
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

September 6, 2007
I thought I would feel better today, but instead, I feel worse. I am worried that this illness (I think it is bronchitis) will require medical intervention. Which means more unpaid hospital ER bills. But I am at the library today where I have access to a free, and very stable wifi connection, so I…
September 6, 2007
tags: Pale Male, NYC red=tailed hawk, Image of the Day The photographer writes: I caught the world famous celebrity Red-tailed Hawk Pale Male in a patriotic mood on one of his favorite perches atop the flagpole at the Castle in Central Park. No doubt he was getting into the spirit of this holiday…
September 5, 2007
I am still ill, and I have been going through an incredibly rough time these past few days, but things are getting better now. I will be back tomorrow, ready to tell you lots of science stories, so be looking for me then! Until then, take care of yourselves and give those whom you love an extra…
September 5, 2007
tags: female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia, Image of the Day Female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia. Image: Dave Rintoul. [larger].
September 4, 2007
tags: female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia, Image of the Day Female Regal Fritillary, Speyeria idalia. Image: Dave Rintoul. [larger]. The photographer writes: I was out on the Konza yesterday and captured some more images that your readers might appreciate. This is a female Regal Fritillary…
September 4, 2007
tags: cats, kittens, blog carnivals There are a couple cat-oriented carnivasls available for you to enjoy. The first one is the 180th edition of The Carnival of Cats. The other one is a relatively new one, Bad Kitty Cat Chaos, which was having issues being published due to power outages over the…
September 4, 2007
I am ill and have been so for a couple days now, so I won't be writing as much as I usually do until I start feeling better. This is mainly because I don't feel well enough to make my usual trek to the library, and I lack a stable wifi connection from my apartment. I am sorry about this, but I did…
September 3, 2007
tags: books, writing, blog carnivals For those of you who love to read, the 3 September edition of the Carnival for Literary Junkies is now available. This carnival includes book reviews, literary criticism and some writing as well. It's a nice way to wrap up your farewell to summer.
September 3, 2007
tags: giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Image of the Day The giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is not at an "evolutionary dead-end", according to new research. Previous studies suggested that the bears' isolation, unusual dietary requirements and slow reproductive rates had led to a lack of…
September 3, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Among the animals Darwin spotted on the Galapagos Islands were the blue-footed boobies, Sula nebouxii excisa. The males show off their blue feet to potential mates with high-stepping dances. Image: Stephen C. Quinn, AMNH. […
September 2, 2007
tags:, bipolar disorder, manic-depressive illness, mental health, research Those of you who suffer from bipolar disorder, as I do, will be pleased to learn that some novel treatments are being developed for this illness, thanks to research combined with careful observations…
September 2, 2007
tags: NASA, STEREO spacecraft, Sun NASA just released a streaming video of the Sun, captured by the twin STEREO spacecraft. The video, in Quicktime format, features 2.5 days of the Sun, and shows it slowly rotating, with solar prominences blasting out into space. The series of images were captured…
September 2, 2007
tags: politics, blog carnivals The September 2, 2007 edition of The Carnival of Political Punditry is now available. They included a contribution from me, so be sure to go there and check it out.
September 2, 2007
tags: Carolina Sphinx Moth, Tobacco Hornworm Moth, Manducca sexta, Image of the Day Manducca sexta, or the Carolina Sphinx Moth. The larva, is known as the tobacco hornworm, or tomato worm. It has seven diagonal white lines on each side, and a red "horn" at the end of the abdomen. It feeds on…
September 2, 2007
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video This is a delightful streaming video of cats and kittens being .. themselves. Music is by Bjork, "It's Oh So Quiet". [3:36]
September 2, 2007
tags: insanity, blog carnivals The Labor Day edition of The Carnival of the Insanities is now ready for you to enjoy. This carnival highlights the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for you to read about.
September 1, 2007
tags: cancer, smokers, pets Maybe this will surprise you but, having worked in cancer research for a few years, it isn't surprising to me to learn that secondhand smoke can cause cancer in your pets as well as in people. I mean, this just makes sense, ya know? However, according to a study study…
September 1, 2007
tags: raccoon, Procyon lotor, Image of the Day Central Park raccoon, Procyon lotor. I dipped inside my almost-too-cute-for-words file to present you with this image of a critter I found foraging with its Mother and sibling in Central Park's Ramble one evening. I bet you find it as irresistible as…
September 1, 2007
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video This video shows "box kitten" finally climbing out of her box. By the way, all kittens found a home in the photographer's neighborhood. Two of them live together with one family and the other three have a family each to themselves. They live happily ever after…
September 1, 2007
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video A delightful streaming video of kittens playing around and in a box. Music called "Sister Jack" by Spoon. The kitten in the background wants to get back in the box soooo bad. But this kitten took over. How did that kitten get out of the box? I'll post that video…
September 1, 2007
tags: invertebrates, blog carnivals The latest issue of The Circus of the Spineless is now available for your reading pleasure. This blog carnival focuses on linking to essays and images that feature invertebrates. Be sure to go there and see what they have collected for you to enjoy!
August 31, 2007
tags: books, linguistics,Steven Pinker "Cathartic swearing," is analogous to the earsplitting shrieks of rats, cats, and monkeys, and is part of a primal, embedded rage circuit, and likely evolved to startle and unnerve an attacker, according to Steven Pinker. Pinker is a professor of psychology at…
August 31, 2007
tags: mystery image, Image of the Day Whose eyes were glowing beneath the Hostas? They belonged to a juvenile calico cat. Later on I caught another glimpse of this same kitty with its jet black sibling and mother. Over the past few years I have seen a total of four feral cats in the area of…
August 31, 2007
tags: spider, giant spider web,arachnid, social behavior Lake Tawokoni State Park rangers (l-r) Mike McCord and Freddie Gowin continue to monitor a giant communal spider web at the park Tuesday, August 29, 2007. Officials at Lake Tawokoni State Park have been watching the growth of a giant…
August 31, 2007
tags: feminist, online quiz You Are 93% Feminist You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man). You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action. Are You a…
August 31, 2007
tags:, splendid fairy-wren, Malurus splendens,sexual dichromatism, evolution, behavior, promiscuity, social monogamy Male splendid fairy-wren, Malurus splendens. Image: Pete Morris ( [screensaver size] Everyone is familiar with sexual dichromatism in birds;…
August 30, 2007
tags: Lab 257, Plum Island,animal disease research, USDA, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, Dutch duck plague After the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK was shown to be the result this virus's escape from one of two nearby research labs, I thought it was timely to review a book that…
August 30, 2007
tags: mystery image, Image of the Day Photographic proof of the existence of the "Ghost of Central Park's Shakespeare Garden" is available for the first time. It's existence was news to me. Having never heard a rumor that the place was haunted I was doubly shocked to have stumbled on the…
August 30, 2007
tags: science, nature, medicine, Tangled Bank, blog carnivals The 87th edition of The Tangled Bank is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival is the original blog carnival that focuses on science, nature and medicine and it links to a variety of contributions that you will want to read.
August 29, 2007
tags: Australia, blog carnivals The August 29th edition of the Carnival of Australia is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival covers all aspects of Australian life, from environment to indigenous issues, from culture to technology. Be sure to go there and give them some support by…