
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

October 17, 2007
tags: book review, children's questions, Father Knows Less, Wendell Jamieson Why do ships have round windows? Can a crow peck your eyes out? Why do policemen like donuts? When Wendell Jamieson's four-year-old son, Dean, began asking questions, odd questions, Jamieson was amused by them. So…
October 17, 2007
tags: moth, lined sphinx, Hyles lineata, Image of the Day Hyles lineata, the lined sphinx. (Image captured in Bozeman, Montana). Image: Martin Richard, author of Science for Kids.
October 17, 2007
tags: dancing cockatoo, streaming video Snowball is a medium sulphur crested Eleanora cockatoo and he loves to dance and sing. He loves the Back Street Boys. No one taught Snowball to dance ... he just heard this song and suddenly felt like dancing. We're all jealous because he can outdance each…
October 16, 2007
tags: bunny potheads, Image of the Day Orphaned image. [larger image]
October 16, 2007
tags: carnival of Cities, blog carnival The new edition of the Carnival of Cities is now available for you to read. This is a really interesting blog carnival where people write stories about the city they live in (where ever in the world that city might be), and it also includes essays about…
October 16, 2007
tags: birds, humor, cartoon Image: Bizarro.
October 16, 2007
tags:, blue feathers, Tyndall scattering, Rayleigh light scattering, schemochromes, white feathers A pair of hyacinthine macaws, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus. Image: The Guardian. Most avian plumage colors are the result of different types of pigments that are deposited into…
October 15, 2007
tags: Oekologie, blog carnival The tenth edition of the new blog carnival, Oekologie, is now available for your reading pleasure. There's lots more there to read than my material, so go over there and take a peek.
October 15, 2007
tags: feathers, dinosaurs, humor, cartoon En el tÃpico rito funerario del Jurásico tardÃo unos dinosaurios terópodos depositan plumas sobre el cuerpo de un compañero justo antes de la momificación. Desfortunadamente no pensaron en los paleontólogos del futuro. Image: The Scientific…
October 15, 2007
tags: mystery moth, Image of the Day Image: Karen Phillips. I am almost certain that I know what this species is, but because you enjoy naming species, I thought I'd let you have some fun with this lovely image. What species is this? Location: Moselle, Mississippi (southern Mississippi) My guess…
October 15, 2007
tags: All Women Blogging, blog carnival The most recent issue of the All Women Blogging carnival is now available. This particular blog carnival is huge so be ready to spend a fair amount of time reading their many many links.
October 15, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Male SincoraÌ Antwren, Formicivora grantsaui. Potentially a new bird species that was recently discovered in Brazil. Image: Sidnei Sampaio. [larger view]. Birds in Science When male birds know they're about to get it on,…
October 14, 2007
tags: Spoonbill Sandpiper, Eurynorhynchus pygmeus, birds, ornithology, endangered species, Image of the Day Spoonbill Sandpiper chick, Eurynorhynchus pygmeus. (Read a story about this species in tomorrow's edition of Birds in the News -- issue 101). Image: J. O'Sullivan [Wallpaper size] Thanks…
October 13, 2007
tags: turtle yoga, duck, reptiles, interspecies communication, Image of the Day Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The photographer writes: This second image (the first appeared yesterday) provides photographic proof of an instance in which a Red-eared Slider and a Mallard…
October 13, 2007
tags:, conservation, captive breeding, endangered species, reproductive success I bred parrots and other birds for zoos and for the pet trade for years before I moved to NYC. I often thought about applying my avicultural and ornithological skills and talents to propagate birds…
October 12, 2007
tags: friday ark, animal photographs, blog carnival Friday Ark, Friday Ark, it's time for this week's Friday Ark, you guys! This morning, the 160th edition of the Friday Ark was published, all so you can ease your way into the weekend by looking at cute pictures of fuzzy kittens, slobbery puppies…
October 12, 2007
tags: turtle yoga, mountain yoga pose, reptiles, interspecies communication, Image of the Day Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The photogrpaher writes: This is another in my apparently unending reports on Turtle Yoga. Hey, I'm as surprised as you are that I have more.…
October 12, 2007
For those of you who have been in grad school, or who know someone in grad school, you are acutely aware of the extreme financial burden this represents. In fact, unlike professional students, grad students often live in relative poverty for the next ten years after they are awarded their degrees…
October 12, 2007
tags: book review, science essays, technology, Present at the Future, Ira Flatow Many months ago, I was signed up for the HarperCollins email list that briefly describes their books that are hot off the presses, prior to their public release. The publisher then holds a contest where they ask you…
October 12, 2007
tags: hands, online quiz What Your Hands Say About You You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations. Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the…
October 11, 2007
Some days, I wish I was a lesbian. Yesterday evening was one of those days, in fact. So my little story started a few nights ago when I was out alone (as always), drinking a beer and checking email at a local pub when some guy starts talking to me. Um, okay, whatever. I answered him as briefly…
October 11, 2007
tags:, linguistics, evolution, irregular verbs, languages When I was an undergrad, I almost took a degree in linguistics because I was so fascinated by languages, especially by the rate and patterns of change that languages undergo. So of course, I was excited to read two…
October 11, 2007
tags: Whirlabout, grass skipper, butterfly, Polites vibex, Image of the Day Female Whirlabout, Polites vibex. Image: Biosparite. [larger view] The photographer writes: I encountered this species of grass skipper earlier this afternoon in the West 11th St. Park. It is nectaring at volunteers of…
October 10, 2007
tags:, birds, SincoraÌ Antwren, Formicivora grantsaui, ornithology, Brazil Male SincoraÌ Antwren, Formicivora grantsaui. Potentially a new bird species that was recently discovered in Brazil. Image: Sidnei Sampaio. [larger view]. In a world where many humans believe they…
October 10, 2007
tags: Painted Turtle, Red-eared Slider, reptile, Image of the Day Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The Photographer writes: But Hold On! As the camera pulls away from these two subjects it reveals three turtles are actually in attendance at this yoga session. The third…
October 10, 2007
tags: tangled bank, blog carnival Hey you guys, the blog carnival that you've all been waiting for is now available for you to read and enjoy! The 90th edition of Tangled Bank is now available so go over there and see what science-y goodness the author has been able to collect.
October 9, 2007
Image: Brent Ward; Sedgwick County Zoo. Thanks to a friend, who shall remain unnamed, it looks like I will be adding a bird to my flock, a species that I bred for many years before I left Seattle for NYC (a species that I gave up when I moved to pursue a career that seems to have gone nowhere…
October 9, 2007
tags:, elephant, Africanized honeybees, maize, Africa As humans compete with wildlife for ever smaller areas, the likelihood for conflict between them grows. Unfortunately, this is a problem for the endangered African elephants, whose love for human crops has caused grief for…
October 9, 2007
tags: Painted Turtle, Red-eared Slider, reptile, Image of the Day Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The photogrpaher writes: If you saw the Grrl Scientist's posting of "Turtle Yoga" on September 30 you might have the suspicion that this image is a setup. I assure you it…
October 9, 2007
The 33rd edition of Encephalon was just published and they included one of my essays. As you might remember, I hosted the previous edition of Encephalon so be sure to visit this issue as well!