Meet me in London

If you live in the UK and would like to meet me on April 9th, go here to organize - add a comment with your preferences of place/time/menu/events....

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My spring traveling schedule has now crystallized. This is my schedule - if you are in any of those places at just the right time, let me know and let's meet. I'll be arriving in London on April 9 early in the morning. I'd like to have a huge bloggers' meetup that first night, if possible, as I…
This Monday, Elizabeth Edwards will be reading from and signing her book Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength from Friends and Strangers at two places in the Triangle: The Law School Rotunda, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina (sponsored by Bull's Head…
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I think Matt Brown has decided on a place, but I don't know yet. Watch this space (as well as Matt's).