
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

January 10, 2011
There really aren't that many computer ads. Lately, they suck. Annoying Computer Ad I: Apple iPad. Not as annoying as other pad ads (maxiPads, etc) and Huxley likes to dance to the music (the tune that goes like this: da da da da da da da da da, you know the one), but... This ad shows a hand…
January 9, 2011
UPDATE: The wine-based linux Kindle Cloud Reader file that I used to have is now no longer current, and I don't have the newer file. However, if you want to read Kindle material on your Linux computer, the browser-based Kindle Cloud Reader is better. Use that! And it is time. The Kindle Reader…
January 9, 2011
A few new bits of information mainly from CNN: Giffords is able to respond to "simple commands" which causes "cautious optimism" among the Neurosurgeons. Giffords is the only person remaining of the wounded to remain in critical condition. Three are in serious condition, six fair, one released.…
January 9, 2011
Given the clear connection between Michele Bachmann's call to arms, Sarah Palin's hit list, Sharon Angle's suggestion that it is a good idea to shoot your opponent to death if you lose an election, and so on, with the Tucson Massacre, it might be a good idea to make that kind of hate-mongering…
January 9, 2011
I wish this was a joke, but Fred Phelps is only one notch to the right of the next guy, and that guy is only one notch to the right of the next guy, and so on. And, by "to the right" I do mean more insane. As Miss Jean Brodie would say, "That does signify, bitches." Well, she never said it…
January 9, 2011
She can be heard screaming "Not Obama, Not Obama, Help us Jesus." ... or at least it is so reported.
January 9, 2011
The racist tirade, which shockingly invokes the words of Margaret Meade, starts around six minutes into this violence inciting speech by a talk show host I'd never heard of before.
January 8, 2011
... and live next to Michele "armed and dangerious" Bachmann's district ... Ostracize Josh A man from Rogers, Minnesota...a small town in the Sixth Congressional District represented by Michele Bachmann...went through the trouble of strapping on his Glock .40 caliber handgun and dropping his Kel…
January 8, 2011
I recommend that instead, Sarah Palin shuts the fuck up. See also this post.
January 8, 2011
UPDATE (7:50pm Central): There has been a lot of confusion in details, partly because of the usual blinding incompetence of anyone major news networks deem worthy of putting in front of a camera, partly because the press conference at a hospital will not cover information about those transported…
January 7, 2011
I don't often point people to online game-like interactive thingies, but this one has my endorsement. Give yourself a few minutes to watch the process. It can be gruesome: Personas is a component of the Metropath(ologies) exhibit, recently on display at the MIT Museum by the Sociable Media Group…
January 7, 2011
Over the last few days, there have been several reports of mass die-offs of birds, and one report of a fish die-off. These events have been linked, via suggestion but not evidence, to hail, lightning, fireworks, aircraft, aliens, each other, poison gases, and even pockets of oxygen free air. Many…
January 7, 2011
The local station ran a "good question" piece (where they address some question they deem as good) to ask: "Is it OK to edit a classic" but they really were speaking of "is it OK to take the N-word out of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (and, as one proposal goes, replace it with the word "…
January 6, 2011
It is difficult to imagine how point mutations, a large number of which are neutral, a certain number of which are deleterious, and a tiny number of which are fitness-enhancing, can add up to the sorts of evolutionary diversity and adaptive elegance we see in real life. However, there are only two…
January 6, 2011
This was just across the river from me: It looks like this may have stopped a local crime wave of armed robberies in the area. More inf here. In contrast, when this couple was burglarized, there was nothing they could have done to stop it: A 28-year-old man is facing burglary charges after…
January 5, 2011
The latest from the National Institute of Aerospace:
January 5, 2011
Statistics and various studies show that yes, it might, but they also show that having a gun in the home is also potentially very dangerous, so the net aggregate outcome (and economists have strong armed us into thinking that net aggregate outcomes are the only criteria that are acceptable, bless…
January 4, 2011
Ken Miller and Henry Morris answer questions from the audience. Since these videos are scattered across the blog, I'll put them all here. The final one is at the bottom. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Thanks to the NCSE
January 4, 2011
For purely demographic reasons, more Californians read this blog than people from any other US state (with New York a close second). So I know that it will matter at least a little bit if I endorse my friend, Miles Kurland for member of the California Democratic Party Central Committee. This is…
January 4, 2011
In the renowned yet obscure documentary, "Dead Birds," watchful men in a traditional community in Highland Papua New Guinea use the sudden flight of birds as a clue to the possible encroachment of a hidden enemy bent on blood revenge. In mines, canaries signal air too poisoned to breath by dying…
January 4, 2011
Enjoy this recent post on "How does one prove astrology?" ...The meat of Curtis' comment appears to be a way to test astrology, or at least one aspect of it. My problem with the suggestion is the same that I've had with the concept of astrology as a whole -- it depends on a foundation that is…
January 4, 2011
Don't sleep with feminists. And if you do, have a backup plan.
January 4, 2011
I went out with a friend. We were both between relationships, and we both knew somehow that this was a date though it was never called a date. And we had a perfectly good time: Good food, good conversation, good drinks. She drove. When it came time to go home, she drove me to my house in my…
January 3, 2011
The Podcast from last Sunday's show is now on line. Go here and find "download now" and click that.
January 3, 2011
According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, the developers building the new Noah's Ark museum in Kentucky are asking for the gummit to build 'em a road to the place. The State Transportation Cabinet, as they call it there, is officially stating that no commitments have been made, which I'm sure…
January 3, 2011
The other day, a science teacher remarked that a student who had previously declared herself to be a creationist, and who's parents had previously expressed concern over the teaching of evolution, was suddenly all talky-talky and engaging the teacher in more or less polite and friendly discussion…
January 3, 2011
A discussion of misconceptions in evolution ... about missing links, or great chains of being, or teleology (the idea that evolution is goal-directed) has got to be the most fun you can have with your pants on. Pursuant to this, let's sharpen and clarify our evolutionary theory mojo by considering…
January 2, 2011
Should the Skepchicks start reproducing as soon, and as quickly, as possible? I say yes. What do you think? Thank you Diandra for making the link between the current Republican effort to "democratize" science and Arnie Proxmire and his Golden Fleece award. You are absolutely correct.
January 2, 2011
My first bird of 2011 was a crow, so I'll move right along to my second bird which was a hawk, presumably a red tail. That does not count birds I could hear but not see. Register your first bird here at 104Birds. Is there a sustainable aquaculture? Maybe. It might involve Vietnamese catfish.…
January 2, 2011
But that isn't always how it goes. On today's radio show, Steve Borsch was talking about the way in which social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is playing out -- as an extension of social interaction more than as a new form of shopping mall or marketing environment -- and an observation I…