Eating Sb Pi

Jane over at Ethics and Science tags the New Kids on the block with a Neighbourhood Pi mem

We obey, and please mam, may we have some more?

3 reasons you blog about science:

  1. I know some.
  2. I like it.
  3. I think it is important.

Point at which you would stop blogging:
Real life catches up with me.

1 thing you frequently blog besides science:
NASA politics

4 words that describe your blogging style:

  1. Rambling
  2. Cryptic
  3. Occasionally strident
  4. Casual

1 aspect of blogging you find difficult:
Keeping current with what is interesting.

5 ScienceBlogs blogs that are new to you:

  1. Framing Science
  2. The Loom
  3. Retrospectacle
  4. Pure Pedantry
  5. Terra Sigillata

9 blogs you read outside the ScienceBlogs universe:

  1. Cosmic Variance
  2. Bérubé
  3. Making Light
  4. The Angry Professor
  5. Contrary Brin
  6. Quantum Pontiff
  7. Green Gabbro
  8. Firedoglake
  9. Nuclear Mangos

2 important features of your blogging environment:

  1. iPod.
  2. Powerbook

6 items you would bring to a meet-up with the other ScienceBloggers:

  1. Black T-shirt.
  2. Family.
  3. Brennivín
  4. Powerbook.
  5. Notebook and pen.
  6. Credit card.

5 conversations you would have before the end of that meet-up:

  1. With Chad: about science fiction in the nineties.
  2. With RPM: about anonymity.
  3. With Mark: about kids nowadays and math education.
  4. With William: about pubs in Cambridge.
  5. With Jane: about the ethics of chain letters.

Consider yourself tagged!


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