime (and was acquitted) while sleepwalking. The term "sleep disorder" was used as a defence. But, is it a disorder at all? It naturally occurs in a proportion of human population. It is called a disorder because it does not…
March 14, 2007
...want Alberto Gonzales to resign?
March 14, 2007
Go say Happy Birthday to Craig McClain on Deep Sea News
March 14, 2007
Earlier today (or was it late last night?), I made separate posts about new work on aquatic microbial diversity, on the copyright issues when reporting on science on blogs and on general relationship between science publishers and blogs. Now, via Dileffante, I have learned about a combo of all…
March 14, 2007
If (like me) you have a special fondness for crayfish, then this post by Burning Silo is a Must Read of the day!
March 14, 2007
Four Stone Hearth #11 is up on Aardvarchaeology
March 14, 2007
Pedro did some digging to figure out what are various journals' policies regarding use of images - figures from the papers - in blog posts. It is all very vague and most journals do not have anything specifically targeting online republication, but the Fair Use rules should apply. I have often…
March 14, 2007
Today is a big day on Plos-Biology for the Oceanic Microbial Diversity Genomics. Last night they published not one, not two, but three big papers chockfull of data. Accompani\ying them are not one, not two, not three, not even four, but five editorial articles about different aspects of this work…
March 14, 2007
Tangled Bank #75 is up on Living The Scientific Life.
March 14, 2007
Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, Germany on this day in 1879. It's unlikely you need much background on the author of today's quotes, so I'll keep this short. Given how intelligent the man was, it shouldn't come as a surprise that he had a number of choice comments on the fools around him. Anger…
March 14, 2007
A Rarity Among Arachnids, Whip Spiders Have A Sociable Family Life: Whip spiders, considered by many to be creepy-crawly, are giving new meaning to the term touchy-feely. In two species of whip spiders, or amblypygids, mothers caress their young with long feelers and siblings stick together in…
March 14, 2007
Paul announces that the finalists for the 2007 Lulu Blooker Prize have been announced. Unfortunately, The Open Laboratory was finished after the deadline for submission. Perhaps we can submit it for the 2008 Prize!
March 14, 2007
The next edition of The Tar Heel Tavern will be held at The View From The Cheap Seats The theme will be "According to..." The idea will be to post something prominently featuring another's work. Preferably that of another Carolina blogger; but it could be of a national blogger, a book, an MSM…
March 14, 2007
We are starting this summer's Foodblogging series of events early - on April 21st & 22nd. We'll start where it all begins - at the farm! We will rent a couple of vans and do a tour of local farms, most of them organic and/or sustainable. I am assuming we'll get to sample some local fare at…
March 14, 2007
Oooops! It is actually Pi Day!
March 13, 2007
Time is slippery. - Kim Linder
March 13, 2007
Lindsay Beyerstein, aka Majikthise, needs and deserves your help. So go now and hit her PayPal button. Help Lindsay become a pro blogger. She is one of the best there is.