
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

March 14, 2014
Warning, rapey themes and strong language, go away if you can't handle that. Which is worse, rape threats or lightening up about rape threats? Since I hardly ever get rape threats and the ones I get are absurd, it is not really for me to say. The question here, is what does a woman who is active…
March 13, 2014
Peter Sinclair has tackled this difficult topic with an excellent video and informative blog post. The blog post is here, and I've pasted the video below. This is a complicated issue. The water problem in California is obviously made worse by increased demands from population growth and…
March 12, 2014
We are reaching the point where Arctic Sea ice tends to max out, in terms of extent (I will not be talking about volume here, though that is vitally important). Using data provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center, I ran an informal "Science by Spreadsheet" analysis and came up with a…
March 12, 2014
Daphne Wysham and Daniel Weiss interviewed on Real News about the event of two nights ago.
March 11, 2014
On March 11th, 2011, a large earthquake caused a large tsunami in Japan, and the two historic events wrecked the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The power plant had six boiling water reactors of the kind used around the world in many nuclear power plants. Three of the six reactors suffered…
March 11, 2014
This is nice. Karl Eccleston and Fiona Pepper are amazingly good actors. The writing is excellent as is the directing. The subtext. THE SUBTEXT IS BRILLIANT. When I was living with the Efe Pygmies in the Ituri Forest, they would imitate French and English speakers while ranting about specific…
March 10, 2014
A bunch (maybe 30 or more) of US Senators are going to talk all night tonight about climate change. This will happen on the Senate floor. So far all or most of them are Democrats. Here is a list of who is doing it, with their twitter handle. Also on the list is who is not doing it. And, there…
March 10, 2014
If you missed the first (or later any) episode of Cosmos 2014, you can get it on Amazon Prime streaming (for a fee). It's worth it. Here are a few comments I jotted down (then lightly edited) while watching the first episode. Neil does have his own spaceship, like Carl did. That's important…
March 10, 2014
Neil DeGrasse Tyson on CNN: And while we are on the topic, Carl Sagan, of the original Cosmos, on climate change: See also this from Chris Mooney at Mother Jones. And just for the heck of it, here's my interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson from 2011.
March 7, 2014
Washington, DC - During a press conference today, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), announced the members of a newly formed Senate Climate Action Task Force and discussed their plans to take action on climate…
March 7, 2014
Imagine that there is a trait observed among people that seems to occur more frequently in some families and not others. One might suspect that the trait is inherited genetically. Imagine researchers looking for the genetic underpinning of this trait and at first, not finding it. What might you…
March 6, 2014
Third warmest in Alaska since records began. Hot in China. Also, we may have a nut shortage. Video from WeatherNation:
March 6, 2014
Yes. Not only that, but we can't separate climate change from any single weather event that ever happens, anywhere, no matter what. So just stop saying that we can't. Here's a thought experiment to explain why this is true. Imagine that climate science is like it is today with a few significant…
March 5, 2014
I have four things for you, two of which you already know about and one that is brand new and very exciting. You already know that Skeptical Science is a web site that addresses most, perhaps all, of the questions that people raise about climate science. These questions might come from your Uncle…
March 4, 2014
Who What When Where Nic Lewis, an unaffiliated self described climate scientist, and a journalist, Marcel Crok, also unaffiliated, are known climate science denialists. The two of them have an objection to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conclusions regarding an important thing…
March 4, 2014
Very nice piece on MSNBC's The Reid Report. Spread this around. Nice job, Michael Mann and Bill Nye.
March 4, 2014
There are few different, related, ways in which climate change, including anthropogenic global warming, can cause extreme weather events. One is that climate zones move. This may result in "normal" weather for a different location occurring elsewhere. For example, if southern warm air system…
March 2, 2014
Thank you, that is all.
March 1, 2014
Nice coverage of climate change that is NOT A "DEBATE" ASSUMING SOME KIND OF DUMB FALSE BALANCE. Way to go, MSNBC. Thank you. Summer weather in Sochi, a record-drought in California and a polar vortex. The evidence for climate change is all around us. Bill Nye and Jeffrey Sachs talk about the…
March 1, 2014
The following is also found HERE on the White House web site. I provide it here without comment because it speaks for itself. But if you want more, check out "Global warming action: good or bad for the poor?" by John Abraham, and "Keeping The Carbon In The Ground Elsewhere: Developing Nations"…
March 1, 2014
The 69th carnival of evolution is up at Scientific American's S.E. Gould's Lab Rat Blog. HERE.
February 28, 2014
If water had its way, this is what California would look like: Think about it for a second. Every single moment, currents of air move, slowly or rapidly, across every land surface on the planet. Anything loose gets blown slowly or rapidly, to lower places. Every now and then, in some places…
February 28, 2014
John Abraham has an interesting post up at the guardian called "Global warming action: good or bad for the poor?" It is a response to a post by a group of guys who tend to write annoying stuff about climate change (you can go to John's post for that information). Here, I want to make a brief…
February 28, 2014
I will be giving a talk in Saint Paul, at the Best Western Kelly Inn, on Evolutionary Psychology. The original plan was to get two people to debate the topic, but it was hard to find two people in town to do that. One idea was to get PZ Myers over here, and then he and I would debate the topic.…
February 28, 2014
... OK, it doesn't really make sense, but that's actually the point. I object to the radicalized stereotypes but they're British, they don't know better. Otherwise this is catchy.
February 28, 2014
Powered bikes have been around for a long time, and there are many electric bikes available now. But it seems that this new one is a significant change from prior versions. The Faraday Bike doesn't even look like it could possibly be powered. But apparently it is. The frame is, more or less, the…
February 27, 2014
The famous Polar Vortex has come and gone in North America. Then, it came back. What a jerk. As I write this the outside temperature is 13 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, and tomorrow morning’s Bus Stop Temperature promises to be about –25F windchill here in central Minnesota. Meanwhile my Twitter…
February 25, 2014
There's this new thing. has this thing that when I first heard described I didn't quite understand, and was not sure if I liked it or not, so I dug a bit deeper and it turns out I think it is cool. Here's the idea. Quarterly has assembled a bunch of people they call "Curators."…
February 25, 2014
I first interviewed Dr. Alun Hubbard on the edge of the Watson River in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland last summer. His vivid language and lucid storytelling made that video on of the most popular in the Yale Series. (see below) Both Dr. Hubbard, and my Dark Snow Project cohort, Sara Penrhyn Jones, live…