Happy birthday Craig

Go say Happy Birthday to Craig McClain on Deep Sea News


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Today is Craig McClain's birthday, and all anyone got him for a present was some magic sea water quackery. Somebody should go say happy birthday without trying to restore his cellular homeostasis by selling him overpriced salt water.
News from NESCent - Craig MccLain of the Deep Sea News fame just had a paper published. This is the video that explains what that is all about: Also read the press release. And the reference is: McClain, C. and J. P. Barry (2010). "Habitat heterogeneity, biogenic disturbance, and resource…
Craig McClain--scibling, intrepid deep sea explorer, and all around cool guy over at Deep Sea News has provided a great reminder of how vast oceans are... Randomly place a point on our planet and it would be deep sea. In our daily activities so far removed from this environment, we begin to think…
Last night, Craig McClain of Deep Sea News visited us in North Carolina for fun with Bora, Anna, Abel Pharmboy, and me. Craig also loves marine inverts so we had lots to discuss. More evidence NC is where the SciBlings are!