
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

October 1, 2007
tags: raccoon, Procyon lotor, Image of the Day Central Park Raccoon, Procyon lotor. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The photographer writes; I had so much positive feedback about my images of a particular Central Park Raccoon den that I'm pretty sure many will enjoy…
October 1, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Back from the brink: The endangered Rimatara lorikeet or Kuhl's lory, Vini kuhlii, has been successfully reintroduced to Ätiu. Image: Phil Bender. Birds in Science Migrating birds, it seems, can "see" the Earth's magnetic…
September 30, 2007
tags: Painted Turtle, Red-eared Slider, reptile, Image of the Day "Very good but try harder to get your other leg off the ground and don't forget to breathe and don't strain." Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [Wallpaper size] The photographer writes: For a change here's something I can…
September 30, 2007
tags: sorting quiz, online quiz Just in time for a new term at school; it's time to get sorted into your house! The Sorting Quiz Your Result: Ravenclaw   You are smart, intelligent, and perceptive. You love information and flourish in facts. Though some Ravenclaws (like Luna) have an open mind…
September 29, 2007
tags: Smithsonian Institution, National Zoo, museum, funding crisis What's wrong with this picture: America is spending billions and billions of dollars to bomb the snot out of Iraq, but we can't even spare a fraction of that cost to fix our premier museum and zoo?? According to a news story that…
September 29, 2007
tags: white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis, birds, Image of the Day White-throated Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis, 1st winter plumage. Image: Kevin T. Karlson [larger view]. This morning, I ran into a little bird at the entrance to the library where I go every day. I was actually…
September 28, 2007
tags: mammals, dragonflies, black rhinocerus, Diceros bicornis, Image of the Day This newborn black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, at a safari park in Tel Aviv is the first to have been born in captivity in Israel in 15 years. Image: AP.
September 28, 2007
tags: sesame street, online quiz You Are Cookie Monster Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth. You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around. You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and…
September 27, 2007
tags: parrot, lories, lorikeet, loriinae, loriidae, Rimatara lorikeet, Kuhl's lory, Vini kuhlii, conservation, ornithology, South Pacific Islands Back from the brink: The endangered Rimatara lorikeet or Kuhl's lory, Vini kuhlii, has been successfully reintroduced to Ätiu. Image: Phil Bender. As…
September 27, 2007
tags: blog carnivals, medicine, all things medical The September issue of All Things Medical blog carnival is now available for you to read and enjoy. It appears that I have quite a few submissions to this blog carnival, so I think you should go over there and give them some support by poking…
September 27, 2007
tags: lepidoptera, moths, Melanchroia chephise, White-Tipped Black Geometrid, Image of the Day White-Tipped Black Geometrid, Melanchroia chephise, Houston, Texas. A diurnal moth, this one was photographed on the Katy Prairie NABA Butterfly Count about 30 miles NW of downtown Houston, Texas, on…
September 27, 2007
tags: blog carnivals, nature, science, medicine, tangled bank Good news, everyone; the 89th edition of The Tangled Bank blog carnival is now available for you to enjoy. Sorry I am late with this announcement, but you know, shit is what happens as you try to life your life.
September 27, 2007
tags:, Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, birds, evolution, social behavior, helping behavior, grandmothers Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis. Image: J. Komdeur. When talking about evolution, some people have wondered aloud about why grandmothers…
September 27, 2007
tags: book review, neuroscience, neurobiology, body maps, Sandra Blakeslee, Matthew Blakeslee As a biologist who reads both widely and deeply about a number of scientific topics, it is very rare when I read a popular book that adds depth and nuance to my understanding of a biological phenomenon,…
September 26, 2007
tags: hymenoptera, bees, Augochlora species, Metallic Green Native Bee, Image of the Day Metallic Green Native Bee, Augochlora species. This tiny and very fast-moving, alert bee is hard to photograph. I found it nectaring on Eupatorium serotinum, a/k/a late-flowering boneset, in the West 11th…
September 25, 2007
tags: book review, entomology, insects, household pests, Joshua Abarbanel, Jeff Swimmer I am dismayed to reveal that my apartment is home to uncounted numbers of freeloaders. In fact, every evening, when I turn the lights on, I witness these tiny marauders' mad dash for the cracks in the walls and…
September 25, 2007
tags: odonata, dragonflies, wandering glider, Pantala flavescens, Image of the Day Wandering glider, Pantala flavescens. Houston, Texas. Image: Biosparite [wallpaper size].
September 24, 2007
tags:, social behavior, evolution, Psittacosaurus, ornithischian dinosaur Triceratops. Image: Dinosaur Collector Triceratops are among the most recognizable dinosaurs because of their distinct appearance. They had a large and elaborate bony shield around the back of their…
September 24, 2007
tags: blog carnivals, books, book reviews The Books Carnival is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival is filled with essays about books and reading as well as lots of book reviews. You can't say that you can't think of a decent book to read after you've read through this blog carnival…
September 24, 2007
tags: blog carnivals, women bloggers, feminism The All Women Blogging Carnival is now available for you to enjoy. This is a new blog carnival for me, and it's a big one too, so this is a great opportunity to discover some interesting blogs that are new to you.
September 24, 2007
Well, I haven't forgotten about it, but I have had wifi problems over the weekend once more. In an effort to circumvent those problems, I crawled out of bed early this morning and trekked in to Lincoln Center where they have free wifi so I could work on Birds in the News for a couple hours before…
September 24, 2007
tags: symbiosis, humor, The Onion Those of you who haven't noticed this yet, The Onion has a really amusing article about symbiosis that you have got to read .. it might even make a really amusing "extra reading" for the classroom! Devouring horsefly larvae embedded in her 3,000-pound partner's…
September 24, 2007
tags:, velociraptor, Dromaeosauridae, dinosaur, feathers, paleontology, evolution Velociraptor skull. Velociraptors were small dinosaurs, weighing only about 15kg and approximnately 1.5m long. Image: M. Elison, AMNH. [larger view] According to a research paper that was…
September 24, 2007
tags: encephalon, brain, behavior, cognition, neurobiology, blog carnival The last frontier: The brain. Orphaned Image. Contact me so I can provide credit and linkage. Several months ago, I was invited to host Encephalon, probably because I send so many submissions to this blog carnival and…
September 21, 2007
It is important to me to be included in the book, OpenLab 2007. So I am asking you to help me write a kick-ass essay that will be good enough for this little book. The only reason (I think) that I was included in the inagural edition of this book was because the editor was a great fan of one essay…
September 21, 2007
tags: gender issues, gender disparity, blogosphere, science blogs, life science blogs PZ asked his students these questions on an exam that he was recently writing; 14. Hey! Have you noticed the lack of women scientists so far? Briefly speculate about why they're missing. 15 (2 pts extra credit).…
September 21, 2007
tags: health insurance, medicine, Families USA report, medicaid I haven't had health insurance since the middle of 2004. Since 2004, I have held numerous part-time temporary positions, and I was employed for one full year as a full-time professor of anatomy & physiology at a local university,…
September 21, 2007
tags: birds, Moluccan Red Lories, Eos bornea rothschildi, Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeets, Trichoglossus haematodus haematodus, Seram, Indonesia, Image of the Day A pair of Moluccan Red Lories, Eos bornea rothschildi (upper right and lower left (upside down)), and a pair of Rainbow Lorikeet,…
September 21, 2007
tags: blog carnivals, Friday Ark, animal images This week's edition of the Friday Ark is now available. This is a linkfest that focuses on sharing animal images with the public, so if you are in the mood to look at animal pictures (some accompanied by essays), this is the place to go!
September 21, 2007
Just for all my bird-loving pals, the 58th edition of I and the Bird blog carnival is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival was written as a conversation between the author and Doctor Who. Who? As usual, there are plenty of birdalicious links for you to explore, so be sure to pop in…