Obligatory Readings of the Day

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Jack Balkin of the Yale Law School keeps a terrific blog that I link to and read often. On his blog today, he includes a reposting of a message he sent to a constitutional law listserv concerning Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his concept of originalism. The listserv thread concerned an…
Jack Balkin has a couple of fascinating essays on how easily originalism is used to justify a particular result, an argument I have long made myself. I'm not an enemy of originalism, nor am I a "living constitutionalist", and I think that both original intent and original understanding or original…
Mythbusting Canadian Healthcare, Part II: Debunking the Free Marketeers by Sara Robinson Scientific Careerism 101: Yes, grad students and postdocs it IS your fault by DrugMonkey The project of being a grown-up scientist (part 2) by Janet D. Stemwedel The Well Dressed Professor... by Thomas Levenson…
The Boston Globe had an article written by Dave Denison about judicial activism on Sunday. The results were mixed. On the one hand, Denison does a fine job of illustrating what I have said previously (here and here, among other essays), that claims of "judicial activism" rarely have any objective…

PhysioProf was doing nothing more than name calling. It is laughable that anyone could write that conservatives want to strip away freedom and liberty from people and give it to the government. That conveniently ignores that liberals want to do precisely that when it comes to the freedom to bear arms and it also ignores that liberals want to strip away the gith to private property as is evidenced by the Kelo decision.

BS. Liberals are if anything more vocal than conservatives against Kelo decisions. And they (except for some Bambi extremists who have no voice in the Democratic party) not against the right to bear arms - total GOP talking points intended to scare the folks into voting against their interests.

It is the GOP who is spying on citizens and peering into bedrooms and wasting all the money on the military actions - which is government.

If liberals are so opposed to the Kelo decision, why did every single Democratically appointed justice vote for the Kelo decision? And why have the Democratic candidates promised to nominate juistices who are just like the justices who decided Kelo?

If it is only a talking point, why has Obama voted to ban handguns and voted to punish people who prevent assaults and home invasions if the people use a handgun?

Because those so-called Democrats are not liberals? I know in your world everyone to the left of Ghengis Khan is the scary "liberal", but there is a lot of difference and liberal blogs are primarily worried about non-liberalness of some Democrats in power. You need to get the nuance: who is who, i.e., the difference between the Dem party which is right of center and the ordinary Americans (except for the 20% of so of reactionaries, neo-Nazis and other mouthbreathers who align themselves with the extreme-Right GOP) are actually Left of center.