The Eight Random Facts Meme

I got tagged by Steve Poceta -(if you are more interested in sleep disorders than circadian clocks in funny animals, his blog is more interesting to you than mine) to participate in the Eight Random Facts Meme. Here are the rules:

1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.

2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.

3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been

So, here are the eight random, late-night-after-a-busy-day-and-a-strong-beer facts about me:

1. I used to wear a goatee. When I arrived in the USA, I was told a few times I looked like Jesus Christ, so I shaved it off before getting all the new documents.

2. I just traded in a clunky old Ford Winstar for a nice Toyota Corolla earlier today.

3. I used to translate Disney comic strips (yup, Mickey, Donald etc.) from English into Serbo-Croatian. Not a well-paying job, but certainly fun!

4. I have no tattoos, never wanted one, and probably will never get one.

5. My favourite city in the world is Stockholm - I wish it was more South....I was there during the record-breaking heat of summer 1990. My best friend from middle school lives there.

6. Once I played guitar for 12 hours straight (4pm - 4am) without a break and without repeating a single song. It was on a camping trip with a bunch of aikido folks who knew how to massage my wrists to keep them working through the night. They also helped with some of the lyrics.

7. The name of my second horse was the Hebrew translation of the Serbian name of my first horse (the first was Meraklija, the second was Kefli - both mean something like "a person who really knows how to enjoy life"). The two were half-brothers and I bought the second horse one day after he was born (and paid when he was six months old and ready to be weaned and shipped away).

8. The first and only pet I had as a child was a little turtle named Eschillus. Now my mother realizes I finally achieved my biggest goal in life: a house full of animals.

People I tag:


Update: Laelaps, Zuska and Orli have responded so far. And Jenna. And Archy. And Karen.

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Um. I have a sleep disorder, circadian, about which I've read a lot. I've learned a lot from your old blog and this one. I cannot agree with your assessment that "if you are more interested in sleep disorders than circadian clocks in funny animals, his blog is more interesting to you than mine". Poceta's blog is quite popularized and doesn't tell me anything new. It depends upon what one is looking for, of course. (Framing?)

eustazio: Absolutely. A Beatles series for at least an hour.