Good start on Global Warming

John Edwards Identifies Global Warming as a Priority in His Presidential Campaign:

John Edwards has clearly made global warming a prominent part of his campaign at least at this early stage and has met one of the criteria (#2) that I identified. By including it as one of the issues he has chosen to highlight in his announcement for president, he is saying to voters that he takes the issue seriously and is implicitly promising to take action if he is elected. By my criteria John Edward's campaign is off to a good start on global warming. I hope he continues to talk about global warming at his events throughout the campaign.

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Hi all: Just please remmber one thing that LIBERALS in this country will never get it right they can't because their on the LEFT, and never on the RIGHT! I am from New Jersey Big LIBERAL state with a Tax & Spend LIBERAL Govner. I was at work the other day and talking with my LIBERAL friends,(by the way no one in the room voted for that tax & spend LIBERAL GOV. yah OK rigth) about Iraq. When the talk about Iraq starts Libs go right to how these dump stupid military men and women that have been injured in battle want to go back to Iraq after they heel. About 5 or 6 libs in the room and little old me. I said that these Heros Magnificent Unselfish men and women just want to go and keep their friends safe, and keep this country safe and secure from attacks on this country. Patroitism, Honor, Love of Country, All OF THEM MAGNIFICENT HEROS. Each Lib in the room when this was said started saying we don't understand what your talking about, we can't understand what it is that you mean. And I said, no you don't and You Never will understand you have never had to make a sacrifice for FREEDOM. They have and you never will understand what "FREEDOM ISN'T FREE" MEANS. One BY One they left that room they left me alone smiling. Don't ever think that a LIBERAL will ever get it right their on the LEFT and they do not LIKE the country that they live IN. The Hate America Croud. - Bill

By Bill Schmidt (not verified) on 29 Dec 2006 #permalink