Winter is coming - Sunflower

Yugoslavs will start crying now:


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Prvi sneg

Sad kad sam dosla
iz daleka
pruzi mi ruke
reci da me cekas
Dolaze teska, teska vremena
ti znas,

Dolazi zima, duga i hladna
zatvori vrata, upali vatru
Pada prvi sneg.

Dolaze dani
ledenih kisa
necije lice
gubi se u magli
Dolaze ona nasa cutanja
ti znas,

Dolazi zima, duga i hladna
zatvori vrata, upali vatru
Pada prvi sneg.

Niz gusto polje
u mracna jutra
moje hladne ruke
dugo ce da te traze
Ako me volis ostaces uz mene
ti znas,

Dolazi zima, duga i hladna
zatvori vrata, upali vatru
Pada prvi, pada prvi sneg.

Band: Suncokret (Sunflower)
Title: First Snow

Now that I came from afar
give me your hands
tell me you are waiting for me
Hard, hard times are coming
and you know...

Winter is coming
long and cold
close the door
light the fire
the first snow is falling.

Days are coming
of icy rains
someone's face
disappearing in the fog
those long silences of ours are coming
you know...

Winter is coming...

Through the dense meadow
in dark mornings
my cold hands
will long look for you
if you love me
you will stay next to me
you know...

Winter is coming...